My Life Part 1: Rebel Without A Clue

Okay, if you want to know a little more about me, you can check out this brief group of photos that pretty much sum up my life in a few dozen photos. Some areas of my life will have more than one pic, but thats because I think that there are periods in my life that have a more life changing events than others. So hang on, this is liable to be ungodly boring. One thing that you'll probably notice is that I've went from skinny-to-fat and back again more times than Oprah, but hey, I think that I'm pretty well regulated now.

Here is an early photo of my mom and dad. I'm not sure how old they were here, but I don't think that was around yet.

Newspaper clippings announcing both my parents' wedding and my birth. And yes, the marriage was first....

When I was really little, the Greenwood family used to do alot of things together. The photo above shows my mom holding me when we went on a family outing. Some of my fondest childhood memories are fishing at the river or sledding with the family. Here my mom holds me under a tree. Notice the terrorist/bank robber mask that most of the kids were wearing. Spurring the question: Were our faces appearing on milk cartons in that time period?

Another picture from when I was a little critter. This one is a snapshot of me at my Grandma Boyd's house. Apparently I was playing in the corner with a big butcher knife and someone thought that it was so cute that they had to capture it all on film.

Another pic of me taken at my Grandma Boyd's house. I'm not positive, but I think I'm doing an early impression of Gene Simmons in this photo. Boy, I could slick my eyebrows down with that thing way back then!

Here I am with my Grandpa Greenwood around age four. He was showing me the proper way to shoot a gun. This was a skill which I used later in life to do such fun things as shoot my friends, the neighbors lights, glass jars in the driveway, etc. Yessiree, the good old bb-gun allowed me to cause a helluva lot of mischief as a child.

Since I was an only child, the dog pictured above was my best friend in the entire world for many years. This Russian Wolfhound named Bruno, was always at my side growing up. One day I'm going to buy another me. It was a great dog and a loyal companion.

Here I am at about the age of seven again. This time I'm standing outside with my Grandma Boyd. It was about this time that my bizarre infatuation with primates began. Notice the super-cool gorilla mask that I was wearing. It was awesome!! I remember wearing it all the time! It had a hinged jaw that would move when you talked.

When we kids were bad, our parents used to make us sit on piles of bricks for extended periods of time! Okay, not really! This was my seventh birthday party. Notice how all of the kids were playing on a dangerous pile of bricks. That could never happen today. Not without wearing helmets, knee pads and perhaps some safety harnesses.

I am the little geek in the red and yellow shirt on the top right.

Top Row (L-R): Rodney Greenwood, Wesley Greenwood, Chris Griffey(?), Amy Umfried, Jeff Walker, Tony Coleman, Mystery Kid, Me.

Second Row: Jimmy Greenwood

Third Row (L-R); Justin Fleener, Bobby McKneely, Mystery Kid #2, Jason Smith.

Bottom Row (L-R): Jared Fleener, Jancie Kuenstler, Trisha Kuenstler (being held).

This unlicensed photo, circa 1977 illustrates the daring rescue that I attempted when my mother was kidnapped by the evil lord of the empire, Darth Vader.

My infamous 4th grade school photo where I styled my hair after Count Dracula. If memory serves my right, I believe that my mom was quite upset about this one.....

Around the age of 12 or so, my mom got remarried to Jerry Foster. Little did we know that some really rough times were ahead because Jerry and I just couldn't get along back then.

Here is a photo of me and my Step-Dad, Jerry when I was around 13 years old. A lot of people thought that Jerry looked like Santa Claus, but I never really saw it.

About this time, my Dad wised up and married my Step-Mom Pat. They account for two of my three brothers. Dad must have finally found the right one because he had more than one kid this time.

This is how I spent the entire summer of 1986! Lessons learned:
  • Drive slow on country roads, especially near the crest of hills.

  • My Dad still loved me even though the wreck had him tied up in a lawsuit.

  • Never ram into a big-ass tree with a little bitty car.

Ah, the little heathen years. My heathen years took place between 1985 and 1987. The introduction of Wendy into my life seems to be what slowly led me out of my troubled teens.

This was the second art contest that I had ever won, but ask me if I even remember doing it. At all.....

Jump forward to the age of eighteen. My and my best friend Chuck (bottom photo in the red shirt) had just enlisted in the Marine Corps. This shot is from our going away party. The attendees were:

Front Row (L -R): Virgil Brown, Doug Sons, Chris Kessel

Second Row (L-R): Kris Eastin, Larry Eastin, Wendy (my wife), me Chuck Lewis, Stacia Coggin

Back Row (L-R): Everett Young, Michelle Hawkins, and Berville Clark

Awwwww wook at the wittle snuggling kids in wuv!!! Damn I was such a freak!! What the heck was she thinking? It was probably something like "Ha! This one's mind is weak! Soon I shall rule his world!!! Bwahahahaha!!!" Okay, probably not......

Look! Another shot of that normal girl from down the street who's dating that circus freak!

Dig the Swatch and all of those kick ass rings. Oh Yeah, I was coolness incarnate back in 88. People would see me and be like, "OOOhhh, don't mess with him, he has more than one watch and a buncha' bracelets!" Ha ha.

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