2006 - The Year In Review

Monday January 30, 2006

Sorry Jesus, my bad.

Karma came and smacked me right in the face today, reminding me that perhaps it's not a good idea to poke fun at religion. You see, today I kind of delved into an area that may be sensitive to religious folk. I questioned Sioux why we call "Good Friday" good, since it was such a tragic day for Jesus. I never meant for it to be insulting, but once I thought that I touched a nerve, I just HAD to go and play it up.

God knows all, and I'm sure that he knows that I wasn't being intentionally blasphemous. But God did smack me down a notch or two with a divine warning.

When I got home from work, I intended on doing some routine maintenance to this site. As soon as I fired up the old G4, I was greeted by the ol' "missing disk" icon. This is typically a BAD sign for a Mac user. It just might mean the loss of all of your data forever.

I began to sweat as the thought of five years of files, digital photos, freelance jobs, and this webpage would be gone in the blink of an eye. Luckilly, that amazing Doctor Norton was able to recover the disk after a few hours of nervous sweating on my part.

Was it really Jesus that made my ever faithful Mac crash? I don't know. Did I learn a lesson about poking fun at religion? Hell yes!

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Monday January 30, 2006

Derek goes anal.

My god! How anal have I become? Everyone has always told me that I am too anal when it comes to my work, but I have always laughed it off. There was an incident a few years back when I got pissy with two co-workers about hand trimming paper butterflies for a work project. They never really let me forget it because it tends to be a sort of inside joke now whenever I ask for a favor. But today, my insane anal retentive nature became unnerving obvious to me when I applied some glue stick to the corner of a post-it note that was dog-eared so that it would be flat on the page.

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Thursday January 26, 2006

Profound thought.

I had a very profound thought today, that just might be he coolest (and existential) thing that I ever said!

Find a porpoise, have a friend. Make a porpoise, and you are a god.

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Wednesday January 25, 2006

Are ejukated stoodunt winz thu spelleeng b!

We're so proud of The Brat! With only an hour and a half of in-home studying, she took 3rd place in her school spelling bee. She moves on to the next level on Saturday. I don't care what people say, the words that these kids spell can be tricky. The brat missed the word entraprenuer "entrepreneur", but made it through several other tough words.

Some sample words that are on her list that either I don't recognize or can't even pronounce without struggling: jodhpur, prevaricerate, conchiform, querulous, animadversion, draegerman, trumeau.

Now go ahead and run spell check on those words! Most of them aren't even listed in the computer's dictionary. --- Sheesh!!!

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Wednesday January 25, 2006

You will never find a more wretched hive of scum or villainy.

Me: New Orleans is a city filled with sin. Sin and voodoo. Lots of voodoo.

Tim: Yeah it is.

Sioux: It's pronounced N’aarleans.

Tim: N’aarleans?

Sioux: Yeah, N’aarleans.

Tim: Like the chronicles of N’aarleans?

Me: Yeah. It's a city filled with sin!

Tim: Really?

Me: Yes.

Tim: Truly, madly, deeply?

Me: ?!..... Did you just say....?

Tim: Yes.

Me: But isn't that......?

Tim: Yes.

Me: And aren't they......?

Tim: No.

Me: So that doesn't mean that you're...?

Tim: No.

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Tuesday January 24, 2006

Quite the conversation killer.

I love to embarrass people! I pride myself on being able to give everything some sort of sick twist whenever possible. I can't help it -- it's just the way my mind works. Sometimes it's these weird little snippets of conversation that make my day. Take today for instance, when the following conversation about a weight loss contest ended abruptly.

The Deb: Wow! I can tell that you have already lost weight just by looking at you.

Me: Yeah, I think I have lost about 8 pounds so far.

The Deb: You really should have joined one of our fitness teams. You could have won the money.

Me: Nah, I'm not really into the competitive part of it. I don't want to feel pressure to lose weight.

The Deb: But you could win all of the money.

Me: Nah! I'm only losing weight to make my "thingy" look bigger.

The Deb: .......

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Monday January 23, 2006

The cosmic joke

I locked my keys in my car at work today. It was one of those instances where you immediately know that you did something wrong. As soon as I heard the door click shut, my brain told me that I screwed up. Luckily, I had just called Her Majesty a few minutes to tell her that I love her. So I guess in that respect, I picked the perfect time to lock myself out of the car. Since she had been “buttered up” so to speak, from the call, she didn't want to castrate me when I called her again.

It's no small feat to get the keys to me as it took her almost an hour to get here and unlock my doors. But accidents happens, and she knows how half of my existence is comprised of crazy accidents. Its like some sort of cosmic joke. Like God looks down upon me and snickers as I keep stumbling through life, oblivious to the forces at work around me.

Silly, you say? Well, let me give you all of the facts. Before Her Majesty came to unlock my doors, she went home to check on The Brat. She was surprised to see her sitting on our steps in the cold evening air. Apparently, she too had become locked out. Her house keys mysteriously missing. She looked all over for them but never found them. And since she is grounded from her cellphone, she had no way of getting a hold of either of us.

There was a solution however. One that she has used time and time again when incidents such as this had befallen her. The solution is the neighbor. Our next door neighbor went to school with Her Majesty and I, and just so happens to be the Principal of The Brat’s school. Her children and our daughter have been friends since they were tadpoles, but as luck would have it, our neighbor was not home.

The cosmic joke? My neighbor wasn't home because she locked her keys in her van.

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Sunday January 22, 2006

Know when to say Uncle!

It won't be long until I become an uncle for the first time. My sister-in-law (Her Majesty's sister) is expecting her first child any time now. She and her husband live half a country away in Idaho, so I will not be able to see the lil' critter when it is born. I am very excited though because the birth of a child effects everyone in a family. It won't be long until there is a new branch in the family tree. This will also be the first time that I will be an Uncle.

Uncle. What a weird word! Say it with me --- un•cle. Uncle.

It is derived from the Latin word Unn (which means “not”) and the Greek Cull (which means “chosen”.) So as an uncle, I have not been chosen to help out with the child. Uncles are supposed to be the “fun” members of the family which egg on the children to do whatever suits their fancy. Whether it be a dip in the muddy ditch, or playing with fire, it is the Uncle’s responsibility to make sure that the children continue to cause mischief as they grow. This mischief is interpreted by the uncles as “creativity “ or “free thinking.”

So maybe I just made that whole thing up........ but hey, that's what uncles are supposed to do, right?

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Thursday January 19, 2006

These shoes are made for walking.

I started walking at night again yesterday. I'm not sure how far my new path is, but I decided not to take the same route that I had taken a few years ago when I went on my "healthy lifestyle kick". If I remember correctly, I lost about 40 lbs. last time, but I went to an extreme on my diet. I couldn't eat anything. I was miserable and my rule of thumb was: If it tastes like air, you can eat all you want. If it doesn't taste like air, then don't eat it. I think I created a HUGE spike in turkey farm production that year.
This time, I have decided that I am going to continue eating what I want, when I want, but I am going to drastically ramp up my exercise.

My typical exercise routine consists of multiple high reps of pouring coffee from my thermos and then a brisk walk from my car into my front door. So to ramp it up, I am now walking around the house and into the back door when I go home. (That's increasing my distance by 300%!). Actually, I am going to try to walk 5 miles a night. It may be a high goal for starting out, but I know that I walked over 3 last night with no problem. The only issue is time. I hate walking through the day, so I usually start my walks sometime between 10 - 11 o'clock at night. It's relaxing and I enjoy it, especially since I just bought an MP3 player and have loaded it up with about a gigabyte of the Dawn and Drew Show. (If you haven't heard of them, be sure to check their podcast out. You will laugh until you can't laugh anymore. The show in a nutshell, is a man and his wife broadcasting from their living room. But beware -- The show is not for the faint of heart or the easily offended.)

So will this new fitness regime make me live forever? I doubt it. Will it make me lose some pounds? I hope so. Will it cause mass hysteria and a revolt of the people in Libya? No. But it sure as hell made my toes blister.

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Wednesday January 18, 2006

An original, yet horrible Sci-fi movie plot.

Working Title: The Clincher

An elite group of terrorists impersonate a medical staff in order to gain the foreskin of the Presidents newborn son. Their attempt to clone the President using the DNA in the son’s foreskin goes horribly awry! Within hours, it grows to enormous size and attacks Washington. With a lust for blood, the maverick tissue devours everything in its path. Ultimately, we discover that it can be destroyed using a concentrated solvent of dishwashing detergent, Starbuck’s chocolate mocha frapacino, and the powdered bones of George Peppard.

In the end the deviant foreskin is killed, and its carcass is used to shelter the city's homeless.

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Monday January 16, 2006

Some random thoughts.

Here are a couple of random thoughts that went through my head today:

1. When the Pope takes a dump, why isn't it called pontifcation?
2. If we only use 10% of our brains, just think how messed up retarded people would be if we humans used 100%.
3. If goths are so fascinated with death, then why don't more of them kill themselves?

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Saturday January 14, 2006

Getting some answers.

I'm starting to get some submitted questionnaires from the last post. Be sure to take some time and submit your own. You can heck out submitted answers to this unique questionnaire here!

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Thursday January 12, 2006

It's not your father's questionnaire.

We've all gotten those annoying emails from friends. The ones with twenty personal questions that you are supposed to answer, then forward it on to other people for their answers. Hell, I'm guilty of it too! I admit it. I've sent those lists to friends before. But how about this new twist on the old game; here is a list of answers that you need to provide the questions to. Send me the completed list and Ill post it with others on my website. Don't worry, I won't post names unless you tell me its okay!

I'm also sending this list to my update subscribers, so hopefully I will get some replies.

Here are the answers:
1. Quantum physics
2. Hamburger or chili cheese dog.
3. No. I would never do that.
4. Probably Bradley.
5. Mercury
6. Behind the building when I was younger.
7. Probably the Exorcist
8. Carrots, with cucumbers running a close second.
9. Two dogs and a hamster
10. My cousins, on my mother's side.
11. Yes, and it scarred me for life.
12. Seventeen
13. Silver
14. Yes, and even though everyone said that it would become infected, it never did.
15. The Florida Keys
16. Put it up for later.
17. Water
18.That’d be awesome!
19. No
20. Perhaps, it depends on my mood.

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Tuesday January 10, 2006

Poor English?

Nothing picks me up in the morning quite like giant bread that is enriched with sandwiches!!!!! Yummy!!!!

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Sunday January 8, 2006

Crossing the State line.

We left our home state and crossed over into Hoosier country today. We didn't really have much of a reason, other than Her Majesty and I wanted to spend some time together. So we cruised down to Evansville to do a little shopping. It's funny how shopping changes when you have a child. Before the Brat was born, we would go shopping and come back with all kinds of goodies for ourselves. But once a child is thrown into the mix, everything changes. On today's shopping spree, I got nothing. Her Majesty ended up with a new pillow. The Brat on the other hand, came out with a shirt, a dress, a hooded sweatshirt, and a magazine! Can you tell who really rules this household???

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Sunday January 8, 2006

Ummm... No thanks, I'll pass on that one.

The Brat spotted this one in Evansville Indiana.

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Saturday January 7, 2006

Till death do us part

I work with a group of very creative people. We have designers, marketers, P.R. people, a photographer, and web developers. A new position was created that oversees all of the non-commerce web development for our company. The new guy in our area (who in all actuality has been a part of the company waaaaaaaay longer than me) mentioned something about ways to become more creative. He acted as if this might be the most challenging part of being in the group.

"Being creative is easy" I told him. " Just think like you do when we make sick jokes or dirty innuendos here at work. -- Then just remove the sickness and dirtiness."

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Friday January 6, 2006

A snail tale

From the twisted mind of The Brat!

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Wednesday January 4, 2006

The Japanese infiltration.

Because I do a lot of conceptual work for my employer. I am a constant user of Google image search. The image search has become an invaluable reference tool in my arsenal of design. Using it I can sometimes find key reference material for my art or ideas. One thing has become apparent to me in the past year or so that I have been using images search, the fact that Japanese cartoons have taken over the world!!!! Yes, these seemingly harmless cartoons are like a cancerous tumor on the internet. Their numbers rise each day and encroach upon every element of the world-wide web. My proof, you ask? My proof can be found right there inside my ol' buddy Google image search!

A few months ago I started keeping a record of my Google image searches and writing down how many pages it takes before I see one of those Japanese "big eyed" cartoon characters. It just seems like they show up no matter what you are searching for!!!! Like today I did a search for "Congrats" and within 3 pages, I ran into a Japanese cartoon. Its uncanny!!!!!

Number of pages from "Google image search" before hitting a Japanese cartoon.

(Keywords are provided first, followed by the page number where a Japanese cartoon appeared)

Wondering 2
baffled 2
thinking over 15
Magic: 1
mysterious: 1
beach party: 5
moon dog: 2
Gidget: 1
Beach Boys: 9
Beach Party: 16
Beach dance: 1
Sphinx: 3
Cutter: 1
Vines: 1
white sharpie: 2
planarian: 4
Background: 4
Piracy: 6
Scary Background: 1
Hippie Art: 2
Flower Child: 3
Flower power: 1
War: 1
Congrats: 3
Ying-Yang: 1
Scarab: 3
first aid: 8
retro baby: 19
baby cartoon: 13
flash icon: 4
Cross art: 1
rugget cross: 10
baton twirling: 5
kid: 1

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Tuesday January 3, 2006

Tuesday January 3, 2006

Till death do us part

Today marks my 17th wedding anniversary. Geez, I don't really feel that old, but if you count the year that we dated, Her Majesty and I has been together the same amount of time that we haven't been!!!! How scary is that?! And they said it would never last.......sheesh!

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Monday January 2, 2006

I found the missing Links!

Because so many of you demanded it...... I have finally gotten around to posting some of the best links on the internet. Okay, so nobody really demanded it per se, but I thought that you might dig these sites. All of these sites are good sites to visit -- guaranteed!! So be sure to check 'em out.

Derek's Favorite Links

Sunday January 1, 2006

The internet is a tool of the devil!

This past year, I began keeping track of how people stumbled upon my measley little website. It's quite shocking the things that people search for, and even more alarming that my site met that search criteria. The following is a list of searches that have led people to my site. As you will notice, they are quite sporadic, and I didn't really begin checking for them regularly until November.

The information came from Statcounter, who hosts my web counter at the bottom of each page. Unfortunately, Statcounter only records the most recent 100 hits, and since I average around 1500 hits per day, I'm sure there are thousands of other strange searches that I never noticed. Regardless, enjoy and prepare to be wierded out!!!

Searches that have landed people to my website.
02-17-05 - from Alta Vista: although she was younger
02-17-05 - from: bottles highlighter blacklight
02-28-05 - from: Google: Paul Bunyun+advertising agency
03-25-05 - from: Google: Alien Fetus prop
06-23-05 - From: search.msn.com: alleric to vegetables
07-22-05 - From: search.msn.com: SHARK CAUGHT IN MA JULY 2005
07-23-05 - From Alta Vista: "sherry moon" + picture
07-23-05 - From Google: wholesale alien fetus
08-02-05 - From BellSouth.net: 3D Corpse Head
11-07-05 - From Google: how many chuck chuckwood
11-07-05 - From Google: foil tearing
11-08-05 - From Google: boondocks poster
11-08-05 - From Google: kevin bacon sandwich
11-11-05 - From Yahoo: Make your own rubber
11-13-05 - From Google: pictures that say "i am a freak"
11-13-05 - From Google: 1965 mother spankings
11-13-05 - From Google: rectal discharge
11-14-05 From Google - Nausea and Dizzyness
11-20-05 - From Google: monkeys throwing poop
11-23-05 - From Google: 1 lonely person
11-23-05 - From mysearch.myway.com: mr. goodwrench
11-23-05 - From Google: All you need to know about Prince Albert Piercings
11-27-05: From Google: how to make your head look smaller
11-28-05: From Google: warning choking hazard
11-28-05: From mywebsearch.com: super cross at Effingham, IL
11-29-05: From Google: put your face on something
11-29-05: From Yahoo: WWW.OFFICE DEPOTE
11-30-05; From Google: Mutton Chops
12-02-05: From msn search: how to make yourself throw up
12-04-05: from google: blondes extinction
12-06-05: from google: odds married same birthday
12-06-05: from google: haunted eyes follow you
12-08-05: From Google: calculating virus inactivation with chlorine
12-12-05: from Google: Monkey + subphylum
12-12-05: from MSN search: clear plastic tube
12-12-05; From Google: Jak & Daxter drawings
12-13-05: From Google: angry viking mascot with baseball bat
12-13-05: from google: how to put your hair up
12-13-05: From Yahoo Search: the green baby alien
12-13-05: From Google: "blonde research"
12-14-05: From google: Horsecow
12-14-05: From Google: bajak flux capacitator
12-14-05: From msxml.infospace.com: How to set up a Portait studio
12-14-05: From Google: who goosed the moose
12-15-05: From Google: monkeys that throw poop
12-15-05: From search.msn.com: diarrhea weight loss
12-16-05: From Google:course for alarm oj
12-23-05: From Google: school "the paddle" OR "got paddled" OR "got licks" principal OR vp OR ap OR teacher butt OR backside OR as
12-23-05: From Google: blonde intelligence theories
12-25-05: From Google: how do you build canvases
12-25-05: From Searchmsn: cures for infection
12-26-05: from google: how to make instructions
12-27-05: From google: how to create your own homeless projects
12-27-05: From Search.earthlink.net: farrah faucet
12-27-05: From Google: Star Dust Effingham
12-28-05: From Yahoo.com: decorating with snapshots
12-29-05: from google.co.nz: Redhead website fan
12-29-05: from Google: Low intelligence monkey
12-29-05: From Google: how to hide cigarettes when posting
12-29-05: From Google: fur industry missouri
12-30-05: From Google: when I blow my nose in the morning hard lumps snot
12-30-05: From Google: aaron staples
12-30-05: From search/msn.com: oily discharge from dog

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Wednesday February 29 , 2006

The most sinister practical joke ever.

I've mentioned that my grandmother has been in the hospital for the better part of a week. The nurses are doing their best, but there are so many patients in the hospital that they can hardly keep up. I was thinking about playing a joke at the hospital. Not on the nurse, mind you, but on the patients. I could go in to visit grandma, but then switch into my grim reaper costume and just kind of “pop into” some of the rooms.

I'd walk into some other patients’ rooms and pay them a little visit just to say “Hi.”

I'd be all polite and knock on their door, peek my boney head in and say something like “I'm looking for Sandra Kampe. Is she in here with you?”

And they'd be all happy to see the grim reaper. I mean, he is world famous y’know. “No, she's not here.” They'd reply.

“Okay, thanks!” I ‘d say as I walk out of the room with my black cloak trailing behind. “See you next Thursday.”

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Tuesday February 27 , 2006

Morning Banter.

This is the conversation between me and The Kid this morning as I was leaving for work.

Me: Have fun at school! I want you to work really hard, okay?

The Brat: Okay.

All I want you to do today is feed the dogs when you get home......and bring all of your grades up to an “A”.

The Brat: Okaaaay....

Me: And then you can go ahead and solve that whole world-hunger thing and, if you get time, bring about world-peace.

The Brat: Alright. Do you want me to work on raising the dead too?

Me: No. Its a nice thought honey, but I don't want to overload you.

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Monday February 26 , 2006

Overheard at a restaurant.

A snippet of conversation overheard by Aaron and his mother while eating lunch at a diner....

"Yeah, but I'd still rather go hunting with Dick Cheney than ride in a car with Ted Kennedy."

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Thursday February 23 , 2006

Karen Carpenter is at it again!

I had to get a new radiator put on the Bonneville yesterday. And just because it is such a ritzy stinking car, it was expensive as hell. We bought the car used with around a hundred thousand miles on it, it still thought it was really cool because it was fully loaded.

And I mean fully. Two air lumbar supports, a HUD display projected on the windshield, power seats, power sun roof, a built in air pump in the trunk, cruising and performance shift switches, an air assisted suspension system, and a super charged engine. I loved it and it kicked ass... until stuff started to brake.

You see, it had the kick-ass options that I wanted, but can't afford to fix. First the ABS system goes bad, so we take out the fuse. Then the air suspension burns out every fuse that we put in it, so now it rides like a monster truck. And when the radiator cracked and started leaking, we knew that it was going to be nothing but trouble.

Of course its not a common radiator. In fact, one store wanted $260 dollars for the thing! But it had to be fixed, so we bit the bullet and bought one. Then, upon taking the old radiator, we discover that part of it wasn't installed correctly and wont work with our new radiator. And of course, its not a piece that we can find in a salvage yard, so were going to have to buy a new one from the dealer.

Sometimes I wished I still drove that crappy old Cavalier. At least when it broke down there we're plenty of parts for it at the auto salvage.

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Thursday February 23 , 2006

Karen Carpenter is at it again!

I had to get a new radiator put on the Bonneville yesterday. And just because it is such a ritzy stinking car, it was expensive as hell. We bought the car used with around a hundred thousand miles on it, it still thought it was really cool because it was fully loaded.

And I mean fully. Two air lumbar supports, a HUD display projected on the windshield, power seats, power sun roof, a built in air pump in the trunk, cruising and performance shift switches, an air assisted suspension system, and a super charged engine. I loved it and it kicked ass... until stuff started to brake.

You see, it had the kick-ass options that I wanted, but can't afford to fix. First the ABS system goes bad, so we take out the fuse. Then the air suspension burns out every fuse that we put in it, so now it rides like a monster truck. And when the radiator cracked and started leaking, we knew that it was going to be nothing but trouble.

Of course its not a common radiator. In fact, one store wanted $260 dollars for the thing! But it had to be fixed, so we bit the bullet and bought one. Then, upon taking the old radiator, we discover that part of it wasn't installed correctly and wont work with our new radiator. And of course, its not a piece that we can find in a salvage yard, so were going to have to buy a new one from the dealer.

Sometimes I wished I still drove that crappy old Cavalier. At least when it broke down there we're plenty of parts for it at the auto salvage.

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Wednesday February 22 , 2006

Hacking like crazy...

I had to take my grandma to the emergency room earlier. She's had bronchitis for about a week, but it has gotten so bad that she is struggling for breath. After nearly three hours of waiting, they finally diagnosed her with pneumonia and admitted her. She couldn't inhale enough air to breathe and was turning blue and purple! It was scary as hell. Apparently the hospital is full of people with the same thing, meaning that a viral pneumonia is going around.


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Tuesday February 21 , 2006

Mr. Sandman, bring me your dreams...

I went to the doctor again on Tuesday and he laid into me about my sleeping habits. Ever since I can remember, I have been a night person. Always up late and typically not worth a shit in the morning. So I am usually up until the wee hours of the morning. Through the week I try to get to bed at 1am, but its usually closer to 1:30. Then I have to make myself lay down and I listen to the radio until I can fall asleep. It’s usually around 2 or so.

It’s probably not surprising that I have a hard time waking up in the morning. I am dead to the world when I sleep. One time a branch fell through our bedroom roof and I slept through it. It even woke the neighbors up! But I slumber through it until Her Majesty kicked me awake.

Once I get up and moving I am fine. It’s not like I drag-ass all day or anything. I usually feel perfectly fine once I wake up, its just the becoming awake that gives me trouble.

So the doctor explained how the brain needs a certain amount of sleep to function, and that mine doesn't get enough! He pointed out that sleep deprivation is a method used to brainwash people because they can't function without proper sleep. And since my career relies on my creativity, I should make sure to get at least 8 hours of sleep.

As a result of the doctor’s comments, I am trying to get more sleep for a full week, just to test his theory. Last evening I went to bet at 10 — that’s 3.5 hours earlier that normal! But I still didn’t wake up easily, nor do I feel any more refreshed today. I guess I will continue the one week, but if I still feel the same I'm going back to my normal routine.

If I calculated correctly (and I probably didn't), here is a comparison of the two sleep habits: a 1:30am vs. a 10pm bedtime. At 1:30 I get about 3.5 hours of awake time per night. I only go to bed at this time during the work week. So that means during a 5 day week I get 17.5 more “awake hours”. Multiply that by 52 weeks/year and you get 910 hours each year. So if I would happen to live to the age of 70, my shitty sleep cycle will have allowed me to have 30,940 hours of “awake time” if I started counting this year. That's 1289.166 days, or 3.53 YEARS of time.

That's YEARS baby!

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Monday February 20 , 2006

Only four months behind schedule.

I’ve finally gotten around to writing some tutorials omn how to create the props used for our 2005 halloween Party. Click the links below if you are into this kind of stuff.

Flame Box: making a faux flame or firepit for your yard.

Face Transplant: a creepy prop that looks like someone's face was skiined.

Old Signs: a painting method to create the illusion of decayed wood.

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Friday February 17, 2006

And this weeks "What the F@#k Award" goes to........

I've never proclaimed myself as any type of marketing genius, so far be it from me to complain about ther peoples' ideas. But I saw this political sign on the way to work today and it completely astounded me! Does anyone in his campaign seriously believe that "Got Guv?" is a good political slogan? aside from it being a blatand rip-pff of the legendary "Got Milk" ad campaign, it just sounds stupid. If this goober doesn't have the judgement to see how rediculous these signs makes him look, then I sure as hell don't want him making any important decisions! Geez....... I just found out that he's a Republican. Silly, silly Republicans, when will we learn?!

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Response to February 17 post

Letters, we get letters........


Apparently this dolt has something to do with dairy farming in the Chicago area. Thus the poor knock-off of the milk campaign. However, us downstate hillbillies don't know that and he's doing what most politicians do. Campaigning primarily for Chicago votes. Wouldn't it be nice if someone took the time to investigate the way things are south of Chicago? I know. Thats plain silly..

Jody J.

Thursday February 16, 2006

When you lose someone close...

Something horrible happened today. Something so devastating that I have a hard time making myself speak of it. Its amazing how attached we can become in such a short time, like my life has been blessed forever. But our friendship was cut short this morning, and I fear that the consequences of what happened will change who I am.

Theologists say that accidents happen, and sometimes we must simply trust that God has a plan for everything. So even though our friendship ended at such a surprising and unnerving time, I have to force myself to move on. Goodbye my little friend, my little mp3 player. I am truly stricken with sorrow that your power button has broken. You had so much potential. Perhaps I can get a clone of you at the discount store.

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Response to February 16 post

Letters, we get letters........

I could bop you on the head for this! I thought that a person actually died. But condolences to you and the dead ipod. I wouldn't know what I'll do if my ipod dies on me.

- Dementia

Wednesday February 15, 2006

Oh, the delicious irony that almost was.

Rough night last night. Unbeknownst to me, I inadvertently doubled up my dose of evening medicine. I didn’t realize it at first, and began my nightly walk just as I always do. It wasn’t until I was about two mile into the jaunt that the effects of “double dosing” became unnervingly apparent.
Initially, I felt a little woozy almost as if I was dehydrated. It was in the lower 30’s and I trudged on however. I remember thinking that I was just past the halfway point and that I would be home in less than a half an hour. I passed up two opportunities to take a shorter route home. I should have taken them!

With each passing minute, my steps became slower, my pace shorter, and I noticed that I was now staggering in a psuedo-drunk stride. I was getting dizzy, but there were no practical places to stop. I wished that I had carried the cellphone as my heart began pounding like a bass drum being thumped by a hyperactive crack addict.

But onward I pushed. There was no other way now. All of my shorter routes were passed by and I HAD to make it home using my normal route. I stopped for a few seconds in the sidewalk adjacent to the funeral home. After nearly losing my balance, I started walking again. I laughed in my dizzy stupor thinking about the irony of my falling down and dieing in the funeral home lawn!

I eventually made it home and sat down for a breather. It was nearly midnight. My one hour walk had somehow turned into an hour and a half adventure that I won’t soon forget.

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Response to February 15 post

Letters, we get letters........

Damn dude! What kind of meds are you taking? LOL
I'm thinking you need to up the dosage on the Aricept! Maybe then you won't forget that you took the others.

- White Raven

Tuesday February 14, 2006

If you read this..... Happy Birthday Cody!

Monday February 13, 2006

The moral of today's story: Don't f@#k with Dick Cheney.

Today started out rough. I awoke from my drunken stupor unexpectedly easily, but reeked of whiskey and cigars. It was if I had the scent of an old poker player, and the smell of my jacket nearly made me gag when I picked it up, so I wore another today.

The night before had been a blur. It consisted of cups of Crown Royal with my father-in-law and an uncle-in law. After the whiskey flowed, my recollection of the nightly events begins to wane. There was something with cigars, a discussion of tractors and a vague memory about myself skipping through a graveled parking lot. I also seem to have a vision of Patrick Swayze with a sword, and being too inebriated to play a video game.

As bad as my day began however, at least I wasn't involved in any hunting accidents, like our esteemed Vice-President did.

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Response to February 13 post

Letters, we get letters........

I heard that when the paramedics showed up they didn’t know what to do. Out of habit they kept trying to strap down Cheney. I guess that’s one way to fix Medicare. That will teach the only guy not to mention a dyke when he is within earshot of the VP. The funniest part is that you called him “esteemed”

- Poe

Friday February 10, 2006

Goodbye Timmaaa...

My friend Tim Shouse left the company today. He and his wife will be moving to the big city this weekend where they have both accepted positions with her father's company. On one hand, I was happy for them. After all, they are newlyweds fresh from college. They have no children nor mortgage to worry about. Now is the perfect time for them to take a chance on such a life altering event. Once the kids arrive, you have roots in a community, and have invested your whole life in a home, it is damned hard to take risks!

But on the other hand, the little jerk left me high and dry at work! And to top it off, he lied to me when he told me that he would leave his black squishy-gel stress ball. You lied to me Timmaaa, and I will never forget that!!!!!

Of course I am kidding! I really liked working with Tim and doubt that anyone will ever truly be able to replace him. But he seriously didn't leave that damn ball like he promised......

So in return for the missing ball, I thought that I would share some of the finer moments of Timmaaa in pictorial form. I'm sure that you will be able to see that he was a true professional to work with.

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Wednesday February 8 , 2006

Do I really need to title this one?

I found this ad in our local phone book. Does it creep anyone out as much as it does me? What the hell were they thinking? What are they trying to say? That they cater to giants? That the doctor is a fairy? I dunno...... but it sure is gross. Good thing its not an OBGYN clinic.

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Tuesday February 7 , 2006 -- late

Only 265 days until Halloween...

I’ve been working really hard on my Halloween pages for the past week or so. I need to get them updated in a bad way. About 3/4 of my traffic comes from those pages, and since I am such a media whore, I have to do what I can to keep those numbers up. If you're a do-it-yourselfer and enjoy Halloween, then you might want to check out some of my new projects in the early part of next week.

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Tuesday February 7 , 2006

Uncommon Valor.


Our hometown installed a new memorial over Memorial Day, but it wasn't until recently that we had time to really look at it. Upon first glance, the great bronze eagle rearing its wings appears to be the focal point of the memorial. But upon closer observation, the bricks surrounding the statue take on a new, higher meaning. Not only do they serve to pave a path around the eagle, but each brick is emblazoned with the name and branch of service for those brave men who fought for our country in World War 2.

It took some searching, but The Brat was able to point out the brick that honored my Grandfather. I never met him, and in all truth, I don't know a lot about him. He died when my Mom was a child and my grandmother rarely spoke of him.

It wasn't until I borrowed the “Band of Brothers” dvd set from my friend Aaron that I learned that my Grandpa fought in WW2. The discovery was quite accidental, as I was visiting my aunt and mentioned the “Band of Brothers” show to her.

She was like, "Your Grandpa fought in WW2, He fought at the Battle of the Bulge.”

I was taken aback. How could I, his only grandson, have known so little about this man? Especially since I too had served our country in the military? I instantly gained a new admiration for this grandfather that I had never known. He fought proudly, in the midst of living hell - one of the bloodiest, yet most important battles of the entire war. And I never even knew.

I wonder if he ever spoke of his experiences, or if he held the horrors deep inside himself, protecting his loved ones from the realities of war? I will never know the answer to that question, but I am proud to honor him and the rest of our country's greatest generation.

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Monday February 6, 2006

An uncle at last!

I'm finally an Uncle! After waiting damn near a year (okay, more like nine months), my sister-in-law Jami and her husband John decided to deliver a new little girl to the world. Her name is Alexandria Elspeth and she is one cute lil' tater. Unfortunately for us, Jami, John and Alexandria live way off in the magical land know as Idaho. So we will have to be content with getting a lot of these cute photos emailed to us......for now. Perhaps a plane ride is in order?! Maybe once Alexandia grows, she will take her rightful place besides The Brat in the quest for world domination.

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Sunday February 5, 2006

Know when 2 say when.

Something weird happened this weekend. And by something, I really mean nothing. Nothing happened this weekend. In a nutshell, my weekend can be summed up as: I went to sleep Friday night and got up on Sunday afternoon. I didn't feel sick or anything, so I'm not sure why my body felt it necessary to pull a “rumplestiltskin”.

I won't comment on the Super-Bowl per se, but I do want to say a little something about that horrid half-time show. Let me preface these remarks by admitting that I am not, nor have I ever been, a big fan of the Rolling Stones. Let me also say that while I am not a fan, I do recognize that they have played an important role in the development of Rock-n-Roll as we know it. They were a driving force in the decline of Western Civilization.

That was then, this is now. I'm sorry Mick, Keith, and the other old guys, but there is nothing exciting about watching 60 year old men parade around a stage trying to recreate the sexual fervor and raw energy that they once commanded. Their performance was more akin to a hyperactive Alzheimer patient jumping around in the nursing home lobby than a rock concert. Throughout the entire set I wasn't thrilled to see them perform, but I was amazed to see a 60 year old man skip around like that without breaking a hip.

Time to give it a rest guys. Time to let the new blood have their turn. And by new blood, I mean Aerosmith, AC/DC and the Eagles.

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Response to February 4 post

Letters, we get letters........


Yikes!!!! -- Straight from the email of Her Majesty.

Friday February 3, 2006

Tonguing the teeth fantastic.

Her Majesty isn't being very cooperative with the whole Dawn and Drew invitation. In her words: “You must be crazy! Why would I want to invite two strangers into our house?” But my retort is “Strangers? Stranger than what?”

Aside from this disagreement over house guests, my tongue hurts like a mutha’ today! You might expect me to say that I burnt it on hot coffee, but I didn't. Nor did I bite it accidentally. Those are waaaaaay too common happenings for someone with my bizarre luck. My tongue injury hurt much, much worse than those, and is so strange that I can't even really understand how it happened.

It was nearly nine o'clock and I was getting ready to go for a walk. I opened my mouth wide as if to yarn and winced as the pain shot through me.

Somehow the strip of skin in the center of the underside of my tongue had become stuck between my teeth. My natural reaction of course, was to pull my tongue back into my mouth, ripping it free from its enamel bonds.

No blood, no visible damage, just enough pain to make a grizzly bear pass out. It was awful. But the strange thing is that I can't figure out how it happened. Even if I try, I'm not able to stretch my tongue far enough to snag it on my teeth again. So how did it get wedged between my teeth in the first place? It will go down in history as an unsolved mystery like the Great Sphinx, Area 51, and the success of NASCAR.

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Thursday February 2, 2006

It's a small, small world!

I think that I've mentioned a time or two before that I am a devoted listener to a hilarious podcast called the Dawn and Drew show. During one of their shows, Drew mentioned that he his a VW bus enthusiast. As you might know, I am a graphic designer for one of the leading automotive enthusiast catalog companies and we just so happen to deal heavily with the VW market. So out of curiosity, I had a friend check to see if Drew was a customer. And lo and behold, he was! Right there before me was all of his personal contact information: address, phone number, etc. and I thought "Cool."

Don't read into this though! I'm not going to use the info to get ahold of them, but I was excited to know that the possibility existed. It's such a small world, and its weird to realize that these two "media stars" were accessible, just like anyone else.

And then the idea hit me: I wonder if they've ever attended one of our VW Funfests? And if not, I wondered if Her Majesty would allow them to stay at our house for a few days. I would still have to work through the day while they would hang out at the carshow, but afterwords we could all go out and do something.

The Dawn and Drew Show is probably the most popular podcast in the world, and that they have hundreds of thousands of fans. But something is different about them. They actually hang out with their fans, meet with them on their journeys, and look upon them as friends. They don't appear to follow the traditional "celebrity" mold at all.

I fired off a quick email to Her Majesty, asking her about her thoughts of the offer. She's not a listener (yet....) and I don't think that so will be very receptive to the idea. But maybe I can get her to listen to a few shows....... wait maybe I shouldn't do that.

If she does agree, I am going to contact them via their "business" email rather than use the information that I have access too. I realize that they have a right to privacy and I wouldn't want a stranger calling me at home like that. Luckily I'm not famous enough to be bothered at home by strangers calling, except for Verizon, Cingular, Dish Network, Visa, Mastercard, Chase Bank, some travel agency, and the Illinois Sheriff Association.

I'll keep you posted of any developments in the situation.

Wednesday February 1, 2006

January search results are in!

If any of you have any doubt that the internet is truly a tool for all that is horrible in this world, look no further than January's search results. From now on, the first post of each month will be a listing of all of the strange and bizarre searches which landed people to my website.

Searches that brought people to my website in January.

01-03-06 From Searchmsn.com: cures for finger infections
01-03-06 From Google: how to put fake hair in you hair making it look real
01-11-05:From google: clean console dashboard
01-17-05: from Google: I stomp snails
01-18-06: From Google: Afro with sideburns
01-24-06 altavista.com: glue on your face
01-24-06 google.com: does not play well with others dog shirt
01-25-06: From: Google: PROGRAM FOR LONELY MOTHERS
01-25-06: From: Google: boys size seven etnies
01-25-06: From: Google image search: karen_in_coat.jpg
01-25-06: From: Google: warp your face in a bottle
01-25-06: From: Google: monkey throwing poop
01-27-06: From: Google: hairless sasquatch
01-25-06: From: Google: coolest beard
01-25-06: From: Google: can see the blue veins through my skin in face
01-30-06: From: Yahoo: alien fetus for sale
01-30-06: From: Google: makeshift shoes
01-30-06: From: Google: put makeup own a face

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Thursday March 30, 2006

David Blaine eat your heart out!

I spotted this bizarre banner hanging in a church window today. Let me tell you, I have seen a lot
of Easter plays before in my life, but this is the first one where a singing Jesus levitates farm animals!

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Wednesday March 29, 2006 - 11:30pm

Bear paws

I have heard on good authority that the "hands" found in Sigel may actually be bear paws. Poor, poor bear. I bet he has a hell of a time catching fish now.

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Wednesday March 29, 2006

My twin brother

Late yesterday I felt this soreness on my face. It wasn't anything horrible, heck, it wasn't even as bad as a bee sting, but there was enough pain to be noticeable I felt my chin and the pain got worse. I new something was wrong. Chins don't hurt for no reason, after all. It wasn't until I looked in the mirror that I realized the full extent of what was going on inside my face. Apparently my body is attempting to birth a fully developed conjoined fetus from the center of my chin! There's no other plausible explanation. The lump is huge! Way too big to be a pimple, and who gets zits in their mid thirties anyway?

I'm not sure how large this child will be, but I will claim him as my own and name him Gregory! Yes, Gregory the chin baby. Born unto a world who did not understand nor love him. I shall raise him as my own and foster his development by reading him the works of Sartre and teaching him the proper use of grammar. Gregory the chin baby will be a pillar of society, destined for greatness, and loved by all.

Or maybe I'll just pop him in the mirror.

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Tuesday March 28, 2006

It puts the lotion on it's skin.

Sorry to be gross, but this is too strange to pass up! Some workers got a shock when they found two severed hands in a small town near where I work. The hands were found at Deters Orchard in the town of Sigel (population of a mere 400 people). Police have no idea where the hands came from, how they got to be on that farm, or if they are even human.

I understand that people are shocked to find them and wonder where they came from. Me? Well, I'm puzzled as to why anyone would throw away a pair of perfectly good hands in the first place. But then, superfan John Schaljo pointed out that while the hands have five fingers, they have no thumbs.

No wonder someone tossed them away. What good are hands without opposable thumbs?!

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Saturday March 25, 2006

What the hell do I know?

My diet seems to be going well. Although I lost most of my weight during the first few weeks, it is still slowly coming off. At least I'm still losing, right? I'd tell you the secret to my diet, but do you really want to be taking dietary advice from a 240 pound man?

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Friday March 24, 2006

A health tip that just occurred to me...

Sometimes you have to pay close attention to product labels! It may be a good choice to purchase food that says "Cholesterol Free", but you should stay away from anything that says "Free Cholesterol!"

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Thursday March 23, 2006

Social commentary

I was having lunch with Superfan John Schaljo at the park when I spotted this little scene in the gravel parking lot. It says so much about life and the contrast between young and old. Okay, so maybe not, but it was a cool shot anyway.?

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Wednesday March 22, 2006

A castle in the cornfields!

Here is a shot of the church that I walk past every evening on my walks. I've loved the looks of it ever since I was a small child and actually thought that it was a castle when I was young. "When I grow up and rule the world," I told my mother, "I'm going to live in that castle."

It's funny how naive we are as children, to actually think that I would ever live in the "castle" church! But as I grew older and wiser, I realized how ridiculous it was to even entertain the thought of living there. After all, there are much larger, more fortified castles to live in after my plans for world domination are complete.

But that isn't the reason for this post! Upon examination, I discovered a weird optical illusion in one of my photographs. It confused the hell out of me and I couldn't figure out what happened. Look at the photo below to see the visual oddity. The photo on the left shows the church wall, but take notice of the bricks in the foreground as compared to the bricks in the background. The foreground bricks are nearly three times the size of the other bricks!!! You can see the size difference in the close up of the wall shown on the right. AMAZING!!!!

I sent the photo to an architect/photographer friend questioning how this illusion could have happened. His response was as follows:

"That's a great example of accidentally being lined up just right! The bricks in the foreground are on a pilaster (a column that sticks out and leans against the wall (keeps the walls from spreading and bears the roof load) just like the one sticking out from the wall in the background. Since those bricks are closer to the camera, they're bigger. Killer good optical illusion though!!"

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Tuesday March 21, 2006

Spring has sprung!

I took this shot of our lovely Spring weather on my commute home today. It was taken through my dirty car window through the days slush and snow. Can't you just hear the birds chirping and the smell the scent of fresh cut grass? Regardless of the weather, it was a beautiful area to drive through. I just wish the camera could have conveyed the true beauty of the snow covered tree "tunnel."

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Saturday March 18, 2006

The reunion.

Tonight was our CCD/yellowbook reunion. For these of you who don't already know the whole messed up story, Yellowbook is the company who fired the entire company nearly two years ago. There were hundreds of us suddenly looking for jobs in our small town. Hundreds of unemployed people may not sound like much, but you have to consider that the town's population is only around 10,000. Anyway, I don't want to get into that whole discussion about those British SOB's who own the company right now. It was a business decision and luckily I have been able to land on my feet.

The reunion was a blast, but I only had the chance to stay for a few hours. Since her Majesty has asthma, she couldn't go with me to the bar where the reunion was held. So while I visited, she went shopping. I had told her that I would be ready to leave around 8pm (I got there at 6), but once everyone started showing up I wished that I could have stayed longer. Friends whom I hadn't seen in years were still arriving even as I left.

Oh well, life goes on.

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Wednesday March 15, 2006

A politically incorrect conversation overheard this afternoon.

Two guys are looking at a magazine. One man shows the other an advertisement.

“What the heck is that?”

“It's electric tweezers.”

“Damn. It looks like it would tear the hair right out! Women are crazy.”

“Yeah, it looks painful.”

“I don't understand why they do that to themselves. It's not like we wouldn't f#@k them anyway.”

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Tuesday March 14, 2006

Of dogs and doughnuts.

I'm sitting here in the park on my lunch hour. It's still a bit chilly outside and no children are around. Right now I am watching a police K9 unit chase tennis balls and retrieve them. I snicker a bit because to the looks of me, its not the dog that needs the exercise.

Just in case any of you readers are people who I used to work with at CCD, I wanted to announce that we are having a big reunion on Saturday the 18th at the Midway. The get together starts at 6:30. It sounds like a whole lot of people are planning to attend, so it should be quite a time.
You may know that some of the core friends and I get together for dinner bi-monthly just to keep in touch, but this one on the 18th is a much bigger event. Whereas our bi-monthly dinner usually consists of 6 people, this one might include the entire company, over 100 people!

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Monday March 13, 2006

The fungus among us.

I can't imagine the frustration that Noah felt when he was in that ark. Its only been raining here for four days and it is wreaking havoc with my life. My yard is like a mud-bog, making it impossible to stay clean when walking to our cars, our poor dogs are living in what appears to be a miniature swamp, their white fur now discolored a muddy brown. And my basement..... Lets just say that opening the door unleashed a musty odor that can only be described as a combination of dirty clothing, ozone, and old ladies ass. Its horrible! Right now we have the dehumidifier going full blast and an oscillating fan to try and circulate the air. The air IS circulating fairly well, but it also causes the nasty odor to shift around the room.

It has to stop raining sometime though, and I hope it will give me ample time to try and weatherproof the basement a little better. Otherwise I am going to start a small mushroom farming business down there.

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Saturday March 11, 2006

Contemplating the crapper.

I really don't have a whole lot going on right now. My life is pretty bland. I keep thinking over and over that I need to get off my ass and start remodelling our bathroom. It'll be an arduous undertaking because I will have to shim one of the walls nearly an inch to make it square. If I could ever get started on it, I think that it would move along. its just the getting started that is the mountain that I have to conquer.Part of my apprehention is that even after working on the house for years, I still doubt my construction abilities. I'm no carpenter. I don't even play one on tv. I trust my wood working skills about as much as I'd trust Marlon Brando with a plate of cookies.

But I need to finish the room sometime. It's filthy from all of the remodelling because we use the sink to clean all of the brushes from woirking on the other room. The girls call it "the Boys Room" because niether of them want to go near it. It reminds them of a dingy gas station bathroom. The truth is, it has become more of a storage area than a functioning bathroom. It's full of rubbermaid tubs, Drywall mud, gallons of paint, plaster, and god knows what else. It's basically a closet with a toilet.

But with a new sink, a straightened wall, some panelling, a new vinyl floor, and an exhaust fan, it could be nice. Sounds like a lot of work....

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Friday March 10, 2006

Putting my foot down.

Yesterday it was brought to my attention that a plan was being developed without my knowlege. Apparently, my sister-in-law and her new born baby are planning to fly here from Idaho this summer. It'll be a nice visit since none of us have been able to travel there and see the baby. Both Her Majesty and The Brat are really looking forward to the visit. Since the baby arrived, they have been talking alot on the telephone and have grown closer than they were before. So that is the awesome part.

The part that I have a problem with is that I was told that The Brat is wanting to travel back to Idaho with them by car. Its a 24 hour drive and that makes me nervous enough. Especially knowing that the kids will have to be alone in the car everytime they stop for gas, brathroom brakes, etc. So, no, I am definitely not thrilled about that. But the part that disturbs me the most is that The Brat would fly home two weeks later - alone.

I know, I know. Thousands of children fly alone each day and I have never heard of anything bad happening to them on the news or otherwise. But those are other peoples' kids. and I am talking about MY kid.The fact that she has never flown before notwithstanding, it still makes me nervous as hell. What if there were a layover, of she missed her flight. What if she gets lost in the airport and no one is there to help her? I mean, this is the same kid that we don't allow to walk across town alone, and I am supposed to be okay with her flying across the country. Am I being overprotective? I don't know.

Thursday March 9, 2006

Sin City.

Sitting at the table. The Brat has just told us an obvious lie about what happened to her at school in an attempt to get us worked up. She knows how to do it.... She’s good at it. And she LOVES doing it.

Her Majesty: "Um.... That’s not true! Don’t lie to us! You know where liars go don’t you?!”
The Brat: "Yep, Vegas."

Monday March 6, 2006

Only in America can such things exist...

Never let it be said that if an American has an idea, that there will be no market for it. After today I am quite certain that ANY product, no matter how disgusting or ridiculous, can be produced in this country. Case in point, this little gem of a product that I spotted in the store today. The Jack Schmidt Stick.
In order to help you understand the importance of this handy tool, I have included a close up shot of the detailed instructions for its proper use. And the best part - It can be used over and over again!! Amazing! If you'd like to see the Jack Schmidt Stick in action, click on their website link here and watch the Quicktime movie.

Saturday March 4, 2006

Paint it black.

We had a mini family outing on Saturday. We've both been so busy lately with our jobs and have been spending most of our free time with our grandmothers. Her grandma just moved back and its the first time she has been home since Her Majesty's grandfather has passed away. My grandma has been in the hospital with pneumonia for the past week. Needless to say, we needed some time away from home and family.

We went to the matinee and watched that new scifi/action movie called "Ultra-Violet." The girls weren't too thrilled with it. As a matter of fact, The Brat said that it was "a waste of two hours of her life." -- harsh critic for a 13 year old. I of course, loved it. Any movie that has explosions, vampires, or Mila Jovovch in tight clothes is a winner in my book. And "Ultra Violet" had all three!!!!

But aside from the movie, we went shopping and The Brat got some new curtains and a bedspread. They are solid black of course, as she is going through her punk-rock "dark period" of life. Her room is bright lavender and has a fairly border that goes around the entire room. She threw a fit to get it five years ago. She just HAD to have purple walls. But she's a teenager now, and the room is undergoing a drastic change. The baby dolls and stuffed animals have been packed away and replaced with makeup bags and electric guitars. The Jesse McCarney posters have succumb to the more powerful posters of My Chemical Romance, Good Charlotte, and Green Day. Goodbye soft flitting fairies, hello lords of f@#king darkness. She's even lobbying us for black walls, but we have to draw the line somewhere...

Response to March 2 post

Pissed-Off Letters, we get letters........

This just in from the Amazing Poe. And guess what? It's even more heated than the letter he refers to!

Usually when I write in I have a funny little quip about your posts, but this one just chaps my ass. Don't get me wrong I'm not pissed at you, I'm pissed at the sorry excuse for a person who wrote that letter. Why am I so pissed you ask? Because people like this are allowed to reproduce. I believe in God but I do not believe in a vengeful god. The people who believe that god will smite them are the same people who take the bible as fact. Oh, now you've don't it, you got me started on the bible. If the stories in the bible were fact, then the rest of human science has some explaining to do. I believe the bible was a book of fables meant to teach people right from wrong. Do I believe that people should be good? Yes. Do I believe that if we aren't good then God would flood the world to kill all the non-believers? NO. Now I'm by no means saying that nothing in the bible ever happened, but I cant stand the people who tell me that if I don't believe in the bible word for word them I'm going to spend eternity suffering in my own personal hell (which for me would be a small room with no air-conditioning and the Milkshake song playing over and over). I guess what I'm saying is live and let live. If you believe that you must worship your god every Sunday, then do it, if you believe you must pray multiple time a day while facing Mecca, then do it, and if you believe that God is Mother Nature, and to worship her you must dance naked in the rain during a full moon. Then do it (if your church is full of hot chicks I might even come “worship” with you). But what ever you believe SHUT THE F@#K UP about it. Unless I ask you about your religion don't tell me about it, and for God’s sake don't show up at my door asking of I have found Jesus! Like I said before I believe in God, I just don't believe in a petty spiteful God who kills people when it suits him. And if I'm wrong Ill know it soon after writing this letter.

Tune in next time folks when I tell you why people who use the phrase Melting Pot really piss me off.

- Poe

Okay Poe -- I can clearly see that you are upset. As well you should be, because I am the sorry excuse for a person who wrote that letter and just to let you know, I plan to continue reproducing (or practice producing at least)! I think you missed the whole point of the chain letter. It was written as a joke response to be sent the zealots who continually forward these things. I wrote it specifically to anger them and to get their blood boiling as the story speaks of an angry God. A vengeful, pissed off God who's ready to kick some heathen ass! This ain't your daddy's Christianity here, boy!!! It was a joke to inspire an "Oh, my God (literally) reaction from the zealots. Sorry for the misunderstanding, dude. Now, can I please start reproducing again?

Thursday March 2, 2006

The most horrible chain letter ever written!

WARNING: Good, religious people of Earth.... This post may offend you.

There are a lot of things that I do not like about the internet. Viruses and spam are bothersome, but the bane of my existence is the chain letter. The digital age has made it so easy for us to send these letters that hardly a day goes by that one doesn't end up in my mailbox. Why do people continually send these on? Is anyone actually so naive that they believe in them? Are they actually afraid that breaking the chain will bring some sort of bad fortune?

Its ridiculous! Sometimes you get them and have to read a few paragraphs before you realize that it is a chain-letter! Well, it's time to put an end to these letters, and I've always heard that you should fight fire with fire! The chain letter below starts out like nearly all of the other, but has a deviously disturbing ending. If M. Night Shyamalan were to write a chain letter, this would be it! So the next time a "friend" passes a chain letter to you, paste the letter below into an email and send it back!

WARNING: This is your second damn warning! If this offends you, then I will not take the blame for it.

----- Original Message -----
From: Rodney <mailto:kobeyrod@framed.net>
To:benhimkeka@moohee.com ; fkjones@allison.org ; alleycatz@jenson.org ; kbonnet@keeferprinting.net ; gregandjanet@redlight.org ; jttuber@blacklite.net ; baileyfarm@htctelephone.com ; ericanoland@robey.org ; draxx@longhorn.com ; suegomez@partyline.com ; turtleboy9@yahoo.com ; dr.crampy@wkcommunications.com ; pnut@dreammachine.org ; chipzahoy@keebler.com ; terminal@bcrjegdkhvhyejz.com ; pg4me@mkblvd.org ; minniecan@hotmail.com ; drella@barkerverse.org ; djsmith@rodgers.net ; cornhusker@hotmail.com ; alicej@westbendhome.net ; gogators58@gmail.com ; amishnomore@advanceweb.org ; ronaldocortez@cortez.org ; pimpmyride43@mtv.com ; papasmurf4ever@cyder.com ; dawnanddrew@showbiz.com ; madhatter@cornell.edu ; revereddbaker@flaxweb.com ; ruahoakser@digitalphilanthrophy.net

Subject: Miracles can happen

This is a true story about Melinda Wilson, the executive producer of the television show "Touched By An Angel." It was the summer of 1999 and the fields were green and beautiful in thr town of Loretto, WV. Melinda was traveling through the West Virginia countryside with her 12 year old granddaughter, Emma. They had been together for nearly three weeks, spending some rare quality time during "Touched by An Angel's" off season. The original plan was to fly Emma home, but they were having such a great time, that Melinda decided to bring her home by car. It was an adventure that they looked forward to, and they had a GREAT time. Although she loved her granddaughter dearly, Melinda was concerned about the way that she was being raised. Melinda's daughter was raised be a good Christian, but she had drifted away from her faith during her college years. Melinda was worried that her granddaughter had never found Christ, so she began relaying stories of Jesus while on the trip.

Emma enjoyed learning all about the lessons of Jesus, and her young mind soaked in all that her grandmother told her. She knew of the Lord's love and mercy, and how he sacrificed himself for our sins. They were nearly home now. The dark country roads were obscured by thick fog. Even as they approached within 100 miles of their destination, a group of deer ran in front of the car. Melinda locked up her brakes as the car skidded out of control, tumbling violently down the side of a deep ravine.

The next time Melinda woke up, she was in the hospital. Her daughter and Emma stood by her bed, holding a bouquet of flowers for her. She had little memory of what happened. She remembered the deer, and tumbling down the hill. She remembered the pain of the door being crushed onto her leg as the car rolled. She remembered the screams of her granddaughter as flame began to engulf the car. But she remember nothing else.

Melinda asked the nurses for the name of the person who rescued them from the blazing inferno. She wanted to thank them for saving the life of her granddaughter and herself, but the nurses just gave her a smile without answering.

"They found you two on the side of the road, Mom." Her daughter spoke shakily " They don't understand how either of you could have been thrown from the car and land on top of the ravine."

Little Emma took her grandmother by her hand and leaned towards her ear. "It was Jesus, Grandma, I saw Jesus come and save us. He carried us up the hill and told me that his flock had not been lost."

Send this letter to forty friends within 2 minutes and you too will be surrounded by angels of God. If you don't love God enough to send this on, you will have denounced the Lord and will be attacked by demons from the fiery pits of hell.

Alina Silverman ignored this letter and was burned alive along with her children in a tragic house fire! Greg Burke also ignored this email and had a nervous breakdown, killing everyone in his office, and himself. His soul will burn in hell for all eternity. So if you are a god fearing person, who doesn't want to spend eternity burning in hell alongside your heathen brethren, be sure to pass this along now. Your eternal soul depends on it.

God Bless!

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Wednesday March 1, 2006

February search results are in!

Yep, it's time once again to see the freakish searches that directed people to my site. Proving once again that google is the devil and yahoo is it's little demonly cohort .

Searches that brought people to my website in February.

02-01-06: From: search.msn.com: rendering bottiglia
02-01-06: From: google: Dinky Winky
02-01-06: From: google: Necessity of Visiting Forces Agreement in the Philippines
02-01-06: From: google: lonely mothers
02-01-06: From: google: hamburger meat sculptures
02-01-06: From: google: gene simmons circa 1977
02-01-06: From: google.co.uk: meat innuendos
02-01-06: From: google.com: removing super glue off leather car seats
02-01-06: From: google: sharpie warning pages
02-01-06: From: google: wont clog pores
02-02-06: From: google: highlighter in a bottle
02-03-06: From: google: official bookshelf instructions make your own
02-03-06: From: google.co.kr: rosanne bar
02-03-06: From: google: kryptonian naming convention
02-03-06: From: google: clever marine nerd costume
02-03-06: From: google: create your face by detail
02-03-06: From: google: I have rectal discharge
02-04-06: From: xomcast.net websearch: merideth birney baxter photos
02-05-06: From: google: glue gun prop
02-06-06: From: google: stuff to put in glass jars
02-06-06: From: google: meaning of the word hiatus
02-06-06: From: google: build your own head
02-07-06: From: search.msn.com: creative ideas for all about me projects
02-08-06: From: google: carrots in your anus
02-08-06: From: google: giant terrorist arrows
02-08-06: From: google: puppy picture with creepy eyes
02-08-06: From: google: rectal discharge picture
02-08-06: From: google: aluminum hat repel alien waves
02-10-06: From: google: make your hair look cool
02-10-06: From: google: hgtv reno application
02-10-06: From: google: instructions on making jar lights
02-13-06: From: google: great chicken
02-13-06: From: google: Dating requirements
02-13-06: From: google.gr: blog "beach party" prepare
02-15-06: From: google: personal facts aristotle
02-15-06: From: google: sasquatch in illinois?
02-16-06: From: searchmsn.com: wyona ryder=stealing
02-16-06: From: google: personal facts aristotle
02-16-06: From google.co.uk/: instructions to make paper stuff
02-16-06: From google: coffee recommended dose
02-16-06: From google: planarian cartoon
02-16-06: From google: what to do about an infected picked at scab
02-16-06: From google: photo of rene dahinden
02-17-06: From google: who goosed the moose
02-16-06: From google: how to crash a pop can on your forehead
02-16-06: From yahoo: voodoo curse bird cross
02-20-06: From: yahoo: eyeball sticker
02-21-06: From: search.msn.nl: chicken little desktop teams
02-21-06: From: google: mutant hair
02-21-06: From: google: buy lucky leprechaun figure 12 inchs tall
02-21-06: From: yahoo: EFFINGHAM ILL. PORN
02-21-06: From: google: merideth baxter birney
02-20-06: From: google: crazy glue glass accident
02-24-06: From: yahoo: cool looking spiders .
02-24-06: From: google: fruition anus
02-27-06: From: yahoo: www.google.com BIG ASS ADVENTURE
02-27-06: From: google.co.nz: Super cool stuff that zane doesnt like
02-28-06: From: google: awesome questionnaires
02-28-06: From: google: dentist haliburton
02-28-06: From: google: cool dead head stuff
02-28-06: From: google: scraps the zombie

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Tuesday April 25, 2006

Vile Things.

Dear Internet,
Today was full of vile feelings and embarrassing events. Those of you who have talked to me recently know that I have some sort of sinus problem right now. I'm not sure what caused it, but I did spend a lot of time outdoors this weekend. So because of that, I'm going to blame my sinus infection on Aaron Zane. What does Aaron Zane have to do with nature, you ask? Why nothing, of course, but I haven't blamed anything on him for a long, long time, and the bastard doesn't even read my blog. So lets officially decree that Aaron somehow caused my sinus infection.

The doctor gave me some type of super-high potency antibiotics for it. It's called Zmax. Zmax comes in a small bottle and it is some sort of banana-cherry flavored liquid chalk which you must consume all at once. The good news is that you only need to take it once. The bad news is that it made me feel as if a troupe of Russian dancing bears were jumping on my stomach. It was one of the worst stomach aches that I've had in decades, and I refuse to take that stuff ever again. It was so painful that I couldn't sleep until about 4am this morning. It wouldn't be such a big deal if I didn't have to leave for work at 7am. So I think that this medicine should only be given to those in our community who are living on the welfare system. And even then, it should only be prescribed to those who refuse to get a job.

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Monday April 24, 2006

The ultimate irony!

Why does it take me so long to get back and forth to work? Because of things like this: a tractor hogging both lanes as it enters a road construction zone. It's the metaphoric equivalent to getting poison ivy on your herpes outbreak! Take note of my top cruising speed of 17 miles per hour!!!

Sunday April 23, 2006

Buzz buzz buzz.

I took this lil' snapshot of a bumblebee chowing down on the honeysuckle at Her Majesty's grandmother's house. The beauty of nature always amazes me in the Spring. I must have watched this little bee for a half an hour as it happily buzzed from one flower to the next. Then I killed it with a flyswatter! Damned stinging son-of-a-bitches!!!! Just kidding....

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Friday April 21, 2006

Thank you.

Thanks to all of you for your birthday wishes. I especially wish to show my gratitude to all of you who offered to buy me new underwear. And while these gestures were both kind and thoughtful, they were totally unnecessary. Let me assure you that I still have plenty of underwear which can aptly holster my equipment. A special thanks goes out to White Raven for sending me the link to the enormous page of thong underwear. Nothing looks better on a guy's monitor at work than an entire page of banana- hammocks when he checks his email over lunch.

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Thursday April 20, 2006

Tighty whities? I say thee, nay.

I've prattled on and on about my weight loss over the past few months and I'm sure that you are all getting sick of reading about it. I'm trying not to focus on it because I have seen so many people obsess over their weight for the past few months. As a matter of fact, I even made a point to stop weighing myself on the scale. I've known for some time that I need to go out and buy some new clothes. Hell, I even had to take a leather punch to some of my belts to add holes, but today was the last straw. I will buy new clothes soon, no matter how damn poor I am. So you could easily say that I am accustomed to poor fitting closes right now. But never had I expected to be faced with chronic "flop."

I went to work today as I always do, business casual with a pair of Dockers and my trusty leather shoes. But as the day wore on, I realized that something was different. Very different. Uncomfortably different. Let me preface the following by explaining to the female readers, the construction of male undergarments. The male underwear, briefs to be specific, contain a small opening in the front which consists of two small overlapping pieces of material. It is designed to give the male a point of access, if you will, to his uh, member. This system works fine until a pair of underwear no longer fits properly. You see, I discovered that loose underwear allows the "access door" to remain open due to the lack of tension in the material. So my day consisted of uncomfortable positioning in the "happy region" that I couldn't fix without looking like a pervert. Adjustments are necessary sometimes. They are a part of nature, just like death, tornados, and Harry Connick Jr. Sadly, nature has a way of making us uncomfortable at times.

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Wednesday April 19, 2006

Nothing else really matters

Today is my 36th birthday. Sioux and Jon bought me lunch, but Deb made me wear a sombrero. It is hot outside today and I don't know why my car smells of vinegar.

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Tuesday April 18, 2006

Blowing Smoke

My friend Lisa Tebbe took this photo at her home studio. I thought it was so friggin' awesome that I practically begged her to send a low res version that I could post. She has an amazingly artistic eye and her creativity is miles beyond most other photographers. She is truly an artist! The photo is of Lisa's friend Kim Deters, whom I have yet to meet, even though we share more than a few common friends.

I was really impressed with the shot until I learned that Lisa merely shot the photo while Kim actually blew the smoke out in the shape of a skull! Now THAT'S impressive!

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Monday April 17, 2006

All aboard the 565!

After lunch on Easter Sunday, the Brat and I decided to take a stroll down the railroad tracks to burn off some of the meal. Surprisingly, we found some really cool backgrounds for photographs, like the pile of spikes and the abandoned railroad car. Makes for some good old fashioned Rock-and-Roll shots, huh?

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Saturday April 15, 2006

How Easter eggs are really made.

This shocking photo, smuggled out of a Korean sweat-shop shows a bullwhip wielding Easter Bunny forcing small children to decorate his eggs. While rumors of this revelation have been circulating since the early 1970's, this photo provides the proof needed for the authorities to take action. Early this morning, the FBI seized the Easter Bunny at his Texas ranch estate. Word on the street is that a special session of congress is being called to review this disturbing case.

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Friday April 14, 2006

What a Job!

I pass by this sign everyday on my way to work. You know its a classy job when the company goes ahead and pays a little more to write the sign on white cardboard instead of brown. I wonder what it pays?

Too bad those pesky dandelions obscure the telephone number...

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Wednesday April 12, 2006

Not as white trash as I appear.

I had an extremely embarrassing moment this morning while I was at the gas station. I was at the pump, quickly lining the pockets of some Saudi prince. The Bonneville was chugging away at the pump, like a Frat boy beer bonging on pledge week. Across for me on the next pump was a lady in a white dress and her child. She eyed me suspiciously before leaving the preteenage boy alone in the car while she went in to pay. I must look trustworthy in my business casuals because she went ahead and went into the building. She had performed the quick judgement that parents often do when decisions involve their children. She probably thought to herself "thirty something an, wedding ring, four door family car, leather shoes and khakis. He must be sure."

Let me preface the following information by reminding you that the Bonneville has nearly 250,000 miles on it, so the regular check of fluids is a must. I popped the hood and checked the oil. Sure enough, it was low so I got a quart from the trunk and prepared to add it to the engine.

At this time, it was as if the fates were once again playing a cruel joke on me, laughing from the heavens above. For some reason, the plastic cap on the oil can wouldn't come off. It had somehow managed to cling to the little plastic ring on the outside of the neck. So I left it. I knew that the Fates frown upon me and I knew that by pulling the lid free, I would inadvertently sling oil all over myself. So I decided to follow the cautious path and leave the cap dangling from the ring. Unfortunately, that damned dangling cap somehow got in the way of the neck of the can, causing a small amount of oil to spill on the engine before I could aim the oil properly. No big deal, or so I thought.

It just so happens that at that exact moment, the lady in the white dress entered the scene. The same nice lady who had judged me "okay and safe" to leave near her unattended son. The instant she walked past me, the spilled oil belched forth a huge cloud of black smoke which rolled across the gas station lot and right into her. She turned to look at me as if saying "Hmph, and I thought that you were okay." and I returned with a blank stupefied look. All I could think of was "My car usually doesn't smoke like this. I'm not white trash, really."

The lady in white got into her car, leaving me and my khakis standing amidst the eruption of smoke and burning oil.

And the fates Laughed once again.

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Thursday April 13, 2006

Goodnight Inkernet (sorry Dawn)!

Her Majesty can ret easy now and she won't have to get into a big arguement with me regarding Dawn Miceli and Drew Domkus from the Dawn and Drew Show staying at our house. If you remember, several weeks ago I emailed them about staying over during the Funfest for Air-Cooled VWs that we host where I work. I found out that Drew was a VW bus enthusiast and one of our customers, so it was only natural for me to invite the over, right? yeah, Her Majesty doesn't see it my way either.

Regardless, today I got an email from Drew saying that they already have plans for that weekend and wouldn't be able to come down anyway. Oh well, it was nice of him to respond and let me know since I imagine they get hundreds if not thousands of emails each day.

If you get a chance to listen to their show, you can hear it here. And contrary to popular belief, you don't need an iPod to listen to podcasts. You just need a computer with iTunes or Windows Media Player or a portable mp3 player. But be advised, the Dawn and Drew Show is not safe for people at work, those with children, or anyone who wants to go to heaven when they die. But it's awesome!

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Wednesday April 12, 2006

Life lessons.

I don't know if I've mentioned this or not, but I have been spending a lot of time building a page about the guys in my old Marine Corps unit. It's been very time consuming and has been eating up all of the time usually spent writing for this blog. So bear with me while I get those pages built. I'm still going to update here, but it may be less frequent than usual. Once I get the pages posted, I will link to it here if you'd like to check it out.

It's so nice out today that I want to leave work early and go fishing. But I can't because things are so friggin’ hectic in my life right now. Whenever I get really stressed, I always try to remember some words of advice that my Grandmother once told me. She said “Derek, never have sex with a duck.” I've always found her advice to be sound and every time I've had a chance to have sex with a duck, her kind words always steer me clear. Thank you Grandma.

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Tuesday April 11, 2006

Pollen in the wind.

Spring has officially started at the Greenwood household. Yeah, I know that the calendar folks say that Spring started on the 20th of March. That's all fine and dandy for some, but in my home we judge the coming of Spring by the first day of lawn maintenance. I had to fire up the lawn mower for the first time this year. I was hoping to go another week but as luck would have it, both of my neighbors felt that this was the perfect day to mow. I came home from work and my yard suddenly had the appearance of a jungle. Oh well, what can you do once the neighbors get the jump on you right?

You can get your yard declared as a Prairie land sanctuary, that's how! Yes you too can declare your land as a sanctuary and never mow again! Sigh.... if only my yard could be rich grassland like the one in the photo.

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Sunday April 9, 2006

Country Roads Take Me Home.

I drove my daughter to a birthday party held at the skating rink of a neighboring town. I drive through this town every day on my commute to work and Her Majesty actually works there, but I never really see much of it. It's a tiny town of 1500 people and is the standard mid-western small farming community. Did I mention that I grew up in this town?

So instead of driving home, I took a three hour trip down memory lane. I grew up out in the country . The woods were my playground, the creek my swimming pool and my favorite toys were my rifle and fishing pole. I drove slowly down the roads, giving the once familiar wave to the people as I passed by. Out in the country, everybody waves. It's like a courteous way to say "Hello neighbor." even if the people are strangers.

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Wednesday April 5, 2006

Apocalypse now?!

I'm not sure who came up with this originally, but it's way cool!!!

Today at two minutes and three seconds after 1:00 in the morning, the time and date will be 01:02:03 04/05/06.

That won't ever happen again.............

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Tuesday April 4, 2006

Baby Talk.

A guy at work announced that his wife was pregnant as he carried around the sonogram printout. It seems like there are little babies all around me this week. Perhaps that is what led to this strange email banter:

Me: You know what I just thought of? Remember when you were worried about going into labor and I told you that it would be okay because “even stupid people do it.” I don’t know what made me think of that...... But it's still funny.

Sioux: I remember when you would say stuff like, "You better hope that baby doesn't have fingernails 'cause it will scratch you on the way out!"

That's what friends are for.

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Tuesday April 4, 2006

A command of the English language.

A brief exchange while rushing towards the kitchen during lunch hour:

Me: “Ha! I beat you! I’m faster than you.”

Sioux: “Maybe, but you’re stupid.”

Me: “Well, you’re stupid too!”

Sioux: “But you’re stupider!”.

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Monday April 3, 2006 - Evening

The Faces of Lexi!

So what is all of the fuss about? Why drive to St. Louis and pick up Her Majesty's sister and her husband? Aside from visiting them, we got to meet the newest addition to the family!

Monday April 3, 2006

St. Louis, here we come!

Her Majesty and I made a trip to St. Louis to pick up her sister, her husband (the sister's not my wife's - we're not Mormons!), and their new little girl. It was a long trip to the airport. A trip filled with unsure directions, a bit of tension and strings of foul language. But we got there!

I shouldn't complain after all, because Her Majesty's sister and crew flew all the way from the magical land of Idaho. (For those of you non-geographers, Idaho is located right between the Emerald City of Oz and Bifrost the rainbow bridge of Asgard.)

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Saturday April 1, 2006

March search results are in!

Yep, it's time once again to see the freakish searches that directed people to my site. Proving once again that google is the devil and yahoo is it's little demonly cohort .

Searches that brought people to my website in February.

03-01-06 - From google: the meaning behind acdcs back in blac
03-02-06 - From google.co.uk: do your own distortion
03-02-06 - From google.co.uk: werewolf questionnaire
03-03-06 - From google.co.uk: silly drunk animals
03-03-06 - From google.com.au: symptoms include diarrhea
03-04-06 - From google: aaron and lisa
03-04-06 - From google: personal face print bags
03-04-06 - From google: bonneville viking mascot
03-04-06 - From google: picture FoamCore cutout
03-05-06 - From search.yahoo: specimen jar
03-06-06 - From google: allergic to pumpernickel
03-07-06 - From google: significance of seven belt loops on Marine corps uniform
03-07-06 - From google: boxes with flames
03-07-06 - From google: want to scare your neighbors children
03-07-06 - From google: Leprechan homework trap
03-08-06 - From yahoo: halloween costume ben kenobi
03-08-06 - From google: why are walmart chickens so big
03-08-06 - From google: michelle leigh weather
03-09-06 - From google: james eugene ewing picture
03-09-06 - From google: parkinson disease miracle instant cures
03-09-06 - From google: dean cain custom superman costume
03-09-06 - From google: alien baby you tube
03-09-06 - From google: how rapela works fishing
03-09-06 - From google: do not crush bend or submerge
03-09-06 - From yahoo: making a hole in a glass bottle
03-09-06 - From google: majesty deodorant
03-10-06: - From google: head of a corpse photo
03-10-06: - From google: midget riding dogs
03-10-06: - From google.co.uk: weird diagrams
03-10-06: - From google: Make Your Own Head Day
03-13-06 - From google: karen in coat
03-13-06 - From google: how to take portait shots
03-13-06 - From google: interplanetary alignment
03-13-06 - From google: CHAIN LETTERS BIBLICAL
03-13-06 - From google: personal ninja teams
03-13-06 - From google: what kinds of accidents happens to children who are 11-14
03-14-06 - From google: I hate heather armstrong website
03-15-06 - From google: "Instructions on how to make"
03-15-06 - From google: broken gm console lid latch
03-15-06 - From google: mutant hairs
03-15-06 - From google: SPAM sculpting competition rules
03-15-06 - From google: "Dr. Hymen"
03-15-06 - From google: nausea and dizziness
03-19-06 - From google: printable steps to draw real flames
03-20-06 - From google: step by step making propeller model
03-20-06 - From google: puss in boots licking himself
03-20-06 - From google: Aaron Moody graphic designer
03-20-06 - From google.uk: portraits three quarter back view
03-21-06 - From google: The Sioux ate
03-22-06 - From google: Mom Spanked 1976
03-22-06 - From google: people saw Jesus drywall
03-23-06 - From google: how to close pores
03-23-06 - From google: non comedogenic
03-23-06 - From google: sasquatch photos
03-24-06 - From google: joke that will offend everyone
03-24-06 - From google.fr: questionnaire and favorite beverage
03-24-06 - From google: lisa and aaron got married
03-24-06 - From google: worst pet names for your spouse
03-24-06 - From google: Traveling Through thr Dark
03-27-06 - From Google: Choke Yourself radiation
03-27-06 - From Google: steve austin sasquatch photo
03-28-06 - From google: orangepeel texture
03-28-06 - From google: how do you pronounce jodhpur
03-29-06 - From google: step by step drawing of flames
03-29-06 - From google: the personal journey of a graphic design student
03-29-06 - From MSN search: how do you get a hole in a glass jar?
03-30-06 - From google: carrot up anus
03-30-06 - From google: glass head decor
03-30-06 - From google: lisa broadway video
03-30-06 - From google: how much did Jarhead make
03-30-06 - From google: My prince albert
03-30-06 - From google: Steps on how to do a face transplant
03-30-06 - From google: why do cucumbers make you burp?
03-31-06 - From searchmsn: hoe to create your own webpage
03-31-06 - From searchmsn: get some head.com

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Tuesday May 30, 2006

To heck with it.

I think that this blog is dead. I'm not sure, but it may be time to let it out to pasture and move on to other things. It seems like this thing does nothing but cause strife and arguements, and I don't know if it's worth it anymore. Heck, does anybody even read it anymore?

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Monday May 29, 2006

A reader submission.

My friend Sioux sent in this photo along with the following comment:

"We went to the zoo yesterday and found this statue a little odd."

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Sunday May 28, 2006

Just to clarify...

We went and watched the new X-men movie and thought it was pretty good. There were a lot more characters in this one and it was more action packed than the first two movies. The only thing that I didn't like was how Jean kills Scott and Professor X and then is in turn, killed by Wolverine in the end. Awwwwwwwww DANG! I spoiled the whole movie again, didn't I?! BWAAAAAHAHAHAHAHA!

On the way back from the movies we stopped and caught a rare glimpse of the Giant Rooster which guards the inner perimeter of some guys yard. look as The Brat flees for he life from the mechanical behemoth!

Also, just to clarify something for all of you readers who emailed me about the May 26 post: No, I didn't really have to go to the hospital because I jammed Lando Calrissian up my ass. It was a joke. Ol' Lando fell out of my butt all by himself after a few days.

Juuuuuust kidding.

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Sunday May 28, 2006

Letters, we get letters........

An excert from an email about the May 23 post from my bestest buddy Sioux:

"I know it's not going to be easy to say goodbye, but our friendship is one of those that we don't have to say goodbye to. It will last and last just like a bad case of herpes!"

Have a nice weekend...
Sioux "

Now do you see why I'm going to miss her so much?!

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Saturday May 27, 2006

As seen and noted on the way to work

I voted for President Bush and have no shame in admitting that I am a Republican, but when I got behind this vehicle on the way to work, I just HAD to get a shot of it..

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Friday May 26, 2006

That thing's operational!

We began playing a new game at work over the past week or so. It’s a little game that we have dubbed “Uncomfortable Silence.” It’s easy to play, all you have to do is interject something into a conversation that will stun the person or people who are talking with you.


Person One: “I had to go to the emergency room last night because my daughter had a high fever. It took forever for her to see a doctor!”

Person Two: “I know what you are saying! One time when I was a kid, my mom had to take me to the emergency room because I had stuck a Lando Calrissian action figure way up my ass!”

Person One: . . . . . . .

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Thursday May 25, 2006

Thunder and lightning

It stormed like crazy last night. I intended on working late, but got trapped in the building because it was so nasty out. Between the howling winds, tornado sirens, and lightning strikes, I decided that perhaps it would behoove me to stay inside and not venture home. I ended up working even later than I anticipated, but it was worth it because I saw something really cool! As I was looking out the window (yeah, I know shear brilliance, right?) I saw a huge bolt of lightning strike a passing car.

It was unlike anything that I had ever seen before. The air actually sizzled, and I saw a “ball of lightning”, more like an arc from a welder, strike the front of the van and remain there for a few seconds. It was wild!

The van pulled into the parking lot, the driver obviously driving a bit erratic. That’s when we discovered that the van belonged to one of our cleaning crew. She was noticeably shaken and told us that when it hit, her gauges went all haywire and the hair stood up on her arms.
That’s when we all decided that maybe it would be a good idea to wait the storm out.

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Wednesday May 24, 2006

Overheard at the office....

“It’s not as important to stay alive in prison as it is to stay awake.”

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Tuesday May 23, 2006

Send in the clowns...

Yesterday, my bestest friend Sioux put in her resignation at work. It's a sad time for me because Sioux and I have worked together for the better part of a decade now (Wow! A decade?!) and have become very close. It's not very common for weird people like me to find a friend who gets them, but somehow I have. Over the past seven years, I can only remember one time that I had ever been angry at her. That's a rarity indeed, as I tend to have quite the temper, or so I am told.

Sioux always gets my jokes, no matter how twisted, and always seems to be able to go one better when she wants to. Ours is a great friendship that I hope will carry on forever. So do I want her to leave? No. Am I happy for her? Hell yes, but I will miss seeing her everyday. But I have to put my personal greed aside (the greed that Her Majesty swears derives from my being an only child) because I realize that Sioux's career move is what is best for her and her family. This new position will allow her to spend more time with her son, and who could possibly blame a parent for wanting to spend more time with their children? I wish her all the best and hope that she knows that I (and everyone else who works with her) will miss her a lot.

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Monday May 22, 2006

"Really? I don't smell anything."

I actually dragged my ass out of bed fairly easily today (although Her Majesty may disagree — I consider any day that I am not pelted with kicks or nudges from her to be “an easy morning.”) I took my shower, made the coffee and even left for work a bit early. But about a mile into my journey, I began to smell a faint whiff of something sour. I couldn't quite put my finger on it, but it was foul none the less. Was it dogshit? It smelled like it. But why would my car smell like dogshit? HOW could my car smell like dogshit?

Then it hit me. I had been picking strawberries the night before at Her Majesty’s grandmothers, and she has a giant husky who roams the yard. Husky crap! That was the putrid scent that I was smelling! So I carefully removed my left shoe as I drove down the road, carefully fishing the shoe between my pant leg and the steering wheel. Nope, no remnants of canine fecal matter there! I worked the shoe back on, twisting my foot into it.

Then I tried to check the other shoe. Now this was going to be a little trickier because I had to maintain my speed since I was sandwiched between two semis. Sure enough, I could see the remaining doggie doo stuck deep within the crevices of my shoe. And since I was already en route, I went ahead and made my commute. I knew that I needed to buy some petro once I got to town, and decided that I could clean my shoe and pump at the same time. But when I pulled into the gas station, I realized that I had forgotten my wallet!

I didn't want to look like a fool at the station, scraping crap from my shoe and then driving off, so I once again drove off toward work. The smell of shit now fully overtaking my car's interior.

Once I got to work and thoroughly examined the underside of my shoe, I knew that it was going to be difficult to clean. The feces had dried and somehow solidified to what appeared to be petrified wood. I looked around for a stick to scrape the rock solid crap from my shoe. Nothing! With no sticks in the area, I was forced to look elsewhere. What did I have that could remove hardened crap? A frantic search soon revealed my only option...... a spoon that I had in my dash from a previous lunch.

So as I dug at the crap with the glistening spoon, it became apparent that this must have been Super-Dog, because the shit actually hung on, despite my frantic scraping. Faced with this new dilemma, ingenuity came into play. I opened my trunk and removed a spray bottle of Armor All. I doused the smelly shoe with Armor All and began scraping the shoe clean. The powerful combination of Silver and interior cleaner began to wear away at the feces, until it was clean once again.

Even though the shoe appeared clean, I still noticed a lingering smell of dog crap. So I decided to let it be, if anyone around me noticed it, I would pretend that I didn't smell it and quietly giggle to myself.

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Saturday May 20, 2006

Say Cheese!

The entire family made a trip to my friend Lisa Tebbe's studio to have a portrait taken. We made a conscious decision to not dress up and to wear our normal, everyday clothes. After all, how many times have any of my family or friends seen me in a suit. It's a rarity indeed. We did want something nice however, since we haven't had a portrait taken in nearly a decade. We had a blast! Her Majesty also got a reconfirmation that my friends are weirdo's, a fact that she reminds me of regularly. I'll be sure and post some of the photos once we have them, because Lisa has an unconventional way to finish her photographs. (Click here to see what I mean.) She has a knack for capturing the personalities of her subjects, and I can't wait to see how they turn out.

As an added bonus, my bestest buddy Sioux and her family came also. And after the photo sessions, we partook in festivities involving Aeon Flux, pizza, and beer. Does it get any better? My family, friends, and pizza all in one place.

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Friday May 19, 2006

Strange but cool...

I found a really cool site that i just have to pass on. Dave Devrie is an artist who began the Monster engine, his name for the niche artwork that he discovered. His paintings are often grotesque and somewhat disturbing, but the amazing element in these surrealistic paintings is that they are all based upon children's drawings.

Dave collects crayon drawings from small children and then paints them in his own style. His works bring a creepy, yet enticing visions which explore the vast creativity that exists in all children. Check his site out here.

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Wednesday May 17, 2006

Good Morning Father Moose

We Greenwoods are a strange bunch. I've always known that my life has been a little “different” than other peoples. But being different is what makes life fun. Those of you who know me may think that I can be rather eccentric in public. But rest assured, that when there is no one around to pass judgment, I really come out of my shell.

Case in point: This morning I was having a hard time getting the Brat out of bed. She sleeps like a rock. A rock on morphine, if you can imagine that. On days like this, no traditional method of waking her up will work.

So sometimes I have to resort with a non-traditional method. So I shot her in the foot with a bb-gun.

Just kidding. What I really did was announce to her that she would be awakened by the morning call of the great North American Moose.
So the entire time that I made my coffee and prepared my lunch, our house was filled with ungodly loud “MMRAGHHHHHHHHOOOOOOOOOOs

As time continued on, the calls to became longer, and louder. Eventually I walked into her room bellowing the call of our mighty moose. I bent down, putting my forehead to her head and pushed her, like a father moose encouraging his newborn to walk. After a bit more nuzzling and a few more

"MRAGHHHHHHHOOOOOs”, she awoke and left the bed. My job as the father moose was complete.

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Tuesday May 16, 2006

When Iron Eyes Cry!

I have a confession to make. I am a litterbug. While driving home today, I rolled down the window and threw out several old receipts that I had been carrying. It seemed innocent enough, returning paper to its place of origin. "Return to your families!" I thought as the paper wafted into the woods on the sides of the roads. Ah, to bring the existence of wood pulp full cycle. "Return to your home and be merry!"

But it wasn't that easy. Immediately after my hand threw out, er....liberated the paper, a great swell of guilt came over me. I became a litterbug. I polluted the earth, mother of all life. I soiled the uh, soil of our land. It was stupid white men like me that made that Indian cry in the seventies.

I remember being a child of the seventies, when it was socially acceptable to litter. Hell, back then you couldn't drive a mile without a stray soda can or paper bag blowing over into your path. Litter was everywhere, and we liked it that way. The world was my dumpster and I had lots of trash.

But times change, as well as attitudes toward trashing the earth. Back then it wasn't such a horrible thing to litter. As a matter of fact, it was pretty cool. Now don't give me a bunch of shit over this, because I don't typically do this sort of stuff anymore. But as a child, I remember how much fun littering was. I used to play a game with the old-style Styrofoam cups. I would roll down my window and hold the cup outside by pinching the outer rim and seeing how long I could hold the cup before the wind caught it and tore it from my fingers.

So as a child, I remember fond memories of polluting the earth, until i was taught a severe lesson in the fourth grade. I can remember the exact instance when I learned that society frowned upon litter. My mother and I were riding in a car with one of her friends. My mother was a teacher, so most of her friends were also in the education field. Here's the equation: teachers = union. union = Democrats. Democrats = liberals. Liberals = environmentalist nuts. Am I saying that all liberals are environmentalist nuts? No. But I am saying that all environmentalist nuts are liberals.

Now the friend of my Mom's, who for the sake of anonymity I'll call Mary Elizabeth, was chatting away about teacher things. As they were gabbing, I innocently rolled down the window and released the smallest of tin-foil hamburger wrappers. It was a glorious sight to behold. It flitted behind her car with all of the beauty of a rainbow as it was reflecting the summer sun. What a vision of man-made beauty!

But the lady, Mary Elizabeth, took note of my crime and proceeded to rip into me with all of the savagery of a badger. I learned all about the evils of littering that day, and how my mother should have been publicly flogged and humiliated for allowing me to perpetrate such an unspeakable act.

Because of this verbal beating, even today I felt like a criminal. And technically, I guess the act of littering makes me one. But when you think about it, litter isn't going to destroy the world. Why do we think that throwing bits of trash outside is any worse for the earth than throwing it all into one massive dump. I mean, the earth doesn't know the difference, does it? Dumps don't mean that there is less environmental contamination, just that it is a much stronger centralized contamination. And while I could argue the specifics of litter all night, let me reassure you that I don't condone littering at all.

So yes, I did litter. And yes I did feel bad about it. But there was a small part of me, buried deep within my psyche, hidden so far down that I never new that it existed. Yes, from within this crevice of my brain, a young innocent boy shouted "Screw You, Mary Elizabeth."

So litter isn't really an environmental threat so much as a cosmetic one. Who wants to see McDonalds wrappers all over the place anyway? Well, I guess the litter could be used to gauge the success of each fast food chain in some sort of twisted way.

Marketing Executive: "Look Mr. Jones, our litter outnumbers Taco Bell fifty-to-one! Yessirree, there'll be Christmas bonuses next year."

Visit here and discover the many ways that you can you help fight pollution....

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Monday May 15, 2006 - evening

Letters, we get letters........

The following email comment was sent in regarding my untimely absence of posting.

"WHERE ARE YOU! It has been almost 4 days and we have not herd from you except that you are in a big city wandering around drunk. Where did you go!!! AHHHHHHHHH Lights hair on fire and runs around, What will I ever do without your clever antidotes and humorous Tales. Please come back!
-Avid Reader

Sorry Dale. While I make every attempt at posting daily, sometimes my life becomes too hectic to work on my site. I always intend on doing daily updates, but sometimes it becomes a tough decision. "Hmmmmmm, do I update my blog, or take a shower? My friends will be upset either way." So I usually choose hygiene.

Dale's letter brought something to my attention. This Blog gets between 600 to 1,000 individual hits per day and I don't have that many friends. So if you are a regular reader, drop me a line and let me know where you are, who you are, and how you found my site. If any of you want me to promote your site, send me a link and I may post it on my links page.

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Monday May 15, 2006

A true hometown hero.

A friend of mine, Lynne Donaldson received the crushing news of her son's death in the service of our country. While there are no words to ease the pain, I hope that her family realizes that his life was dedicated to helping all of humanity. I only hope that Lynne can find a bit of peace in this knowledge. The knowledge that her son was a warrior who gave the ultimate sacrifice to ensure that the freedoms we American enjoy will survive. I am proud of the young man, proud in a way that only one who has served in the military can. He is a true hero, and I hope that his family can find comfort in that.

Christopher's visitation is this Thursday. It will be emotionally difficult to attend, even though I had never met the young soldier. But I go in order to show respect for the man, and out of sympathy for his mother. She is truly a wonderful woman, strong woman. God Bless you Lynne.

The following is the initial reports from the Effingham Daily News: (Click here to visit this article in it's entirety)

Effingham County lost its first soldier last week in the U.S.-led war on terror.
U.S. Army Warrant Officer 2nd Class Christopher Brian Donaldson, 28,was one of 10 soldiers killed Friday when their CH-47 helicopter crashed in a ravine during combat operations in eastern Afghanistan. Donaldson had been attached to the 10th Mountain Division, based in Fort Drum, New York. The Associated Press reported today the helicopter had been searching a mountainous area in Kunar province along the Afghan-Pakistani border when it crashed into the ravine.

The Army reported the fatal crash was not caused by hostile fire, adding the crash occurred near a mountaintop landing site during combat operations and is being investigated. The AP added about 2,500 U.S. and Afghan soldiers are engaged in a joint military campaign in Kunar. The Army has not officially released the names of those killed in the crash.

Donaldson, who would have been 29 on May 17, was a 1995 graduate of Effingham High School. His mother, Lynn Donaldson of Effingham, said her son joined the Army in 1997 and liked it so much he planned to be a career soldier.

“This is what he loved to do,” Mrs. Donaldson said. “He really enjoyed flying.”

Donaldson had trained to be a helicopter crewman, his mother said. But after initial exposure to the aircraft and becoming a crew chief, he decided he wanted to become a pilot. As a result of that decision, Mrs. Donaldson said, Chris decided to make the military his career.

“To be accepted as a pilot, he had to make a five-year commitment,” she said. “By the time that commitment ended, he had nearly 10 years in and was going to stay at least 20 years.”

Donaldson received his wings in 2004. His mother said at the time of his death, her son served as a co-pilot on a CH-47, but was nearing enough flying time to earn status as a chief pilot. Christopher Brian Donaldson was born May 17, 1977, the son of Bill and Lynn Donaldson. Mrs. Donaldson said Chris showed leadership ability at a young age.

“He was a go-getter,” she said.

Mrs. Donaldson said two Army officers notified her of the death at about 11:30 p.m. Saturday. She added family members would be meeting with another Army representative today to make arrangements for the transport of Chris’ body back to the United States.

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Sunday May 14, 2006

As it occurs to me....

I think that a lot of pirates must be homosexual. Especially since they are known for saying “Shiver me timbers!”

When one shivers, they shake. And timber is a form of wood. So those pirates are actually telling each other to “Shake their wood.”

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Saturday May 13, 2006

BLARM is a word that you've never heard before!

In my never ending quest to find decent podcasts, I discovered the antics of Canadian girl Dana (aka Wankergirl).

Her podcasts are highly entertaining yet sometimes for adults only. The formula for her shows follow a specific order.

B - beginning

L - likes

A - alarm

R - rude

M - misc.

What will you hear on BLARM? Well, here is a small sample of content that I have heard:

Her love letter to Lloyd Dobbler (John Cussack's character) from Say Anything, and why all guys should strive to become Lloyd.

Why she loves baths so much more than showers.

Her Terminator and Predator movie marathon with her boyfriend.

So check it out here if you are a grown-up, otherwise wait until you are 17.

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Friday May 12, 2006

When it rains....

Geez. It's amazing the synchronicity of design. It never ceases to amaze me how I can go months and months without a single freelance design project, and then they roll in like the Kennedy family at an open bar event. Within the past week, I have gotten work for three brochures, one DVD case and three websites. Yes, websites. I can make pretty and functional websites when I need to. But here on the Blackboard, I don't care so much about the looks because content is king.


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Thursday May 11, 2006

As it occurs to me....

When you're alone in an unfamiliar city, walking around drunk in the middle of the night, it's good to be poor and ugly.

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Wednesday May 10, 2006

Do it like the Krishnas!

My boss just purchased an outstanding book for me while we were attending our conference. It's called "The Culting of Brands" by Douglas Atkin. To briefly summarize the book, it is a study comparing how brands with a cult like loyalty (such as Apple, Harley Davidson, and Saturn) develop such a following with their customers. But Atkin goes much farther than that. He studied the persuasive methods that actual cults use to grab a mind control on their members and shows ways in which a business can employ these methods to develop a cult-like brand loyalty with their customers. It's kind of eerie when you begin reading it, but there is nothing sinister about it. The book primarily explains how the exploitation of primal human urges can create devoted followers. Much of the book flies in the conventional wisdom of branding, but if branding is a part of your job, as in my case, this book will definitely make you reconsider what you thought that you knew.

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Tuesday May 9, 2006

Overheard at the bar

After dinner, our group went out for a bit of after-dinner socializing at a trendy Chicago bar called The Redhead Piano Bar. It was truly a cool place to hang out. A clean yet smokey place where lounge singers belted out the crooning tunes of music god like Neil Diamond and Tony Bennett. You can check out a review of the bar here.

Four men are sitting in the bar and order drinks. When the waitress returns, she sits down a martini, two beers and a fruity pink concoction with a cherry inside. She gives each man their drinks.

"Here's your martini sir, and your beers gentlemen."

She then hands the other man the pink drink.

"And here's your drink Princess. Whenever you want to take your balls out of your purse and have a real drink like the rest of the men, just let me know, okay?"

I doubt that she got a tip.!

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Monday May 8, 2006 (really Tuesday May 9, 2006)

Will I survive?

I'm writing all of these entries on the toilet at my hotel. It's after 12am and the guy that is rooming with me is a light sleeper. Apparently I snore like a banshee, so this is my attempt at letting the guy catch a few zzzz's before the ruckus erupts from my nose. I even purchased some of those nasal strips that help you breathe better, but to no avail. If I never post again, it will be because I was smothered by my roommate's pillow.

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Monday May 8, 2006

Country Mouse in the City

One thing that I hate about being in the city is the relentless barrage of bums that seem to come out at night. These street vermin accost you at nearly ever corner, in search of either a cigarette, money for "food", or a drink. It's amazing how many of these street people there are. Even as I stand outside of my hotel, I am disturbed. This is not a low-rent hotel, mind you, but one of the top hotels in Chicago, the Palmer Hilton. It doesn't take long for the security guard to shoo the vagrants away. He does it quite tactfully, referring to them as sir or ma’am, but he drives them off nonetheless. He told me that even though they hassle the customers, that "Some of them are still good people, such as the lady who has been stranded here from Indiana for two years."

It makes me think hard about how well off my family and friends really are. We don't have to worry about where our next meal will come from, or if we will survive through the night. It has never been so painfully real that some of those who are less fortunate than ourselves have to worry about such matters. Of course, I never have been strung out on crack cocaine either!

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Sunday May 7, 2006

I'm leaving on a jet plane!

Okay, so it was really just a twin engine turbo prop, but close enough. I left home today for the big city of Chicago. The company has send me to a business conference for three days. It should be a great time. There are a lot of things which I am interested in learning this week. Hopefully it will help give a boost to my industry knowledge. The only part which I am apprehensive about is the wining and dining which goes on. In a fairly simple man with simple tastes.

At the greenwood household, we dine at the table, but more often than not, it is an informal gathering. Our meals are ground meat, canned vegetables and soda. So when I am introduced to the world of calamari, fillet mignon, and a choice of wines, I fall flat. I felt like a caveman dining in a royal palace. Did I order an entree or a side dish? What is the difference? And how big of a fool do I appear to be? When you don't want to look like a fool in front of the waiter, you know that you are out of your element. I hope I do okay. And just for the record, calamari tastes kinda' like fried mushrooms. So if anyone else in my family gets the chance... eat some squid. It ain't half bad!

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Thursday May 4, 2006

Happy Birthday Lisa!

Today was my friend Lisa's birthday and we celebrated by having pizza for lunch. It was eventful for a number of reasons! To begin with, today was the second day in a row that Sioux and I celebrated a birthday by eating at the same pizza place. Don't get me wrong, the pizza is fine, but two days in a row is a sacrifice that I hope Lisa appreciates! We wouldn't have yummy pizza two days in a row for just anybody!!!

In addition, we finally got to meet Lisa's friend Kim. I was glad to meet her and had looked forward to it for some time. It's amazing that we had never met before, especially since we share so many friends. It seems like everyone that I know has met her. So now I can be like "Yeah, I know Kim! She's the most amazing singer that I've ever heard! It's like a thousand angels are giving her their voices."

That's really an outright lie, because I have never actually heard Kim sing, but that's the most common thing that I hear from others when they speak of her. It's all hearsay for me right now because she didn't burst out into song when we met. (Maybe next time, Kim???) Anyway, I really liked her and she seemed to fit right in with our twisted little group.

I debated all night as to what would be a good gift for Lisa's birthday. And after much reflection, I came up with the image at the right. A hot chick licking an orangutan!!!! Yes, I imagine that Lisa now has the distinction of being the first person ever to be blessed with such a gift. Alright, so it isn't really that great of a present, but it will sound really cool at work.

Coworker: "Hi Lisa! How was your birthday? Did you get any cool gifts?"

Lisa: "Yeah, my mom baked me a cake, and my brother got me a new cd. Oh, and my friend made a really hot chick lick an orangutan for me......"

Coworker: ..........

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Wednesday May 3, 2006

Damn Destructive Kids!

I went to Walmart today to buy some supplies for a project at work. After picking up some wire, black cord and a can of clear coat, I walked to the checkout line. Once there, there was a distinct “beep” as the checker scanned my can of clear coat. I looked at the display and it read: “Is this customer over 18?” The checker hit the “yes” button and continued to scan my other items. She noticed my puzzled look and said:

“We have to validate the age for the paint.” she said matter of factly.

“Oh,” I replied “I didn't know we had a problem with vandals clear coating the bridges around town.”

She chuckled and took my money.

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Tuesday May 2, 2006

Letters, we get letters........

The following email comment was sent in regarding the photograph taken be my friend Lisa. The sender is actually the model used in the photo, Kim.

"That IS a friggin' awesome picture....Lisa Tebbe is an extremely talented artist/photographer. It was, and always is, an honor to work with her; especially since I didn't have to do a whole lot for the photo...although getting that skull just right took a little. But after the third try, I thought it turned out pretty good. By the way, nice to meet you, Derek! "

- Kim D.

Nice to meet you too, Kim! But, please don't swerve towards my car anymore.....

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Monday May 1, 2006

Such a slacker

Well, it's the first of the month and now is the time when I usually post a list of weird searches that have landed people on my website. But since I was really busy (i.e. lazy) last month, I didn't record them!


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Thursday June 29, 2006

Letters, we get letters........

Tim sent in these photos of some curious billboards that he ran across in Indiana. His comments are as follows:

Subject: Food for Blog

Here it is...say about it what you will.

- Tim

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Thursday June 29, 2006

Quite a misleading sign.

Almost every day, I eat lunch in the same area of a community park. Once you are accustomed to a place, you tend not to pay attention to the surroundings. So it was no surprise that I have sat beside this sign hundreds of times before really studying it.

The sign says: Slow Children, yet the image on the sign shows a figure dashing into a sprint. Hmmmmmm........... perhaps either a more fitting caption, or possibly a different illustration is needed.

Something to note: I'm taking a week off from posting since I'm going on a mini vacation. Nowhere fancy, just sitting around home relaxing for a bit.

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Wednesday June 28, 2006 - PM

The Roulette wheel called life.

I saw a bad wreck yesterday as I was leaving work. I won't go into any details about it except to say that I was standing by the young lady who was trapped in the car, reassuring her that she was going to be okay and that help was on the way. I held her hand, as she coughed blood and fought to stay awake. The ambulance arrived after what seemed like a half an hour although it was actually mere minutes. As they cut the door from the car and placed her on the stretcher, I could only think of how this young lady's life had been transformed in a matter of seconds, and how life as we know it could be snuffed out like a candle in a at any time.

Almost all of the horrible incidents in our lives comes down to the random chaos of timing. Had she not have turned left, the accident would have been avoided.

I have had wrecks in the past that were the result of this bad timing. Random accidents where I have struck deer come to mind. I remember thinking how if I had left work on time, I wouldn't have hit it. Or how if I had driven the speed limit I would have been past the area where the deer were. If I had taken the time to call Her Majesty before leaving work, If I had stopped to buy fuel, or if I hadn't stopped to fill my coffee cup from my thermos. The choice of all of these acts entwined to form the precise timing needed to strike the deer.

But hindsight is 20/20 as they say, proving that we have only a limited role in our own destiny, at best.

The young lady in the accident is alive, but in intensive care at the hospital. I hope and pray that she gets better soon so that she can get back into the game of life.

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Wednesday June 28, 2006 - AM

All albino, all the time.

We have albino squirrels in our yard. Yes, I know it's strange, but we really do. There have been several over the past decade, but they typically don't live long. Apparently their genetic defect makes it hard for them to hide from cats and other squirrel eating predators.

I spotted the little fuzzy tailed rat as I was leaving for work. He was about 15 feet away, but I was able to zoom in quite a bit. If you look closely at the photo on the right, you will see both a white and a gray squirrel on the same tree.

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Tuesday June 27, 2006

Lists of things.

5 Things that I never want to do.
1) Eat a raw opossum
2) Fight Mike Tyson
3) Have to take liver medicine
4) Have to sell one of my kidneys to pay for that same liver medicine
5) Matt Damon

My 6 favorite movie lines to quote in casual conversation:
1) "It is not a tumor!" - Arnold Schwarzenegger in Kindergarten Cop
2) "Run Forrest! Run!" - Jenny in Forrest Gump
3) "How art thou Dog?" - Will Ferrell in Bewitched.
4) "Nobody puts baby in the corner." - Patrick Swayze in Dirty dancing
5) "Smoke up Johnny!" - Jud Nelson in The Breakfast Club
6) "Boy, you shure do got a perdy mouth....." Redneck in Deliverance

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Monday June 26, 2006

All I need is a hunch on my back.

I only have four more days until vacation and as usual, I have gotten my annual eye infection. This is the third year in a row that I've developed a Quasimodo eye right before I take off from work. Surely there are some unknown mystical forces at work, because the probability of getting infections is next to none.

So if you are a warlock or witch who is getting back at me, please cut it out. I'm sure that I'm sorry for whatever I did to anger you. (unless you are that old man who drives like an idiot on my commute to work -- then you got what was coming to you!)

Me: "I'm sorry that I got another eye infection this year. I hate having a swollen Quasimodo eye."

Her Majesty: "Awwwww Honey, I LOVE your Quasimodo eye."

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Letters, we get letters........

Her Majesty sent me this email in response to yesterdays post:

"She is so much like you. Where does she come up with the stuff. LOL. You two keep me laughing that is for sure."

- Love ya! Wendy

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Monday June 26, 2006

Sunday June 25, 2006

It just makes sense.

I went walking with Her Majesty and the Brat yesterday. It's a 3 mile trek, and we always make sure to take a bottle of water for each of us since the summer nights are so hot in Illinois. But after about seven blocks into the walk, the brat asked me for a drink of water.

"Where is your bottle?" I asked.

"I left it at home. I forgot to pick it up whenever I put my shoes on.

"I guess so." I said as I handed her the water.

She takes a big drink and hands it back. "Make sure you wipe off the rim before you take a drink, Dad" she advised me.

"Why?" I asked confused.

"Because I'm wearing lipstick."

"You wear lipstick to go on a walk at 10 o'clock at night?"

"I always wear lipstick. And eyeliner."


"Yeah, so even if I drank with my eye, I'd still tell you to wipe off the rim."

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Saturday June 24, 2006

Almost There!

Whew! Just a few more days until vacation! I'm taking 17 days off of work beginning next Friday. I don't take much time off during the year, so this should be a really nice chance to “wind down” from my day-to-day life. We don't have many plans. I'm hoping to stay at home and relax. Maybe go camping, watch movies, visit family, etc.

Don't worry, I should be around enough to post regularly, but it may be posted several days at once, but I imagine you are used to that by now. The vacation posts might be rather boring though, something like the following: “Today I slept, then played X-Men Legends 2 on the Playstation, then slept some more.”

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Thursday June 22, 2006

More pics from Lisa!

We got several more shots in from my friend Lisa Tebbe. I know that I have bragged on about her skill to capture the "essence" or personality of a person in her photos. I think it's safe to say that she has done it again, especially with the Brat. Check out Lisa's website to see more of her work or to schedule an appointment.

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Thursday June 22, 2006

Toys! Toys! Toys!

This has been an awesome week for Derek's electronic toy collection. Not only did I get a brand spanking new iPod, but I also got a new cell phone. This one actually blows away my clunky old phone. Now I can listen to the radio through my phone while I take a photo with it at the same time.

I was dreading the telephone exchange. There's nothing more exciting than spending an evening entering a hundred numbers from one phone to another. It wouldn't take long before an RSI sets in on your thumbs.

Enter the discovery of the magical SIMS card. This mysterious card let me copy all of the numbers from one phone to another, saving my poor thumbs for more exciting things, like typing this blog entry. I'm not sure what SIMS stands for, but I think it may be Surely It'll Make it Simpler or Surprise! It's Magic Stupid.

Whatever the case, I praise ye Chinese scientists who invented the SIMS card. Your toil and spree intellect has made it easy for this stupid American enter his phone numbers.

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Monday June 19, 2006

ipod, you pod, lets all pod together!

The Brat and Her Majesty took me shopping for a father’s day present today. The Brat gets me something nice every year, but this year her gift was amazing! I am the proud new owner of a baby boy. We went to the adoption agency and signed the final paperwork to pick up our son. It'd been a long wait, as he was shipped clear from Nairobi, but he finally arrived. We had to drive clear to Chicago to pick him up since UPS wouldn't deliver him to our P.O. Box.

Okay, you got me! I'm just kidding about the adopted son, but they got me something even better! A new black 30 gigabyte iPod Video! It's awesome!!!!! I've already put several hundred songs on it and a whole butt-load of podcasts that I regularly listen to.

Many of you may remember that I had a Ilo mp3 player before and that I loved it. Well, comparing it to this iPod is like comparing an old ten-speed bicycle to a brand new Harley!

My favorite feature is probably how I can shut the thing off in the middle of a podcast and resume playing it at the exact spot later in the day. It can also play videos and show photos and stuff, but I'm still working on figuring all of that out. Right now I'm more than satisfied with just hearing audio on it.

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Saturday June 17, 2006

Letters, we get letters........

In response to Friday's post:

Dude just drop it, you have no idea how high this thing goes!

- Poe

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Friday June 16, 2006

Rockin' Robin.

Why is it that birds crap on everything in the park except the ground? Do these small winged creatures have a higher intellect that we give them credit for? No matter where I go to sit, it is covered with bird droppings, while the surrounding areas remain poop free! Surely this proves that our little flying friends possess some sort of sense of humor, right? Why else would they dive bomb the picnic tables and benches while leaving everything else untouched?
I often see large groups of birds sitting on the trash barrels, yet they remain unsoiled. So the tables obviously aren't covered in crap just because the birds sit on them. If that were the case, then not only would the trash barrels be covered, but the ground below the trees would be waist deep with bird crap.

No, the birds are laughing at us. Reveling in the way that we sit on feces covered wooden tables. Maybe it's payback for all of the childhood years where I hunted sparrows with my Daisy BB-gun. Who really knows? One thing is for certain though, there is a conspiracy afoot.

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Friday June 16, 2006

Letters, we get letters........

I got several positive emails today about my self-policing of my posts. But then I also got this message........

What the (explicative)? You've gotta be (explicative) kidding me. If you were a chick, I'd kick you right in the (explicative). I only read your post for the (explicative) foul language. (Explicative explicative explicative), you little (explicative)!

- Name withheld because I am a swell guy.

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Friday June 16, 2006

Check our new grills!

Oh, alright! They're not new grills, they're just some chewing gum wrappers.

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Thursday June 15, 2006

A truly stupid lapse in judgement.

Dear Internet,

I am an idiot! When I started this thing back in 2004, the site was always kept to what I believed was a "PG-13" rating. But I've had a lot of really life-changing things going on in the past few months. Some good, some bad, but all of them had set me in the most cynical, foul mouthed mood that I'd been in for years. So lately I've let this site slip down the path of an "R" rating. And since I feel that my content may be driving away my normal readership (or attracting unwanted readership), I will be going back into the Archives to remove and/or reword some entries.

Don't worry though, I don't intend to change any content, merely modify or tone-down the manner of how things are presented. I want this blog to be something that is safe for my daughter to read. So if my colorful, foul language has upset anyone, I apologize and intend on correcting it. I truly hope that I have your support in this matter.... dammit.

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Wednesday June 14, 2006

Interview tips for young designers applying for a position at a conservative company:

The following tips were compiled after speaking with a young man applying for a graphic design position. Each tip actually relates to statements made while reviewing his portfolio. Young designers take heed and remember these!

Tip 1.) Don't tout your extensive experience and then stammer when asked to name some of your past clients.

Tip 2.) Don't talk about your band "Ring of Dead Children" during the interview.

Tip 3.) Make sure that your primary design work isn't about supporting pornography and how you personally support porn.

Tip 4.) When providing a url of sample web-designs, make sure that it's not your weird personal site.

Tip 5.) If you break Tip #4, make sure that the site doesn't state it's support of bigamy, polygamy, pagans and transsexuals.

Tip 6.) The plight of the Ethiopians in the early 1990's should not be worked into the interview. Ever.

Tip 7.) Don't talk about how all of your work is based off of some 1960's Pop Art artist of no real relevance

Tip 8.) Unless your mother is Hillary Clinton, Angelina Jolie, or the Holy Mary, don't go on and on about her.

Tip 9.) If you bring samples of your fine art intaglio prints, please don't set the metal plates on the expensive conference table.

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Tuesday June 13, 2006

Raising The Bar? You've gotta' be kidding me!

We received a letter for Cingular telling us that our phone service was going to be cut off on July 10th. No, we didn't forget to pay our bills, nor did we do anything to piss off the company.......yet. The letter refers to Cingular's decision to end everyone's service in my local and surrounding counties. I had heard of this decision months ago, but disregarded it as some sort of local urban myth.

"How can they break every customer's contract? And more importantly, WHY would they break those contracts?"

So I set my cynicism aside. I was more likely to believe in a local Sasquatch sighting than a company "dumping" the revenue of several hundreds of customers.

But alas, it is true. After mid July, we will all have to search for a new mobile provider. (That's no small feat when you live in a town of 5000 people!) I don't understand why Cingular would sell us the service to begin with if they new that they would be shutting the area off.

I seriously hope someone loses their friggin' job over this. Not that it causes a life threatening situation or anything, but because of the immense annoyance factor. Now that we are losing our service, we have to go through all of the hassle of telling all of our friends and family our new numbers. Yep, you heard right. NEW NUMBERS! Apparently the Local Number Portability law passed by the FCC in November of 2003 doesn't pertain to us. I mean, why listen to the law when you are bailing out of hundreds of contracts anyway.

I seriously hope that they don't want their phones back, because I know at least three of them will be on ebay very, very soon. Way to take a dump on your customers Cingular! You are clearly raising the bar........ for angy customers.

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Monday June 12, 2006

It's my time to shine!

I never realized it, but I discovered some startling news. According to a piece of mail that I received, I'm not the man that I thought that I was. Apparently I'm not a man at all, but actually a teenage girl!

Why do I think this? Because I was sent a form for enrollment into the Miss Teen USA pageant.

So I guess from now on I should focus more on shaving my legs than my face. So upon discovering that I am actually a girl, I will have to make some major lifestyle changes. Most notably, I'll have to stop standing up to pee, and I'll have to somehow develop an unnatural attraction to Ashton Kutcher.

Talk about your case of mistaken identity, SHEESH!

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Sunday June 11, 2006

More fun with SPAM.

SPAM messages often use bizarre statements to demonstrate their points. Sometimes it's obvious that the sentences are written by foreigners who only have a slight grasp of the English language. Here is an example of the benefits to taking Cialis Soft tabs and my response to the claims made in the email.

Cialis Soft Tabs is the new impotence treatment drug that everyone is talking about. It has benefits over Viagra and other ED treatment solutions. Here goes some reasons to choose Cialis Soft Tabs:
1. You can mix alcohol drinks with Cialis Soft Tabs without any undesired effects.
Does anybody else predict a popular new drink called the "Screaming Mimi?"

2.Cialis Soft Tabs does not make you feel dizzy or make vision blurred, so you can easily drive a car or operate heavy machinery.
Thank god those construction workers operating the wrecking ball can now demolish and erect at the same time. Is the union okay with that?

3.Cialis soft tabs works much faster than any known ED treatment solution. Cialis Soft Tabs enters the bloodstream directly instead of going through the stomach, thus you need only 15 minutes till you feel the effect.
It goes directly into the bloodstream and it still takes 15 minutes. Geez, it must take a loooooong time for that blood to reach the old guy's penis.

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Sunday June 11, 2006

A note to my old CCD friends.

I'm sure that most of you have heard by now about Leslie's battle with brain cancer. If this is the first that you have heard of it, I am posting a series of emails sent by Robyn M. telling about the situation.

Subject: Leslie Gipson
Date: Saturday, June 10, 2006 8:36 PM

"I was at the Little Theatre in Sullivan today. After the show we went to Sisters to eat. There was a benefit notice for Lesilie. She has been diagnosed with canceous brain tumor. The benefit is to raise money for her medical bills. It's July 1 at the Shelbyville VFW, There is a $5.00 donation for food and DJ. They have set up a account for her at First Federal Savings and Loan. More information 259-9942 or 273-8752."

Subject: Update on Leslie
Date: Sunday, June 11, 2006 4:13 PM

"Called the number for a contact. Leslie had donated her hair to Locks of Love before she lost is to chemo. She is in the fight of her life. If we can go to this benefit we really need to. She has a 50/50 chance of making it 5 years. The contact person was so happy I called. I told her to be sure and let her know we were praying for her and if we couldn't make the benefit, we'd definately get some money in that account set for her. I was, of course, talking for myself, but if anyone can help, I know you will."

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Saturday June 10, 2006

Fun with SPAM.

Have you ever noticed how little the subject lines in SPAM differ, even when they are selling totally unrelated things? I get around 20 items of SPAM a day, and no I'm not talking about that delicious potted meat Spam either, I mean the junk mail SPAM. But I digress. Most of my junk mail relates to two types of offer; those which will make my investment portfolio bigger, and those which will make my hootie-hoo bigger.

So as a test, here are some subject lines for both types of SPAM. See if you can tell which subject line refers to which offer.

Momentous huge growth!
Answer: Stock

Never seen stuff Rock hard manhood, multiple explosions and several times more semen volume
Answer: okay, that one was easy! Medicine.

Never-seen Boost to astonishing levels.
Answer: Medicine

Inexpensive high quality
Answer: Stock

test dyk
Answer: Medicine

overwhelmingly important information
Answer: Stock

Nothing hiDden Anymore
Answer: Stock

the information is in the letter and more of this stuff inside
Answer: Medicine

test iaw
Answer: Stock

you might be interested in this
Answer: Medicine

look through the message watch more inside
Answer: Stock

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Friday June 9, 2006

Back in Blak.

I won a contest today at work and the prize was this weird new "soda" from Coca Cola called Coke Blak. It's packaged in a dark bottle and is some sort of coffee/soda hybrid drink!!!! Mmmmmm......... should keep me up all night long, right?

Wrong! As soon as this putrid liquid hit my mouth I knew that it was the drink of the devil. I don't know who in their right mind decided that this was a good combination. I like Coke, a lot. And I LOVE coffee (I drink about 11 cups per day of black, unsweetened coffee)! So you'd think that I of all people would be orgasmic over the combination in Coke Blak. But alas, it was not to be. If there was a surefire way to concentrate pure evil into a liquid form, it would be this foul concoction.

Ye be forewarned. Beware the Coke Blak.

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Friday June 9, 2006

Family Photos.

Our friend Lisa Tebbe sent us a preliminary photo of the Brat last week. Lisa always adds a modern and highly stylized look to her subjects. It may have been years since many of you have seen our daughter and Lisa has captured her attitude extremely well.

I'll be sure and post more of the photos after we get them in.

If you like her work and want to see more or inquire about setting up an appointment, click here: The Studio

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Thursday June 8, 2006

And visions of skeletons danced through their heads.

I'm thinking of a new halloween decoration that will essentially be a bunch of my cheap skulls put together to make a massive pile. I'm not sure if I want it to be a big, tall column of skulls, or something shorter, but wider. I'd like to make it something that I can out in the yard in October, but stable enough to stand up to the elements and the vandals which seem to abound in that month.

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Wednesday June 7, 2006


Yep, I am sitting alone at our community park. I am that big creepy guy that all of the parents are keeping a watchful eye on. I don't blame them of course. I mean, I AM a 240lbs. guy sitting alone at a picnic table, smoking cigarettes and typing into a handheld computer! How much weirder could a guy be? Maybe I should wear goggles, galoshes and yell "J-J-J-JEHOVAH!!!" really loud when anyone comes near. Yeah, that'd REALLY be disturbing, wouldn't it?

Yeah.................. lunch pretty much sucks anymore. Maybe I'll just start working through it.

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Tuesday June 6, 2006

A day of Revelations?

I spotted this sign on my way to work this morning! Why would a Christian church promote a John Wayne impersonator on their sign? Are they claiming that The Duke is God? It says worship for The Duke is at 9am and 6pm, right?

Is John Wayne the false prophet that is spoken of in the book of Revelations? It’s a most heinous thought, especially since today is the 6th day of the 6th month of the 6th year. But rest easy my friends! Nothing foul or sinister is at play here. No, the Christians are merely celebrating an important person in God’s scheme of life.

Most people don't know it, but John Wayne is the person who guards the pearly gates of Heaven. It's true! He and his single cancer-free lung have served as the Chief of Security for innocent souls since 1979. He's a vigilant guardian who keeps a watchful eye on all those who try to enter. Dedicated and watchful, The Duke will remain Heaven’s sentry until Clint Eastwood dies and there is a changing of the guard.

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Monday June 5, 2006 - Evening

Just who's kid is this anyway?

The Brat has been grounded since the first day of her summer vacation. I won't go into detail as to why, but suffice to say that she was grounded for the ENTIRE summer. No television, telephones, friends, or music is allowed. Since then, she has learned her lesson. She's a bright kid and understands why she was being punished. She's also working a couple of part time jobs to earn herself some spending cash. Like I said, she's a smart kid. And frugal, much like her mother. Last weekend she purchased a CD because it was on sale, even though she realized that she wouldn't be able to listen to it until she was ungrounded.

Needless to say, she has behaved so well since her grounding, that Her Majesty and I decided to go ahead and unground her today. The ungrounding led to the following conversation:

Me: "Okay Brat! You've behaved so well lately that we're going to unground you."

The Brat: "From everything?"

Me: "Yes, from everything.""

The Brat: "Even my music?"

Me: "Yes, even your music."

The Brat: "So I can do anything?"

Me: "Yes, anything."

The Brat: "even ride an otter?!"

Me: "............."

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Monday June 5, 2006

As seen and noted.

Spotted this painful example of how it must feel to have to poop Lincoln logs.

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Sunday June 4, 2006

On Golden Pond.

I noticed something bizarre today that I have noticed before, but never pondered upon. There are two types of men that use public restrooms. No I'm not talking straight and gay, black and white or anything as obvious as that. This difference shows no overt distinctions whatsoever, that is, until a bladder is being drained.

I don't know if any of you other guys have experienced this, but I have discovered the two types of men. Men are either drainers, or squirters. I myself am a drainer, meaning that when I pee, I release a constant stream of urine until my bladder is empty. My observations have led me to believe that most other men are drainers also. But there are some guys out there who don't release a solid stream, but instead release short, repetitive bursts of pee. I'm not sure why one would do this, all I want to do is get rid of the pee, not engage in some sort of bizarre prostate “pushups”. Perhaps there is a reason that they release the pulsing stream into the urinal. Maybe its a game that I never learned, or perhaps its some sort of tantric method to enhance an adult’s “lghts out” activities.

So am I strange for wondering about this? Am I the only one confused by this? Does everyone else actually shoot burst of piss and I am the freaky one? Hmmmmm........ the world may never know. Check back tomorrow when I tackle yet another bathroom mystery: “If you shake it more than twice, is it really playing with it?”

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Saturday June 3, 2006

Boys will be boys.

(Warning: This link is NSFW if your monitor's resolution is set to 1680x12550 and your manager/spouse/kid/priest is standing exactly seven feet behind you.)

I stumbled across this site from a link on another blog and just HAD to investigate. Be careful when going there because it is definitely not a work-safe website. It just goes to show you that even the super geeky, Trekkie, uber geeks of men can't keep away from porn. Will ASCII Porn be the next wave to lead us Americans into the bowels of hell? Somehow I don't think so.

It's a testament to the perversion of all of us. I mean, what type of guy takes the time to create this stuff, anyway? I can almost visualize some sweaty geek, face glowing from his green screen monitor as he draws his woman in ASCII. Geez.............

On a happy note, I don't feel nearly as geeky (nor as perverse) as I did before I learned of that site! (Personal note: So buck up Eddie B! You're nowhere near as geeky as you thought.)

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Friday June 2, 2006

Stalking JP.

I walk past JPoe's house every night on my evening walk. He lives in a second story apartment and I always look to see if I can see him so that I can yell "Josh!!!! Let down your hair! " to him, but he's never there. So I decided to send him this deliciously awkward email out of the blue, yesterday. But in the traditional J Poe fashion, he turned it around on me and made it even more bizarre....

Me: Dude! I pass by your apartment at about 10 every night. I noticed that your window fan was moved. Is everything okay??

JPoe: Yes everything is fine, there is nothing to worry about, they are treating us very well, they say that we will be given care packages at Christmas, there is no reason to form a rescue party to come save us (but if you do, get Chuck Norris to lead it, he can do ANYTHING), the overlords are coming this way so I must get back to work, remember, be happy in your word, the only way to true happiness is to work,

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Thursday June 1, 2006 - Evening

As quoted by The Brat.

"Nothing smells quite as nice as an old, musty Edgar Allen Poe book."

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Thursday June 1, 2006

Ummmmm, yeah, that's about it.

And on today's agenda, we have a pretty light amount of work, don't you think?!

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Wednesday May 31, 2006

Letters, we get letters........

Okay, okay! I got tons of letters from people I don't even know. (Like a Rhinestone Cowboy!) I also got letters from either people whom I know, or those who _ don't know, but are frequent contributors to the site. Thanks to all for your concern. I will continue to post my thoughts - and regardless if they be good or bad, they will always be honest. Below are some snippets of email that I have received when I announced that I may quit posting a blog.

Are we having a bad day? I hope you don't dump the blog... it's how I get my fix. *thinly veiled threat* Hooooo.... just hang on there big dog. and SPILL! What's going on?
- White Raven

If you quit the blog......you die!!! And while I'm at it, I may just hunt down that worthless putz, Aaron Zane and slap his bitch ass around as well. What do you think about that?? Huh??

Unstably yours
- Schaljo

Bad Day? Yes I read it every couple days. It helps me to feel like I am still in touch. I always enjoy reading it and it always make me laugh. Some times it even makes me feel like I am still at work because I proof read your spelling errors!

- BDahnke

What is up with your weblog......what happened?????? What is wrong?

-Lisa T

Please don't stop writing your blog. Reading it is the highlight of my days. It's like reading the great American novel, only a day at a time. It is the only thing that makes my life worth living. I don't know if I can continue without it!

Okay........so I just made that one up. Never mind.

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Wednesday July 26, 2006

The Carnivore of retail.

Our tiny little town has gotten a recent addition which promises to be both a blessing and a boon to our lives. I am, of course, speaking about Super-Walmart. We always hear about how Wal-Mart is single handedly destroying the small businesses of America and how it is ultimately going to be the downfall of our great nation. I remember hearing on NPR last year that eight cents out of every dollar spent in the US goes to Wal-Mart. But then I also know that this “evil empire” is also the second biggest employer in America, second only to our own US Government. So Wal-Mart takes our money, but then returns some of it to its employers.

I’ve also been told that the entrance of this Super Wal-Mart will devastate our small town businesses. I understand that a lot of small businesses will be impacted by the store’s opening, and that some of these businesses will ultimately have to shut their doors. But then I have to ask; Can I walk into any of these small businesses whenever I want? I mean, If it’s three in the morning and I have to purchase a pack of sausage links, some AAA batteries, the new Dixie Chicks CD, and a futon, could I do that at any of these other, smaller businesses? I say thee nay!

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In an ironic twist, so far the only business which has closed it’s doors since the new Super Wal-Mart has opened, is our old Wal-Mart. So, what have we learned? Wal-Mart is cheap, convenient, and carnivorous.

Wednesday July 26, 2006

Additional Entry of Note.

You know that your company has made it big-time whenever Micro$oft Outlook has the name of your company listed in it's spell check dictionary!

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Tuesday July 25, 2006

What do I appreciate?

Just what is love? This is love........

Getting up early to make my coffee because you knew that I was tired.

Not being mad at me even when I am mad at the entire world.

Staying awake for me when I get home and it's after your usual bed-time

Cooking something for dinner just because you know that I like it.

Not calling the mental hospital whenever I dance around the house, singing for no apparent reason

Buying things for me when you go on a shopping trip.

Waiting on me while I spend time updating this blog.

Monday July 24, 2006

Yes, I am Alive.

I've been exceptionally busy since I returned to work. It's just my luck to return from vacation and then have to work an 85 hour week to keep up. This whole week has basically consisted of this routine:

8am - arrive at work
11pm - arrive at home

Such is the life of a graphic designer. I hope to begin posting regularly since things will be slowing down and I will actually be home a bit. Man! I need a vacation!

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Thursday July 20, 2006

Questions can get you in trouble.

Her Majesty, The Brat and I met up for dinner this evening. I was working late and they drove up to meet with me and then meet up with friends. I of course, would go immediately back to work after dinner because that's what I do nowdays.

After ordering our food, we sat at a booth and Her Majesty immediately got a call on her cell-phone. She said “Hello.” and then stood up and walked outside to take the call. The Brat and I sat waiting for her for a few minutes, before she spoke.

The Brat: “Dad, is Mom an assassin?”

Me: “No honey, your mother is not an assassin.”

Awkward Silence........

Me: “She’s a secret agent.”

The Brat: "Are you a secret agent too?”

Me: “Yes I am.”

The Brat: “Have you ever tried to kill mom because she’s a secret agent too? You know, like in that Mr. and Mrs. Smith movie.”

Me: “No honey, but I've never been ordered too.”

The Brat: “You know, Your not really a secret agent if you told me.”

Me: “I know. Now I have to kill you.”

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Sunday July 16, 2006
Saturday July 15, 2006

Letters, we get letters........

In regards to the Sunday, July 9th post:

I hear butt pirates like to shave...

- Timmaa

You hear butt pirates Tim??!! God Lord!!! Get out of there while you can still walk!!!!

Thursday July 13, 2006

How a bunch of rain nearly killed me

I took my two youngest brothers camping yesterday. It had been a long time coming,, as I had been promising to take them all summer, but never had the chance to do it. I knew that I had to follow through though since the oldest of the two will be turning 18 soon and be off on his own. So this was my final chance to spend some time with both of them. I knew that it wasn't going to be easy! The temperature was in the 90's and the humidity was so high that it felt like we were breathing water. But we went anyway and arrived at the pond around 2:00pm.

Our intentions were to fish through the day and take a break around 7pm. Then we planned on fishing again around dusk, after our bellies were full of roasted hotdogs and soda.

Immediately upon arrival, we set up our tent. Yes, a tent. I'm neither fancy enough nor wealthy enough to own a camper. The pond is surrounded by woods and after searching for some high ground, we pitched the tent underneath four gigantic trees. It was perfect. We chose the areas because the trees were huge and provided both shade and a natural "umbrella" for the tent since there was a chance of thunderstorms later that night.

We spent more time trying to start a fire than anything else. It had been raining here for the past few days and we couldn't find any dry sticks or leaves to build the fire. But eventually it took off and we had a decent fire to roast out hotdogs. After the fire was built, we fished in the sweltering heat and eventually caught a small mess of bass, bluegill and red-ear.

But then the rain came. Not just any rain, mind you, but a hellish torrential downpour that made the ground hiss and sizzle. So we headed for the tent and spent most of the night in there. From around 9pm on, we sat in the "waterproof" tent, watching as the seams dripped and small puddles seeped inside from the tents floor. But we were determined to stay. So the three of us sat inside with our flashlights, talking and joking around. While this wasn't the camping trip that I had planned, it was still a lot of fun.

It was around midnight when we heard a horrendous crash to the east of us and we ran outside to investigate. Our flashlights revealed that a large branch had crashed to the ground not 30 feet away from us. The rotten wood had given way to the weight of the wet branch. We went back into the tent and sat, listening to the hooting owls and the cries of the nearby coyotes. We joked about how their shrill baying would scare someone not accustomed to hearing it.

Although we were having fun. It was apparent that there would be no sleep for any of us that night. The water had began pudding at our feet, and we had to continually move our gear to keep it dry. Hours passed and we kept talking until we were surprised to hear a loud cracking and then the while of a falling tree. It sounded like it was directly above us and we waited for it to crush us, as we were stuck in the tent, unable to do anything. The familiar crash of a limb echoed in the night and we once again ran our to nervously investigate. Another limb, this one much bigger than the first had fallen and struck the ground less then 15 feet away from us, We shuddered as we realized that if it had fallen on us, we would all have had broken bones if not have been killed under it's weight. Even more terrifying is that it had fallen in the spot where we were originally intended on pitching the tent!!!!

Shaken, but determined to stay, we moved our essential gear into the truck and sat in the cab until the storm ended. At about 3am we tried to fish some more, but the lack of sleep was wearing us down. We packed our gear and broke down camp just before daybreak to return home and catch some much needed rest.

Left: My two "little" brothers (both of who are taller than me already) preparing to set some stuff on fire as soon as we arrive at the campsight.

Right: The branch that damn near killed us all. Sorry for the grainy photo, but it was taken in the dark and I had to adjust the photo like crazy in order for the tent to show up.

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Tuesday July 11, 2006

Sunday July 9, 2006

Yes, but is he a butt pirate?

Her Majesty took the Brat and I to watch the new "Pirates of the Caribbean". The effects were simply amazing on this film. The squid-faced Davy Jones character was realistically disgusting. I'd give the flick two big thumbs up!

And I pose this question to you. If you have seen either of the movies, you've no doubt noticed the peculiar mannerisms of Captain Jack Sparrow (played by Johnny Depp). Do you think that the captain is gay, or merely flamboyant? I myself think he's gay, but both Her Majesty and the Brat disagree. My theory is that "not all gay men are that flamboyant, but only gay men are that flaboyant." Opinions????

Regardless, Depp is awesome in the role. I can't even imagine anyone else being able to play that character. The movie ends with a cliff-hanger, and if I've ever saw a movie set itself up for a sequel, it's gotta' be this one. The ending almost reminded me of one of those 1930's serial movies.

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Saturday July 8, 2006

Letters, we get letters........

White Raven sent in this email which addresses both my lack of posting and my apparent all-around laziness:

Egad! I miss the blog already. How am I to survive when you go to China?

*sigh* How's your vaca going? Hope you're having a blast and lying on the couch a lot.

- White Raven

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Thursday July 6, 2006

Mystery Hunters.

I got an email the other day from a lady named Dina, who works for a television show called "Mystery Hunters." The show is aired throughout the UK and Canada, but also airs on the Discovery Channel.

According to Dina, they are producing a show this series on the Chupacabra and ran across my "photos" while researching images of the beast. The exciting news is that they want to use the images of my Chupacabra sculpture for the show.

So after sending the photos via email, I hurried and mailed the release form to their production studio in Montreal. The Chupacabra episode is currently in post production, so hopefully they will get the images and release in time for use.

I'll let you all know when the show airs, if I am notified. For allowing the use of the images, I'm supposed to get a "byline" in the credits and a copy of the show on dvd.

This isn't the first time that my artwork has been on television though. Friends may remember several years ago when a logo that I designed ended up being shown repeatedly on "Survivor." Butch Lockley, the school principal from a nearby town, wore a t-shirt which featured a school logo for the entire season. A logo which just happened to be my first freelance job - ever. So while it wasn't rally anything amazing, it was still cool to see it in one of my favorite shows.

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Tuesday July 4, 2006

Independence Day 06.

Tonight we went to watch the Indianapolis Symphony Orchestra play an outdoor concert in tribute to our military, both past and present. They sounded amazing! The heavy, night air echoed with their music. For the finale, the symphony played to an accompanying fireworks display.

There isn't any way to show you just how many people were there to watch the event in a single photo/ The above shot is a composite of 5 separate photos that I have spliced together. It displays the magnitude of the show fairly well. If you look behind the Brat's head, you can see the red tinted lights of the Symphony's open-faced auditorium.

The Brat caught some amazing shots of the fireworks display! I wish that I had room to show them all, but I'm going to keep it down to the two shots above. The center photo shows a close-up (well......closer-up at least.) of the symphony.

One bit of strangeness that I did note: I got really excited about going to the show because I heard that there was an Apple Store on the grounds. But once we got there, I think nothing more than a devious ploy to get me to go to the symphony. Hmm...... I wonder if Apple Computer would frown on this!

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Thursday August 31, 2006

Ground Hog Day (well, kind of...)!

I made a new friend at lunch today. Well, not really a friend, seeing as how the little critter would have enjoyed gnawing my foot off! I showed the pics to people at work and the photos inspired the following conversation:

Me: I was afraid to get to close. He was really watching me as I moved around. I didn't want to get bitten.

Paul (directed towards Jon): Geez! Are groundhogs aggressive?

Jon: How the hell would I know?!

Alex: I doubt if they're very aggressive. I'm not sure, but just because I've never heard a parent tell their kids “Now be careful and watch out for those groundhogs!”

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Monday August 28, 2006

Birds Do It, Bees Do It!

I shot these slugs on the side of our back door last night. I've never quite seen anything like it. There was this HUGE glob of white mucus hanging from them!

Of course, I immediately called to Her Majesty to look and thoroughly disgusted her.

I'm not 100% positive, but I think that they were mating. I don't pretend to be a biologist or anything, but I can't imagine any animal, slug or otherwise, wanting to be immersed in that much mucus unless they were getting it on.

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Saturday August 27, 2006

No More Kings (anyone who gets this obscure reference will get a big "attaboy").

We got rid of the old Bonneville today! Thank god we will be able to pay our property taxes now! This is the first year that we've struggled with them because our "tax-break" from the city is ending. I'm not sure what the full amount was, but I think it was around 50 billion dollars! Luckily we were able to get $850 out of the ol' car!

There were a lot of things going bad with the old ride, but I'm still going to miss it. It had alot of cool features, like the speedometer projected on the dash, a sunroof, and the supercharger. I hope the guy who bought it gets some good use out of it.

I just hope that the curse of Karen Carpenter doesn't carry over!

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Saturday August 26, 2006

Snooty Beeotches!

Ford Motor Company sent us this nice letter the other day explaining how there was a recall on our Explorer and explained to us how the electronic system may cause a fire. So, not wanting to burst into flame anytime soon, the family went to our local dealership to get it repaired. It wasn't a horribly long repair, under a half an hour.

But out of all of the things that I will remember about the experience, it wasn't the wait. Nor was it the cost (which was nothing), or the horribly bitter free coffee that I had in the waiting area. No, what I will remember for years to come is the snobby lady who shared the waiting room with. Her attitude toward us was apparent from the moment we walked in. She looked away with a scowl, her bitchy lips pursed tightly, as we walked past.
I'll be the first to admit that we weren't dressed to a "T", and as a matter of fact, I probably did look a little rough around the edges with my camouflage t-shirt and green cargo shorts, but it's not like we had body odor or anything.

We sat at a nearby table away from the lady, but you could just feel her disgust in the air. So I ask, what would you do n this situation? Do you confront her? No, it wasn't that big of a deal, really. Do I really give a crap what this snooty ol' bitty thinks about us? Not really.

So I did what I felt was the right thing to do. The thing that I felt would make me the better person, I played an annoying game of paper football with my daughter.

I'm sure the annoying sounds of us plinking the paper wad didn't bother the lady a bit, nor did the constant motion caused by us retrieving the paper "football" from the floor.

"Whoops! I accidentally flicked it too hard again!" snicker, snicker.

Some folks just need to get over themselves!

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Wednesday August 23, 2006

Overheard at a High School Football Game.

A newspaper photographer was at a football game taking "action shots" of the team. During halftime, he was surrounded by students, one of whom was asking about photography.

Student: I love photography! How can I get a job shooting for the paper?"

Photographer: "That's easy kid, just don't do your homework."

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Monday August 21, 2006

What The?!.

Ed B. sent this disturbing photo in from the Illinois State fair! White supremacist sheep, or ghostly barnyard apparition?

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Saturday August 19, 2006

Putting her our to pasture.

I'm sorry to say that the time has come for me to release the Bonneville from its task of being my primary transportation.

When we bought it nearly five years ago it was an awesome ride, but like all vehicles do, it began to show its age in the past two years. It has hit that age when everything begins to fall apart. It started with the anti-lock brake system. Once the brakes went out, we knew the end was near. It still runs fine, but the cost of gas was severely crippling our finances. So it's time to put her down.

But who would want to buy a car with all of these troubles? We'll be honest about the problems to all of the potential buyers, but I think that with the proper wording, we can downplay them.

Heres what I mean; the following is a list of issues that the car has, and how we could word them so that they don't sound so bad:

Bonneville For Sale:
Runs well -

Has over 200 thousand miles on it - Reliable car.

Horrible fuel economy - low milage

Air ride suspension no longer works - Driving it is makes you feel as if you are one with the road.

Emergency brake sticks - "Brake Locking" feature helps secure car on steep hills.

The supercharger only works part of the time - You be thrilled when you feel it's super charger kick in!

The gauges and mileage indicators sometimes go out - Lights on gauges may be turned off! Great for nighttime driving.

Anti-lock brake system doesn't work - This car can really squeal it's tires!

Electric Sunroof won't always close - Believe me, once you experience driving with the sunroof open, you'll have a hard time driving with it closed ever again.

Idles rough and you have to pump the accelerator to keep it running sometimes - When you put your foot down, this car will really go!

Leaky radiator and burns oil - All fluids changed regularly.

Exhaust pipe is broken off on one side but not the other - Dual exhaust system! Not another one like it in the area. 
Needs new air bags - Proven safe.

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Thursday August 17, 2006

Letters, we get letters........

In regards to the August 7th post:

Yes, I hear you....I'm still here.  That horrible stabbing pain you get in
your back for no apparent reason is me, sticking another pin in my Derek
Greenwood action figure (with kung-fu grip) and laughing maniacally!  Ha,
take that graphics boy!!!

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Thursday August 17, 2006

She gets it from me.

We spent the majority of yesterday evening searching for The Brat's cell-phone. We looked high and low, checking everywhere we could think of. The Truck, the car, her friends' house, her grandma's house, and yes, our
house. But even after hours of looking, it ended up being a fruitless

Yes, we DID call the number, but like any other kid, The Brat isn't the most consistent person regarding charging her phone. So either the battery is dead, or the phone is hidden better than the corpse of Jimmy Hoffa. It's a mystery.

Her Majesty is bewildered regarding our child's innate ability to lose things. It truly mystifies her how the kid can have something in her hand one second and then BAM....... It's misplaced a few seconds later.

I'm sad to say that she gets it from me. I've always been like that. It started out with shoes. I never could keep track of my shoes as a child. It was such a problem that my mother used to put Jancie  (a younger, but more organized cousin) in charge of keeping track of my sneakers at family gatherings. It sounds embarrassing, but she did a good job of it.

Like the Brat, I too seem to have the ability to misplace anything. I can set my key down on the table, only to find them in another room moments later. It's bizarre and sometime even weird. I mean, I have found the TV remote in the fridge before. And in the bathroom! Why in Gods name would I leave the remote in the bathroom?!

There's only one logical reason for this. Pocket Universe. Yes, a pocket universe existing parallel to ours. A universe filled with all of the things that I have lost over the years. It's a universe filled with ink pens, cd's, silverware, socks, fishing lures, and shoes, all stemming from me.

Yeah, pocket universe. That's it.

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Wednesday August 16, 2006

Letters, we get letters........

In regards to the Wednesday, August 14th post:

Wanted to comment on your blog post about airlines.  I totally agree with you!  There is an old saying that goes like this: "An armed society is a polite society."  Besides that you wouldn't even have to get as drastic as arming EVERYONE.  If the fed-gov would stop trampling on our God given rights and allow us to protect ourselves this wouldn't be a problem.  Let me show you how.  
Here's a nice little snip from a document you may not have heard of... the constitution of the United States of America.  "the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed." (Amendment 2)
The thing I'd like to point out is the word INFRINGED.  Let's define that term.  Infringe - to encroach upon in a way that violates law or the rights of another
Ok.. so basically our it is our God given RIGHT  to both keep and carry (bear) arms (weapons -especially firearms)  If God gives me the right to do so and the Constitution protects me from the fed-gov violating that right why am I not allowed to be armed (in any freaking way) on an airplane? Because the federal government is usurping the rights of the people regardless of the Constitution.
Now lets imagine for a moment that the Nanny-State would have left us alone long enough for 9-11 to be ATTEMPTED in 2001.  In a free society not everyone chooses to be armed, but here's the beauty of it...  SOME DO!  So the perps don't know who is armed in any given situation.  This makes for a very satisfying scenario.  Three guys with weapons pop up and try to hijack the plane... upon which 10 or 15 responsible citizens who are armed either shoot the idiots or put them out of comission and life goes on!  Yippeee! We've solved the problem.  Let's get smart here... why should the bad guys be the only ones who are armed?  Obviously if they're willing to kill someone they're not going to care if they're breaking a gun law.  (DUH)
Here's the root of the solution:  We all need to stop relying on big brother to keep us safe and learn to be responsible for ourselves!!  For crying out loud people get a spine and grow up!  Be prepared to deal with life and stop looking for someone to take care of you.
Ok... *gets off her soapbox*  I'll quit now.  LOL

-White Raven 
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Tuesday August 15, 2006

AOL sells you out.

Remember earlier this year when the Government was pressuring Google to release its search records of it's users? I'm proud to say that the people from Google had enough balls to stand up to Uncle Sam and say "F you ! Those records are private and we won't release them!"

After hearing this, the government basically backed down. Violating consumer privacy is not a good way for either political party to gain votes in the upcoming elections.

While Google should be commended, the folks at AOL should be wallowing in shame! Were you aware that AOL provided detailed search records of it's subscribers? It's true!

In AOL's defense, they didn't give the subscribers name, but merely a user number. The bad thing is, many people do searches for their own name, social security number and credit card information to periodically check for online fraud. So there are some cases where the searches themselves can easily identify the individual user.

Scary! Way to go AOL.

But another frightening thing isn't caused by AOL itself, but by the users. By briefly browsing the searches, you run into some rather..... disturbing searches.

There are dark and strange people out there. People who never expected that their dark sides would ever become public knowledge. Beware AOL users. Beware.

Not all of them are disgusting though, and some of them are quite humorous. It's fun to imagine the people who are doing these searches and what kind of thought pattern they are following to do these searches.

Don't trust me on this one however, go here and read some of the searches yourself. Prepare to be amazed, bewildered and disgusted as you gain an unrestricted access to the minds of the human animal.

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Monday August 14, 2006

A simple solution?

I know that the airlines are removing anything that can be construed as a weapon because of the recently thwarted terrorist plans. But wouldn't it be easier to give EVERYONE on board a weapon instead?

Think about it...... If every single passenger were issued a razor sharp machete upon boarding, do you think anyone would try and hijack the plane? Hell no! Who would want to dodge a barrage of machete swinging, jet lag suffering people? Nobody, that's who. And that doesn't even include the havoc that would ensue from the enraged smokers going through nicotine withdraw.

Plus, it'd make a short order of any bizarre occurrences like in that new movie "Snakes on a Plane."

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Saturday August 12, 2006

Holy Flaming Tortillas!!!

We had a great time at Lisa's cookout over the weekend. Even the Brat kind of enjoyed it. Aaron Zane showed up on time because of his girlfriend Lorretta, which astounded me! It was good to see them again, and Her Majesty enjoyed meeting them on a more person to person basis. Until then, she had only known everyone through the crazy stories that I would tell when I came back from work.

Stioux (husband of Sioux) not only impressed Aaron and I with his skills at the grill, but also showed us the proper way to build a campfire using tortilla chips and the catholic times.

Who knew that a tortilla chip could burn for such a long time?!

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Friday August 11, 2006

Takin' a late lunch

It's 2pm and I'm taking a late lunch. I'm really excited about tomorrow because we are having a get together at my friend Lisa's house. I'm really excited about it because I haven't seen my close friends for quite some time. Even that lazy SOB, Aaron will be there (He still owes me $5 y'know!) with his girlfriend Loretta. Sioux and Stioux are going too.

Hmmm.....that last sentence had a wonderful use of iambic pentameter, don't you think?

I'd mention that Lisa would be there too, but it's at her house....so duh! I'm sure it'll be tons of fun! I can't wait!

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Wednesday August 9, 2006

One heck of a stormy night.

Forgive me Internet, for I have sinned. It has been four days since my last confession.....er, posting. It's been such a long time due to not only my work schedule, but also due to Mother Nature's will. If you haven't heard, my hometown got flooded with over 7 and a half inches of rain the other night. It was a horrible thunderstorm which not only flooded many houses in the area, but also zapped my ISP, temporarily shutting down my site.

But all is well again and I'm ready to start posting again.

The Brat and I went out driving to check out the carnage brought upon by the storm. I had intended on taking today off from work, and as luck would have it, I wouldn't have been able to go to work anyway. Apparently, the rain has flooded both highways leading to my town, making it physically impossible to leave. Her Majesty works 10 miles from home and even she couldn't get to her work until around 1pm.

So The Brat and I did what any other father and daughter would do on a day like this. Yes, we drove around photographing houses with faces!

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Monday August 7, 2006

Hello...... is anybody out there?

I've noticed that I haven't heard from any of you in quite some time. Have I lost readership? My Statcounter says no.....but I wonder. If you read this regularly, drop me a line and let me know, especially if I don't know you.

Schaljo? White Raven? Karen A? Ed B? Jodi J? Hello?????????????

(Crickets chirping.)

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Saturday August 5, 2006

Look at those chompers!

Just found this scan of an X-ray that I had done a few years back. I'd injured my neck and the doctor sent me in to get it checked out.

Did you know that (at least here in Illinois) you can request to keep your x-rays at no cost? yep. The hospitals usually keep them and recycle the silver in them, but technically I guess that the patient owns them and can keep them if they want.

Why didn't you know this? Because they'd never get to recycle the silver if everyone kept them, silly!

Now everyone can see that I DO have feelings.....uh, fillings.

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Wednesday August 3, 2006


I don't know how far of a region that these circadia live, but they sure as heck are all over southern Illinois. Most people around here call them locusts, but that's just a commoner's term for the loud chirping insect.

This one was shot outside of work on my lunch hour. Cute little critter ain't he?!

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Wednesday August 3, 2006

Letters, we get letters........

In regards to the Wednesday, July 26th post:

I think the term you were looking for here was cannibalistic, but hey dude it’s the circle if life. It’s like when a baby is born so we have to kill a person on death row to keep things even (God bless Texas). I feel sorry for the old store, but the old store knew what it was getting into when it started whoring for Sam Walton (God rest his soul). Sam was like the pimp of all pimps; he took buildings and turned them into retail whores, and when they were no long pretty enough he left them by the side of the road (God Bless America). Id love to take the old building and turn it into something fun. Put a digital projector in there and show movies, add a computer gaming center and throw LAN parties on the weekends, and a half-pipe (I’ve never used one, in fact I cant skate, but the half-pipe is the symbol of coolness.)

SSG. In the Kiss Army


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Tuesday August 1, 2006

What's goin' on.

Whew! These last two weeks have been a real whirlwind! There's been so much going on that I'm surprised that I was able to maintain what little sanity that I have. We've had sicknesses in the family, Medical emergencies, lots of work, and even a potential case of salmonella.

Since I haven't had a chance to post for over a week, I'm going to attach the last few days of my July entries at the bottom of this page.

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Monday July 31, 2006

The beautiful (people) dream.

I had a very vivid dream the other night that I think that you'll find interesting.

We were having a photoshoot at work and Ed (the photographer), said that he needed some special carpet for the shoot. He gave me an address to pick it up for him and I left with a car load of migrant workers to help me carry it back. Once we arrived at the address, we walked around looking for a way to get into the building. Finally a Chinese lady answered the door and let us in. She said that "He'll be with you in a moment" and led me to the bottom of a large staircase which Marilyn Manson was descending.

"Did Ed send you?" he asked.

"Yeah," I replied "We're supposed to carry the carpet."

"Well' I don't have any carpet, but I have a bunch of telephone cord that you can use instead."

For some reason, this made perfect sense at the time. "Sure." I said and followed him upstairs.

He led me to a large, bare room, void of anything beside a massive tangle of phone cord. Hundreds and hundreds of yards of it!

"Go ahead and roll it into a ball, and you can take it all with you." Marilyn spoke.
The migrant workers were obviously pissed at this! They told me that they were going to lunch and for me to meet up with them at some restaurant once I was finished rolling up the cord. So the workers and Marilyn Manson left the room. Marilyn told me that he was going to be entertaining guest and that I could just let myself out when I was finished.

So I rolled. And rolled. And rolled, until I had a five foot sphere of telephone cord. It was then that I realized that there was no way that I could carry the thing to the restaurant. And if I left to get the migrant workers, the door would lock behind me and we wouldn't be able to get back inside.

After he left, Marilyn had entered a room with a heavy wooden door, easily twelve feet tall. Music was blasting from it and I knew that he wouldn't here me banging the wrought iron door knocker. I wondered if I should address him as Brian (his real name is Brian Warner) or as Marilyn.

As I was thinking it over, the heavy door swung open and Marilyn Manson stood it the doorway holding a large bowl of spinach leaves covered in a vinaigrette dressing.

"We're having dinner, here" he said, motioning towards Joe Perry (from Aerosmith) and some other people who sat at a long wooden block table.

Then I woke up.........

Can anybody analyze that one for me???!!!

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Sunday July 30, 2006

Slice and Dice.

What a dangerous weekend.! We spent some time this weekend visiting my Aunt in the hospital. She was a victim of a routine testing gone bad. What was scheduled to be a two hour test, ended up nearly killing her, and became cause for an emergency surgery.

No sooner than we returned home from the hospital, we had a slight emergency ourselves. Her Majesty was cutting a watermelon on the counter when her hand slipped and she sliced deep into her hand.

She handled it pretty well, probably better than I would have. We got the bleeding stopped but decided to go to the hospital in case the would required stitches.

We don't trust our local hospital even though our family doctor is employed there. The problem with our small hospital is that we have to import ER doctors from other areas. At any given time, you may get a doctor from St. Louis, Chicago, etc. and understandably, most of them aren't in the greatest of moods. So because of this, we travelled to the hospital in the town where I work. It's a pretty good drive, even when you are speeding to get to the hospital.

Note: Automated road construction lights do NOT stop for people rushing to the hospital.

Once there, we got to sit in a small room with a bunch of other people, sick with god knows what ailments. We even had a nurse draw blood for a lady who sat across from us...... while we were all still in the waiting room!

Back to the story at hand (get it? get it? At HAND........... oh, nevermind!) Her Majesty ended up with several stitches and had to keep her hand wrapped up in a "boxing glove" of sterile gauze.

You can see in the photo, that it is starting to heal already, so hopefully next week she'll be good to go.

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Wednesday, September 28, 2006

Letters, we get letters........

Timmay wrote in about the September 21th post:

So your Personal PR Campaign is getting you some personal PR! Awesome! I skimmed through and listened to your part of that podcast...very nice. I wish they would've mentioned all the worldwide sightings...

I noted a few thoughts while I listened...

1. "SKAL-JO"
2. "Must've made...THOUSANDS of 'em!" (I guess you DID make quite a few)
3. "John was baffled, but yet happy..."

Hilarious!! But I saved one more comment for last. You know I really miss giving you crap all the time... I hope this will do... One of the guys said
this immediately after your story...

4. "God it's hot in here...this is the most challenged podcast we've ever done!"

Take it easy man.


Wednesday, September 27, 2006

The tiring hunt.

We have two dogs, Daisy and Patches. They're both good dogs, even though they are usually as wound up as a spring. They're part Jack Russell Terriers, a breed known for its hyperactivity. So I shouldn't have been surprised when they broke loose from their pen today while I was trying to clean out their food bin.

The little quadrupeds shot out of the pen and across the yard like two bolts of lightning. By the time that I made it to the road, they were over a block away, jumping and hassling a contractor in his truck.

I walked after them for a block, trying not to be noticed incase they planned on running from me, but Daisy saw me right away! Luckily she has always been an attention craving dog, and as soon as I kneeled down, I had a dog barrelling towards me at frightening speeds. She plowed into me like a steam roller, jumping towards my arms and nearly knocking me over. Then the second wave hit! Patches is the bigger of the two and collided with me like a bowling ball with a wet tongue.

So I scooped up the critters and carried their wiggling bodies back home, one under each arm. I hate the smell of dogs, and I had become a member of their stinky, sweaty pack as I put them back into the pen.

I miserably walked inside, sweaty, stinky, and covered in fur. I would never make a good coyote.

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Wednesday, September 27, 2006

Letters, we get letters........

In regards to the September 18th post:

I had a similar experience, I didn't see the faces though..........

-Ed B. 


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Tuesday, September 26, 2006

This Lane Closed.

A bank in Chicago had a bad day yesterday. It was reported that the bank had been robbed 2 times within three hours. The police say that both robbers were different men, but I wonder if they went in together and one of their lines just moved faster than the other.

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Monday, September 25, 2006

Birthday Wishes.

Happy Birthday to my brother Kole and my pal Sioux. One is getting older, and one is already there. (Juuuust kiddin' Sioux!)

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Friday, September 22, 2006

Sweet Dreams are made of this?

Brat: “Dad, I had the worst nightmare last night!”

Me: “Really? What did you dream about?”

Brat: “It was horrible! I was being possessed by the spirit of Dakota Fanning!"”

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Thursday, September 21, 2006

An official Hometown Tale.

Well, the Schaljo is A-OK campaign has made it on the Hometown Tales radio show #108. You can download the show by clicking here.

They talk about the PR campaign about 10 minutes into the show if you don't want to here the whole thing.

The story was greatly exaggerated on the show however, which is how these little stories grown into legends I guess. According to Hometown Tales, THOUSANDS of the flyers were posted, but in reality, merely a few dozen were circulated. But in a town as small as Effing ham, it did the job.

If you love the Hometown Tales podcast as much as I do, be sure to visit www.podcastalley.com, searching for "Hometown tales," and subscribing to the podcast. (Do it -- it's free!).

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Wednesday, September 20, 2006

Tagging 'dem toes

I've been working on the invitations for our Halloween cookout. The Brat is only inviting five people this year so the planning is nothing compared to the previous years. The invitation is pretty cool though. It's modelled after a coroner's toe-tag and has the details of the party on the back. I'd bought some really gross "body parts" from Wal-mart last week and am thinking of attaching an ear to each tag. Too bad that I can't find a toe to attach to them. But the ear is gross as hell and sticky/slimey, so I guess it will have to do.

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Tuesday, September 19, 2006 - Late Evening

Crash and Burn

I'm trying to do some "finishing touches" on a few freelance projects that I have slowly been working on over the past few months. Tonight was supposed to be the most glorious of nights! The night of liberation from these dreaded projects.

But nothing in my life ever goes as planned. And it was full of stresses, from losing the handwritten notes detailing the projects to multiple computer crashes. I hate to say it, but I think that my trusty ol' Mac may be getting ready to hit the end of the road. It's been a good workhorse of a computer for nearly six years now and has always been able to handle everything that I've thrown at it. The problem is that it's getting so old that I am having compatibility issues with just about everything.

And I mean everything! Even my web browser is antique (Internet Explorer 5.0), making surfing anything but the most basic websites a complete pain in the arse.

I hate to spend the money to buy a new G5 though. And heck, who am I kidding....... I couldn't shell out that much money if I wanted to. And since it would be such a new system, I'd have to update my design software too (no small chunk of change either - I assume it'd run into the thousands of dollars alone!)

So what happens now?! Do I continue the crashing? Do I reformat and reinstall the old system? Do I need to get a second job? Only time will tell.

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Tuesday, September 19, 2006

Another office conversation:

DJ PJ: “Hey, my friend was telling me that when he was in Iraq, the army taught them how to turn their MRE’s into bombs if they ever lost their weapons. Is that true? Did they ever teach you how to blow people up with your food when you were in the Marines?”

Me: “No, but that was a long time ago. Was he just in Iraq?”

DJ PJ: “Yeah. He just came back.”

Me: “I suppose you could do it, but I never heard of anything like that. A Marine would probably just pick up a big rock and crush their skull.”
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Monday, September 18, 2006

Loop holes?

I was checking through the ATA regulations on what is allowed in carry on luggage for international flights. I was curious whether I should even attempt to take my iPod. Anyway, upon reviewing the rules, I was found some very strange facts indeed.

You can't carry hand grenades or sabers on with you! (Really?! C'mon, why would they even have to include this in the form? Do you really think that someone has really asked if this was okay?)

You can't carry on hand lotions, but you CAN carry up to four ounces of personal lubricant with you. (Hmmmm......I wonder if there's a loop-hole in this if you claim that the hand lotion IS your personal lubricant. Genius! Pure genius!)

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Sunday, September 17, 2006

Creepy Candy

I've been spending an hour or so per night working on our new Halloween candy dish over these past few nights. I think it's coming along quite nicely so far. So I figured that I'd post a few pictures of how it looks today. Hopefully I will have it completely finished by the beginning of next week.

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Friday, September 15, 2006 - Post 2

Happy Birthday Baby! I Love You!!!

Friday, September 15, 2006

An office conversation with the boss.

Me: "What time do I need to come in tomorrow?"

The Deb: "Probably about 6:30." 
Me: "Probably and about? That leaves a lot of room for interpretation, Deb!"

The Deb: "Oh." 

Me: "To me, probably about 6:30 is the same as saying 9:30"

The Deb: "Just be here at 6:30." 
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Thursday, September 14, 2006

And the designer thought that no one would notice.

I went to eat some dead cow the other day at Burger King. It wasn't an intentional trip, but I had left my turkey and mayo sandwich in my car that morning and didn't really feel up to dining on the salmonella sandwich by the time lunch had rolled around.

The curious thing about the dinner was the cup packaging. If you look close enough you can see faces hidden in the abstract background of the design. The first one caught me by surprise, but I was astounded to find even more of them once I started looking.

Using my digital camera and the wondrous magic of Adobe photoshop, I was able to isolate these faces and show them to you here in black and white. Spooky??? Maybe. Curiously interesting? Definitely.

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Wednesday, September 13, 2006

Lesson Learned

Early in life, my elders taught me that to be a success, you must strive to learn something new each and every day. Today I learned that squirrels like french-fries.

Tuesday, September 12, 2006

A Hometown Tale??

Something really cool happened today, but before I delve into the gory details, I probably need to clue you in to some of the major elements of the story.

Last year at this time, some friends and I played a little joke on another friend. During our lunch hour, we posted signs proclaiming that our friend was "A-OK."

The signs went up all over the small town and probably caused some confusion since there was no apparent reason for the signs to be posted. What made it even funnier was that our friend had no idea that we were doing this. As time went on, and the digital file for the sign was posted all over the internet, I began receiving photos from around the world proclaiming that "Schaljo is A-OK."

In a related note, there is a weekly podcast called Hometown Tales where the hosts relate weird news and local legends from around the world. Its a very eclectic show that covers everything from the legend of the Bell Witch to New Jersey Pork Rolls.

Today I was contacted by Bryan, one of the hosts of the show regarding the A-OK campaign and he asked if they could cover it on the show. I said "Sure."

So I guess there may be some mention of us to a couple hundred thousand listeners soon! It'll be cool to see if any new "sightings" appear in the near future.

Note: You can download and listen to Hometown Tales by adding this address into your aggregator or iTunes: http://www.hometowntales.com/htpodcast.xml

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Monday, September 11, 2006

Spooky Stuff.

Halloween is coming up fast and I've just begun to work on my new projects for this year. My season is especially hectic this year because of my upcoming trip to China in a few weeks. So between the trip and teaching my Illustrator classes at night, I don't know how things are going to work out this year.

One thing that will help is that The Brat has decided to only invite five people to her annual "Frightfest" Halloween party this year. The party usually engulf hundred of hour of planning and building props, but this year it will just be a cookout and music over a creepy campfire.

This is also the first year that The Brat won't be able to go trick or treating, so we are going to try and set up some sort of elaborate yard display for the kids. If we do things right, kids will be too frightened to come into our yard anyway........ heh, heh, heh!

The only prop that I am planning on building is a gross candy dish. I'm wanting something unique, like a dish on a pedestal of bones and guts. Maybe 3 feet tall or so like in the drawing to the right.

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Sunday, September 10, 2006

Cake and Noodles.

We celebrated Her Majesty’s birthday today with a little bit of ice-cream cake and some home made chicken and noodles made from scratch by my mother in law. You might think that's not much of a celebration, but then again, you've never tasted her homemade noodles!


These noodles are the same ones that Her Majesty makes. The award winning (seriously!) noodles that I am sure are a real pain in the hoo-hoo to make. What did Her Majesty get for her birthday you ask? Her brother got her a gift certificate for Bath-&-Bodyworks, the heaven for women who want to smell good, and I bought her a new necklace and three “chick flicks” on dvd.

Her birthday isn't really until next Friday though, so maybe she can expect something a little more from me later in the week! The problem is that her birthday always seems to fall smack-dab in the middle of the customer appreciation party where I work. It's a REALLY big deal that eats up all of my time throughout September.

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Friday, September 8, 2006

Letters, we get letters........

In regards to the September 7th post:

Ladies and Gentlemen of this supposed forum I ask you, is this a case of the defendant properly and articulately stating her case, or of and addle brained father being confused by the supposed facts? When I was young I could talk my way out of anything with my mother or my teachers, I knew that if I talked long enough, I could come up with a reason that I the punishment should be reduced. With my father however, it was a different story. Being less educated, my father had no idea what I was talking about and would double my punishment for using word that didn't exist (like arbitrary or facetious). Its cool that the Brat can manipulate you so easily, now if you can only get her to use her powers for good.

Ps. If she ever says “that's not how it sounded, so I should be grounded” then its time to look in to law schools.

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Thursday, September 7, 2006

Father, may I approach the bench?

My daughter and I had a disagreement the other evening about using eye drops. The Brat has allergies and after seeing her puffy eyes, Her Majesty told me to administer the eye drops to our child. So I sat our teenager down and finally got a drop in her eye. Upon trying to give her the second drop, her figiting caused the drop to hit her eyelashes instead of the eyeball. So I tried again, even though she swore to me that the drop had went into her eye.

An arguement ensued, beginning with her twisting away and whining about getting a third drop. She accused me of not believing her, even though I could clearly see that the second drop didn't enter her eye. The end result was me having to ground her. She walked away angry at me and went to bed.

The Brat is only thirteen, mind you, which is why I was surprised to find the following note when I awoke the next morning:

Needless to say, I revoked the grounding. This time, anyway.....

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Wednesday, September 6, 2006


Jon, the webmaster (key thunder sound effect now) where I work, informed me that my pages were all screwed up. I guess it was a bad setting in my tables that made it go all weird. Unfortunately, the error never showed up when viewing the pages on a Macintosh computer. And since I use a Mac at both work and at home, I never noticed that my weblog was all messed up. After checking the pages on my daughter's Pee-Cee, I discovered that the pages have been screwed up for a couple of months now!

Hopefully I've fixed all of the glitches, but if you think things look all screwy again, just email me and let me know so that I can fix them.

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Tuesday, September 5, 2006

The Wonder Product!

Geez! I've seen a lot of strange packaging in my days as a graphic designer, but this rubber jar-opener that my mother-in-law had surely takes the cake! It claims to work like magic! Yeah, look at the picture of the magician pulling out the deformed demon-rabbit from his hat! The monstrous bunny even has a deformed arm with a reversed-hinged elbow, ending in a threatening claw!!!! YIKES!

The package also give a ton of clever, yet seemingly strange uses for the "Magic-Grip" opener. The most bizarre being that it can SAVE YOUR BABY!!!! I'm no safety expert, but the last thing that I would want to have "magically open" is a baby's butthole!

Stinky , stinky!!! No wonder that demon-rabbit was hiding in that hat!

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Monday, September 4, 2006

The hunter who's now down under.

Just in case you've been living under a rock for the past week or so, it was announced today that Steve Irwin, famed for his show, Crocodile Hunter, was killed while shooting a show.

Many of you will remember when Steve burst onto the scene years ago, offering his audiences thrilling yet educational looks into the world of deadly animals and later, child endangerment. What could be more exciting than watching a man cradle his newborn child in one arm while dangling a piece of meat in front of a 3,00o lbs killing machine with the other?!

Steve’s show was a massive hit and inspired not only his series, but a major feature film and a line of toys. The toy company might consider creating one last action figure before Steve loses his popularity and goes the way of Roy Rogers and the Man from U.N.C.L.E. Yep, it's the Scuba Steve and stingray with heart piercing action!

Yes, men like Steve liked to live on the edge, and I'm sure that he would be proud to have been speared in the heart by the barbed tail of a stingray while his child looked on with horror.

Because that's how REAL men die! Steve Irwin, John Wayne, and Abraham Lincoln are surely having a brewski right now, looking down and snickering at all of us wienie little men.

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The reason why this guy was stupid! That's his newborn baby in his left arm!

Tuesday, October 31, 2006

The Set-up.

What a night. This was the first year that we've ever handed out candy for Halloween. The brat finally grew out of the “give me candy” phase of the holiday so now we can focus on setting up the creepy yard décor for the first time. I left work early to get set up, but just as always it came down to the last minute before the decorating was finished. It was supposed to rain tonight, so most of our decoration was place inside of our living room this time. I was afraid that we'd set the entire yard up and then have a hellish rainstorm ruin it all, but it didn't happen. The clouds blew over and we had a nice, spooky moon to illuminate the yard. We set up our standard decorations; the grave stones, the zombie arms, and a grim reaper figure. But this time we added a little surprise! Next to the stairs to our entrance, there was a large mannequin slumped on a chair, with a cd of horror sounds blasting through the yard. This massive skeletal zombie was none other than myself dressed in the zombie costume that I created a few years back.

Being a father, I had a specific method of scaring the children. Basically any child that I thought to be under 4th grade was off limits and I would just sit there motionless. Once they got inside the house though, it was fair game to creep out their parents. Most of the time I remained still anyway, with the exception of waving good bye to some of them as they nervously eyed me while leaving our yard.

We had four of the Brat’s friends at the house giving out candy, all in costume and having a blast. I think she really enjoyed it and it may have made her feel a little better about not having a big Halloween party this year.

A view of our Ghostly Library, the room where children had to enter to get their candy. These photos show it in full light, but during "trick or treat" time, it was lit with black light and a flashing strobe light.

How the room appeared from the outside once the black lights were on. The ghostly figures hovered over the window and archway.

Our yard as it appeared from the street and the four merry "candy hander-outers."

The highlight of the night though wasn't giving out candy. Her Majesty was standing outside of the house welcoming in the children when we heard some shouting and cussing from down the street. Four high school age boys ran down the street in front of our house, and I knew they were causing trouble. I just sat there and watched them go by, following them with my eyes as they gazed into our yard while Her Majesty was facing the other direction.

Me: "Those kids are going to come back and tear up our decorations." I told her.

Wendy: "I know. They're up to no good."

After the boys disappeared, Her majesty went inside to check on our daughter and her friends. It was a typical October night and very chilly outside. I really wanted to go inside and thaw my fingers, but I knew that if I waited long enough the boys would come back.

Sure enough, after about 10 minutes, 3 of the boys came into our yard from the east side. They scanned the area to see if my wife was still outside and when they saw that she wasn't they came closer. They walked past the gravestones, acting as if they were admiring them as they drew near me. They were going to steal me and I knew it. I held my breath as they walked up, each boy both looking at me and scanning the yard for any onlookers. And just as they were about a foot away and reaching for my arm I jumped up and shouted a growl that really shook them. It was beautiful! I swear that one of them looked like he was going to cry.

Halloween is a wonderful thing.

This is what the high-school punks tried to steal. You can see how it appeared to them from the street in the left photo. The pic on the right shows a detail of the costume. Surprise kids!!!!! Bwa-ha-ha-ha!!!!

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Sunday, October 29, 2006

Nothing to get excited about... or is it?

I got a couple of emails from a guy wanting to talk to me about my Halloween decorations. He's writing a book for VH1 Productions on yard haunts and would like to use some of my photos for the book. Its pretty exciting, but I don't want to be too elated. After all, I was contacted by the Discovery Channel a few months back regarding my chupacabra sculpture, and after jumping through a bunch of hoops for them, I never heard anything back. But what the heck, who knows.......

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Tuesday, October 24, 2006

Maybe some things are better left unsaid.

Me: If I were in a bad accident, would you was my butt for me? Like a bad accident, where I lost my legs or something....

Wendy: No, you'd still have arms to clean your own butt.

But what If I had my legs, but lost my arms? Would you clean it for me then???

Wendy: ............

Me: You'd buy a dog to do it wouldn't you?! To lick it clean!!! You'd be like: "Honey, you can finally buy that Borzoi that you've always wanted"

Wendy: That's disgusting.....

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Monday, October 23, 2006

A severe blow to my psyche.

Geez, I just found out that if you do a Google Image Search for “Nerd Costume,” the second thing that comes up is a photo of me. Don't believe me? Try it.

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Sunday, October 19, 2006

And I thought that I was strange

More meeting with factories. The highlight of the day was a contact that we met named "Clint." He was a Bullshitter extraordinaire. He actually told us that his job with the company was to "clean the air at his office" by walking through the rooms. "To ensure that the air flows freely like a river." He said. He also explained how he loved surfing websites about Japanese College Girl and that his Buddha master had taught him how to do "special" push-ups without using his hands, Gulp!

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Sunday, October 17, 2006

Inger ickin' ood

Tonight we traveled to the Sea Ood Boot restaurant where we got to pick our seafood dinner straight out of a multitude of fish tanks. It was truly a meal that I will remember for as long as I live as we ate duck cheek, chicken feet, mussel soup, squid and god knows what else. It was quite the gastronomic experience!

It amazes me that I'm staying in a communist country. All of my life I have been led to believe that communism caused a repressed society, yet when I look around me I see happy people all around. They laugh, dance, and eat in diners, Child ern are playing, teenagers are hanging out and riding scooters in their designer clothes. The people are friendly and outgoing and incredibly courteous. My mind has been opened like a book. Do I believe that a communist government is the best form of leadership? No, but I must admit that it is working well for China today because they are embracing the capitalist society.

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Sunday, October 16, 2006

Burn baby burn!

I didn't get very far in the day before my neck started to burn really badly. From what I can tell, the combination of sweat, yesterdays acid rain, and the pollution actually blistered my skin like an acid burn. I took Benedril all day but didn't notice any marked difference. It wasn't until a supplier gave me a small bottle of a traditional Chinese medical oil before the pain subsided .

On the way to Hong Kong, I met another graphic designer in the airport. He was a designer for Pony Shoes (remember them - look for a comeback) and was using his new iBook in the airport lobby. I asked him about it and he showed me some of the cool new features that Apple has build into the new laptops. I GOTS TA GET ME ONE O' Dem!!!

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Thursday, October 15, 2006

Spotted in the airport

We could have flown on one of these two airlines. Of course we took the FAT one.

Thursday, October 15, 2006

Spotted in the airport

Check in your alcoholics here.

Sunday, October 15, 2006

Rockstar China

I got to ride on the Humen subway system today. It's ironic that the only subway system that I have ever been on is one from a foreign country. It was extremely crowded in the train, but it was otherwise comfortable. Luckilly for us, the subway system was brand new, and therefore clean. But nothing is perfect, and we got blasted by some extreme Chinese body odor more than once.

The end of the day went out with a bang. We went to the hotel lounge for drinks and our Chinese friends taught us how to play "Liars Dice," an Asian drinking game. After several rounds of Peejo we sat back and relaxed while listening to the hotel's kick-ass house band. They were really impressive at playing "foreign" songs. I took several photos and a few videos of their guitar player while he ripped out some solos.

After a few more rounds of beer, We decided to become rock stars. My friend belted out a drunken version of "Sweet Home Alabama" and I wailed out a horrible rendition of Green days "Basket Case." Film at 11:00.

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Saturday, October 14, 2006

Of Communist Water Parks

We travelled to a park this evening to see a fascinating water show. Hundreds of people filled the park to watch as the fountains danced to a light show, both synchronized with music. Children were running and playing, young lovers walked hand in hand through this beautiful span of fountains, flowers, and decorative lights. The only disconcerting part is that the pollution here is horrible. We were walking though the park during a lightning storm yet the smog was so thick that you couldn't even see it. When the lightning flashed, the gray sky would just become a lighter shade of gray. It's just as sad that at high noon, you can look trough the smog and look directly at the sun. Because of the pollution, the visibility here is only a few hundred yards before things disappear in the haze.

I learned that communism isn't necessarily evil, but it does place restrictions on people - some good, some bad. Right or wrong, I have discovered that people can be happy regardless. Honor, politeness, family and friendship are the true rulers of this land.

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Friday, October 13, 2006

Stomach of iron

We arrived in Shenzhen in the early afternoon, and although it has a population of over 5 million people, it still has much of the small village feel outside of the city limits. It's by far the dirtiest city that I have visited so far, yet it still possesses a beauty that I can't quite describe. For all of the urban sprawl, there is something about this culture which I am falling in love with. Of all of the countries that I have ever visited (and there is a lot of them), I can honestly say that none have ever struck me as powerfully as what I have experienced this week.

Our 20 course dinner was at an excellent seafood restaurant full of traditional Chinese cuisine including tons of fish and even a plate of pigeon heads. It was delicious and surprisingly I was able to sample some of each of the more than 20 dishes, even the boiled chicken feet. There was something about them that made my stomach churn when I looked at them though. Perhaps it was how they resembled waterlogged children's hands, or maybe it was the way that my Chinese hosts ate them, bones and all. Regardless of the reason, I had a hard time bringing myself to choke them down.

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M-m-m-m-m-m. Chicken feet. Just like Gramma' used to make. Blech!!!

Thursday, October 12, 2006

Letters, we get letters........

Alex sent in this one:

Business trip my ass! We saw on CNN what you are really doing over there!

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Thursday, October 12, 2006

Night time is the right time

The nights in Ningbo are exceptionally beautiful.

Thursday, October 12, 2006

A bad translation.....

Thursday, October 12, 2006

Spotted on the street in Shanghai

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Thursday, October 12, 2006

Hungover and frisked

We checked out of our hotel early in the morning. We had been out late the night before and I was definitely feeling the reprocussions of the Peejo. The prior nights events caused me to be cranky, groggy and regretful of my excursion into the Asian night life. By the end of the day we'll have left Shanghai and be in Ningbo.

Travel Tip: If you want to be molested by a female security guard in a Chinese airport, simply forget to remove your belt when you go through security's metal detector.

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Wednesday, October 11, 2006

Things that I learned today:

There is no crime in Shanghai and this is why: the penalty for stealing is 25 years in prison, drug possession is death by firing squad, graffiti- 5 years in prison, Murder, death.

Fish meat that is plucked from the steamed head of a fish tastes just like you would expect it too.

Shanghai has 20 million people - that's several times larger that New York City

There is enough concrete poured every month in Shanghai to build Philadelphia.

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Wednesday, October 11, 2006

Billboard spotted on the street in Shanghai

Uhhhhhhhh........... is that supposed to look like what I think it is?

Tuesday, October 10, 2006

I like American Music (as sung by the Violent Femmes).

We were treated to a large dinner by one of our business contacts this evening. I've learned that the Chinese use these big meals to conduct their business and help build a stronger supplier/client relationship. Our host's English left a lot to be desired and it was very difficult to communicate with him. His staff was a great help in translating for us, especially Vickie, a bubbly young lady whom we had worked with before. The Peejo (beer) was flowing freely throughout the dinner and it became apparent that they intended on getting us drunk. After dinner we were taken to a nightclub where a live band was playing American songs. Believe me when I tell you that "Sweet Home Alabama" doesn't translate well to "Sweet Home Shanghai" despite the band's best efforts.

We spent the next few hours sitting with the supplier and Vickie while his other worker Lai Lo puked on the nightclub floor over and over again. It was a fairly uncomfortable and embarrassing situation. I hope that she didn't get in trouble the next day at work. The night seemed to go on forever and we ended up rolling into our hotel around 2 am.

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Monday, October 9, 2006

Definitely not Gentle Ben.

We just returned from the upper level of the hotel. I'll post a photo so that you can see that it looks amazingly like a flying saucer. The view was awesome because you have a full 360 degree view of Shanghai from the 47th floor.

This Chinese food is really tearing me up. Every time I try to take a dump it sounds like a grizzly bear is crawling out of my ass. A grizzly bear that smells like green tea.

This city is AWESOME!!! There are near 20 million people here! The photo below gives a little perspective of what the city skyline looks like. Remember though, this only shows about a quarter view of the city!

Sunday, October 8, 2006

It's my tea pee.

This was my first full day in Shanghai and I got the opportunity to do a little sight seeing. I was kind of worried about going out because something that I ate had my stomach doing the macarena, but it eventually settled down.

After a few hours of touring and shopping, we decided to eat dinner at a restaurant that was famous for it's dumplings full of real crab ovaries. In addition, we ate some seaweed wraps and egg noodle soup. We washed it down with some hot tea that tasted like water with grass clippings. Overall, it was still good, but the whole chopsticks "thing" is still a problem for me.

Late Night addendum:
Me pee smells like pond water now. Just what the hell is in that tea anyway???

And Guess What?! Here's a photo of Butch with our friendly club- handed, one-eyed beggar!! Way to go Butch! That guy sure does look like he appreciates that spare change!

Butch and the Beggar

Friday, October 6, 2006

The big journey begins.

I guess by now, you have learned that I am going to China on business for a few weeks. Today was the day of departure, and it was an early one at that. I woke up at 4 am to be sure to make the airport on time. The flight wasn't scheduled to leave until 6, but I have an irrational fear of being late thanks to the Marine Corps. It's going to be a long trip because I think that I'm getting sick. My sinuses have decided that they should band together and have a mucus party behind my eyes.

In-Flight Addendum: Changes in cabin pressure allow you to feel your snot gurgling and bubbling deep inside your nose. Cool!

Late Night entry: The harrowing 13 hour flight is over! Not only did we go through some serious nicotine withdrawl, but I had to suffer through 2 showings of "Raising Helen" to boot.

The flight was my first experience eating raw fish at a meal. The airline's entree came with a bowl of cold pork and two slices of raw, red fish strips. It wasn't as bad as I expected, The secret was to slurp down the fish without chewing too much. It'll be the texture of it as I chew that will get to me, not the actual taste.

After arriving at the hotel, a colleague and I walked outside and (just like any city in the USA) were immediately accosted by bums begging for cash. I swear that if the crippled beggar is outside tomorrow, I'll get a photo of his club-handed begging ass holding a shiny American quarter.

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Strange Note: All of the stewardesses on China Eastern Airlines look like Chun-Li in the Street Fighter video games. Hmmmm.

Thursday, October 5, 2006

Strange Messages.

Being the Macintosh user that I am, I'll be the first to admit that I have a biased opinion of Micro$oft. But just like every other computer user in the free-world, I am forced to use their products anyway, just so that I can work with everyone else. Sometimes though, something weird happens and I just laugh to myself. I got this error message in Word today that is just plain stupid.

Monday, October 2, 2006

Work, Work, Work.

Since I've been too buy to keep up with posts lately, I am going to let the month of October run into the September posts. Many of you may already know, but I'll probably be too busy to post for this month, so I figured I'd keep the updates simple. I'm thinking of having some "guest posters", but I'm not sire how things will work out. I'll keep you posted. (Yeah, I know... bad pun!)

Maybe I'll separate the months toward the end of October.... I dunno.

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Friday, November 28, 2006

So was it worth it?

So here I am minding my own business at the park where I always eat my lunch. If you'd have asked me before, I would have told you that it's a pleasant place to be.

It's typically a rather serene place to spend my lunches and I often use it to wash away the frustrations and stresses of daily life. I look forward to this time. A time of calm.

Except for today.

Today, this inconsiderate ass of a city worker pulls in behind me and proceeds to burn leaves not 6 feet from my car. Does he warn me? No. Does he say "Excuse me sir, but I am going to burn leaves so you may want to move?" No! Instead, this dumb ass just walks beside my car and starts a fire while I am eating with my window down. What an inconsiderate prick.

Doesn't he know that this is the digital age? An age where cameras are everywhere and can snap the most unflattering photos of you at any given moment? Apparently not!

So this photo is in tribute to you, oh hard working park-district man! May you find joy knowing that hundreds of people have seen proof that you work hard!

Your CRAPPY actions made me very angry Mr. Park-District worker! Butt now I see the crack in my harsh judgement of you. I may have been to harsh with my poopy opinion. It was no big hairy deal, nothing to get your panties in a wad over! I ASSume that everyone else can forgive you too.

Butt then again....

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This is how close the idiot's fire was to me. I shot this through my car window.

Here is the dedicated park worker at work. I had to shoot the picture through my windshield and the smoke from the leaves. But even so, I think we can all still appreciate his crack technique for igniting leaves. Amazing!

Monday, November 27, 2006

She should have known better than to ask.

I’m walking across the living room dragging the top of my left foot on the carpet. The strange gait makes a distinctive step, draaaag, step, draaaag, step, draaaaag noise as I cross the room. Wendy, in another room, is puzzled by the sound.

Wendy: “What the hell is that noise?”

Me: “It’s just me.”

Wendy: “What are you doing?”

Me: “I’m dragging the top of my foot on the carpet.

Wendy: “Why?!!!”

Me: “The top of my toes itch!”

Sunday, November 26, 2006

Of resin chickens and pocket knives.

We went out of town today just to get away from the house. It seemed like we haven’t gotten to do anything together in a long time, even though neither of us have been working overtime. Wendy wanted to go to a small strip mall that we used to visit years ago. We didn’t know it, but the strip mall was barely hanging onto life and was as barren as a abortion screening at the vatican. One store managed to weather the storm though, The Brass Factory. The Brass Factory is one of those over priced stores that sells hokey things such as resin-cast chickens, cheap knives, tables with sailor knots embedded in them, and steel John Deere decorative wall hangings. We’ve never found a good deal there, but always have a blast just looking at all of the miscellaneous, overpriced crap.

Then I spotted something that WAS kind of cool! A rechargeable bug zapper light! I’d never seen one before and imagined how convenient my fishing trips would be with this marvelous product of science. I’d be pulling in the bass while my trust ol’ light would be frying those vampiric skeeters left-and-right. Ant the best part was that it was only $19.99!

In my excitement I went and found Her Majesty to show her my amazing $20 find. I felt like Indian Jones when he found the Ark! But then she pointed out that I read it wrong. It was $119!!!!

That’s crazy! I could hire someone to stand there and swat mosquitoes for $119!!!!

Saturday, November 25, 2006

Word Association.

The Brat: "Dad, guess what I got today at Kathy's (resale shop)?

Me: Geez, I don't know what?

The Brat: "no, you have to guess."

Me: "A Rob Zombie action figure?"

The Brat: "no, guess again."

Me: "I don't know.... Give me a hint."

The Brat: "Guess hard."

Me: "A diamond! Diamonds are hard.

The Brat: .......

Me: "Steel!!! Steel is hard!!! Y'know, hard as steel?"

The Brat: ........

Me: "My God! Steel!!! Did you steal?! You stole something from Kathy's resale shop?!

The Brat: "Oh, brother."

Friday, November 24, 2006

Insano the clown?

Jeeeeeeeeeesus! As if Vampire Ronald wasn't strange enough, now we have to deal with "Inbred, long-armed, basketball Ronald!

I swear, every time McDonald's rolls out a new packaging system, the clown gets even creepier!

Seriously guys, what's next? Child-Molester Ronald? I can hear the new musical slogan now....

Da -da - da - da - daaaaa...... I'm lovin' them.

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Thursday, November 23, 2006

Time for Thanks

Ah, Thanksgiving! A day to remember and give thanks to God for all of the blessings that we have in our everyday lives. Yes, the spirit of Thanksgiving and its feasts are filled with camaraderie wrought between friends and foes. Even our Plymouth forefathers had sat with the Indians to feast and come together in the spirit of friendship.

Then we killed all of their food supply, stole their harvests, destroyed their villages, and marched them into small, desolate reservations.

Tuesday, November 21, 2006


I guess I did something to piss off the birds where I worked, because when I came outside I noticed that they used the driver’s side of my hood for target practice. Little kamikaze mothers!!!!

Monday, November 20, 2006

What happens in Vegas....

Oh, nevermind.

Ummmmm....... The Brat shot this pic of a local grocery store.

And all of this time I thought that Buying Love was only legal in Vegas.

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Sunday, November 19, 2006

A rotten deal, rotten' flesh, that is...

Just what can doing some out of season shopping do for you? Well, it can get you some killer (pun intended) deals on Halloween stuff!!! We found all of this stuff at various stores for a combined price of around $60. Awesome, huh?

Next year I’ll really be able to make kids cry! Bwah ha ha ha ha!!!

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Saturday, November 18, 2006 - afternoon


Okay, I'm a dummy! I went into my Blackboard Readers mailing list to update it and ended up throwing the whole stupid thing away! So if you are on the list (or want to be) please send me an email so that I can send you an email whenever I do any major updates. Dimentia and Alan H. need to send me an email for sure.

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Saturday, November 18, 2006

As it occurs to me....

Why do we call male witches warlocks? Shouldn't they be called "mitches" instead?

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Friday, November 17, 2006

Running in the gutter

An office discussion between me, Captain Alex, and Jono:

Me: Wow! I just had deja vu! That's the best feeling in the world!!!!....................Okay, maybe the second best.

Captain Alex: “Oh, so you love the taste of green beans too, huh?”

Me: “And how!”

Jono: “Did you just say And how?! Are you Spanky or Buckwheat?”

Me: “Given the subject of the conversation, I’ll have to go with Buckwheat.”

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Thursday, November 16, 2006

Ingenious thoughts.

Reverend Ed and I having a discussion on George Romero's living dead movies:

Dr. Ed: "I like the movies that focus on how the zombies came to life. But it "Land of the Dead" focuses more on how the surviving humans learn to live in a world full of brain eating zombies."

Me: "I think that zombies would be useful for some things. Like miners! You could just send them down to start looking for coal and not have to worry about them dieing from black lung."

Dr. Ed: "Yeah! They'd be great migrant workers."

Me: "A farmer could just turn his army of zombies loose at the edge of a field to start picking and then just come back a week later to get the harvest. Sweet!"

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Wednesday, November 15, 2006

My personal Mobius loop.

In order to continue teaching I have to take a state regulated mandatory Ethics class on the internet this week. Unfortunately I can't access the website because I can't get to my password.

Talking to the IT director:

Me: "I need to get into my email account. I guess the system must have changed over the past semester when I wasn't teaching."

Mr. IT Guy: "Okay, your login has been changed to XXXXXX, and your password is the same as the one for our internet grading program."

Me: "I can't get into the internet grading program either"

Mr. IT Guy: "Yeah, that was upgraded to. All of your access information was emailed to you last semester."

Me: "But I didn't teach last semester and I can't get into my email."

Mr. IT Guy: "Oh......."

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Tuesday, November 14, 2006

Damn, You Stank!!!.

I ran over a giant skunk tonight while driving home. He sprayed my car. Now I have no friends.

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Monday, November 13, 2006

The funniest movie that you've never seen.

Captain Alex and I went to see Borat last night, and I can honestly say that it is the funniest movie that I've ever seen. If I die tomorrow, at least I can say that I've seen a naked 400lbs man wrestling at a convention! Ugh!!! The movie had some disturbingly disgusting parts and more than once I felt uncomfortable laughing at the subject matter. The running of the Jews comes to mind, or Borat being saved in a Pentecostal church comes to mind, but that it what makes the movie so endearing. If you're the kind of person who likes uncomfortable situations or finds humor in the misfortune of others, go see this movie!!!

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Saturday, November 11, 2006

The Punker 'tude.

My punk rock daughter pointing out some girls they don't like to her punk friend as Wendy drops them off at the bowling alley:

The Brat: "Look, Preppy girly-girls!"

Friend: "Yeah...."

The Brat: "Lets eat them!"

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Thursday, November 9, 2006


Riding in the car with Wendy and The Brat, Wendy and I were discussing ornery things that our relatives had done when they were younger.

Brat: Well she told me that she used to hardboil eggs, peel them and hide them in the neighbors bushes. They would rot and smell really bad, but they couldn't ever find out where the smell was coming from.

Me: I can't believe that! Jerry told me that when he was younger he would stuff potatoes up his neighbors tailpipe with a broom handle!

A look of disgust flushed across The brats face. I could see the wheels turning in her head.....

Me: I mean the tailpipe of the neighbors car!

The Brat: Thank God!!!

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Monday, November 6, 2006

Letters, we get letters........

Eddie B sent in this letter and photo:

In Gays Illinois (listed as a historical marker on the highway.........)

It used to be backed up to a 2 story hotel. (the seats inside are offset from each other so one doesn't drop down on the other but it makes you wonder don't it............)

They 'shit canned' the hotel, but kept this unique piece of Americana.....

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Saturday, November 4, 2006

It was a dark and stormy night.

In lieu of the big Halloween party this year, The Brat opted for a much smaller (5 kids in all) wiener roast out in the country. It was the perfect night for it, the moon was full and the fire blazed in the crisp November air. The shot to the left was taken right before the kids arrived. What better ambience could you ask for on a night-time cookout?

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Friday, November 3, 2006

Hooray for Hollywood

There's a big hype in Hollywood over the success of all of the recent superhero movies. Think about it, just within the past 3 years we have seen Spiderman, the Hulk, Superman, Batman, the Punisher, Daredevil and the Fantastic Four all have big blockbuster hits.

So it shouldn't be a surprise to find out that Paramount is developing a new superhero movie called The Blur, starring Michael J. Fox.

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Thursday, December 28, 2006

I'm a veteran so get off of my back!!!

The following snippet of an office conversation between Captain Alex, DJ PJ, and myself. We were talking about snakes and how some people are deathly afraid of them.

Captain Alex: “Yeah, my girlfriend is terrified of snakes. She can't even pick up a worm, she's afraid of anything that doesn't have legs.”

DJPJ: She couldn't ever work in a pet store then.

Me: Or in a VA hospital.

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Thursday, December 28, 2006

A little word-play

I'm no cunning linguist (or AM I???) but words in the English language never mean what they should. Oh sure, you can point out that they are based from the old Latin texts of yesteryear, but shouldn't words be based upon more modern interpretations? I think so. Take the word "fugitive" for example. The dictionary states that the word means:

1. a person who is fleeing, from prosecution, intolerable circumstances, etc.; a runaway: a fugitive from justice; a fugitive from a dictatorial regime.

But does that really make sense? See if you agree with me that the word should be based on a modern day interpretation.

Fugitive: "Fug" is derived from the slang term "fugly", which itself is a contraction for "f@#king ugly."

The second part of the word fugitive is the "it"." Of course "it" refers to a specific thing - the subject of the word.

The final portion of fugitive is the "ive." Which obviously is a contraction for " I have."

Therefore- both logic and my linguistic analysis tells us that the word "fugitive" should be defined as: "Something that I've made f@#king ugly."

Come on! Who's with me?!

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Wednesday, December 27, 2006

Included text in a SPAM email.

Reverend Ed sent me this in regards to some SPAM that he received:

Quoth the Reverend: .........those crazy spammers, they talk like gramma did right before she yelled Bingo and beat herself to death with a circus clown.........

An imaginative sandwich is knowingly surly. When a defendant living with the mastadon starts reminiscing about lost glory, some crank case toward a freight train daydreams.
The linguistic ball bearing satiates the paper napkin.

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Tuesday, December 26, 2006

Theft again.

Remember earlier this month when I detailed how Her Majesty and I accidentally stole a cd from Wal-Mart? Well guess what?! It happened again. And this time we didn't just lift a lone cd, but we snagged two of them!!! Of course we took them back and paid for them after we discovered them. I mean who wants to go to prison over two discounted Alvin and the Chipmunks Christmas albums anyway.

It all happened the same way. I was pushing the cart, put the cd's into the front basket, then later when Wendy took over pushing the cart, she sat her purse over top of the cd's. I really don't know why an alarm didn't go off either time though. Perhaps her purse has some sort of security blocking feature. If so, the manufacturers are missing out on a huge profit by not marketing them as "Shoplifting Bags."

Well, maybe it'd be pointless to sell them because your target audience would steal the bags outright in the first place. And to top it off, you'd never know because they inherently don't set off your security. Nevermind.

Sunday, December 24, 2006

On shaving my mug.

Electric razors pretty much suck. I've been using one off and on now for the past 5 years and I've never experienced this "close shave" that they are always touting about. While it does shave my mug, I've never been quite satisfied with them.

It may be different with one of those $150 high-end electric razors though, since all of my experiences are from razors that hover around the $40 price range. But I severely doubt it.

Maybe they should change their slogan to be a wee-bit more truthful. Instead of claiming that they "shave as close as a blade", maybe they should just say "shaves close enough for most work situations."

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Thursday, December 21, 2006

Busier than a beaver.

Well, it's been a long time coming, but I finally got the page built commemorating my old Marine Corps unit Hotel 3/12. It doesn't look like much, but between finding the old pictures, laying the damned thing out, and trying to contact people, it has taken a long time. My hopes are to get every ones names and photos indexed so that a simple google search will drive them to the page. Hopefully it will be a sort of hub to make it easier to locate old friends, or just to read up on what everyone has been up to. You can check the page out here, but remember that it is still a work in progress.

I've also updated my Adobe Illustrator class page. So if you want to see some of the student work, click here.

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Wednesday, December 20, 2006

Today's what the f@#* award goes to:

Jon ent me this image of a bizarre page listed in Google when he searched for "inventory reduction sale."

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Tuesday, December 19, 2006

Office Correspondense.

A quote from the reverend Ed:

"Christmas or Hanukkah, just remember, whichever one you observe, the other one is wrong."

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Thursday, December 14, 2006

Back in the day.

For nearly a decade I've been looking for some of friends that served in the Marine Corps with me. It sounds strange that four short years can give you a lifetime of memories.

Memories of visiting far off strange lands. The wonder of interacting with exotic and mysterious cultures. Memories of strolling down centuries old cobblestone streets, and then throwing up on them.

Okay, so I was young and stupid in those days. What I wouldn't give to be able to see all of those places now, as an adult. It would be amazing!

But the fact of the matter is, that I WAS young and stupid. And I DID do stupid things like see the world through a stupor.

I wasn't alone though, during those times I had a side-kick (or maybe it was the other way around) named Gut (short for Guthrie). Gut was nice enough to be the single guy who took the lame-o married guy along with him when he went out. He was one of the closest friends that I made while in the Corps.

But before Desert Storm, he was transferred out of our Battery and into a self propelled unit. After his transfer I rarely saw him. Once in a while we would bump into each other on base, but it became increasingly more difficult to just "hang out."

So after two years of friendship, we kind of just faded away and never spoke to each other again. Until today at lunch.

So I had some time to kill yesterday because of the final exam for my class and searched for gut online. I'd done it a dozen times before with no success, but I thought that I'd give it another shot. I knew what to expect, a multitude of people sharing the same name as my lost friend. Like I said, I'd tried it before and always gave up in frustration after about a half an hour or so.

But last night I had four hours to kill! After about two hours of digging through various free online searches, I had enough info to start looking for ways to eliminate the names. After narrowing the search down, I came to a lone solitary number that remained a possibility.

So today at lunch, I called the number and a nice lady confirmed that this was the “Gut” that I'd been looking for. She even gave me his cell-phone number, so I called him out of the blue. Boy was he in shock!!!

It was really good to speak to him again and catch up. I hope we can chat again and maybe even get together someday since they are only 4 or 5 hours away from us.

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Me and "Gut", back in the day! Yeah, the skinny guy in the blue is me, so shaddup already.

Tuesday, December 12, 2006

Mystery Solved.

Today I discovered the secret of the elusive unicorn! For centuries, scientists have sought to disprove the existence of the legendary unicorn. "If they ever existed, why don't we ever see any?" the scientists ask.

Because they have the most amazing camouflage in the entire animal kingdom. I barely noticed this small one disguised as a leaf, grazing on my passenger side floor mat.


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Monday, December 11, 2006

How to steal a cd from Wal-mart.

Okay, first let me say that this isn't really written to be a tutorial on how to lift merchandise from the retail superstore. But it is a true life account of how Wendy and I almost journeyed into the seedy underworld of shoplifters.

We'd went to Walmart the other day to try and tie up the loose ends of our Holiday shopping. We had to buy for several more people and thought that we could pick most of it up at Wal-mart. So we filled our cart with the goodies from our list. It wasn't a terribly complicated list, and was composed of both gifts and stuff that we needed for the house. A cd, some clothing, paper towels, etc.

But since our focus was on the holiday shopping, we shooped for the gifts first. Our first stop, the music section to get a country music cd for Her Majesty's grandma. We sat the cd in the front basket of the cart and went on.

It wasn't until we were unloading the cart into our car that we realized what had happened. Wendy lifted (no pun intended) her purse to find the cd resting neatly under it, concealed beneath the black leather.

We had just become criminals!!!

Not wanting to be hauled off to the hoosegow, Wendy went back inside and tried to explain what had happened, even as the old-lady door greeter tried to put a return sticker on the cd. Luckily for us, they thanked Wendy for her honesty and took our hard earned money after all.

Whew! Crisis avoided!

I didn't want to go to jail over some Willie Nelson wannabe, y'know. So if you want to go to jail, be sure to hide a bunch of cd's under your purse as you leave the store.

Sunday, December 10, 2006

Recently Spotted.

The Brat took this pic of a curiously strange candle at a local craft store.....

You can get one of these for a loved one just in time for Christmas by visiting here.

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Saturday, December 9, 2006

Letters, we get letters........

The Reverend Ed sent in this letter in regards to the December 6th post:

Probably the result of intense anal probe activity to place strange foreign metal objects with hiroglyphic writing on it by illegal aliens.......it attracts stray electrons like a bitch.....

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Saturday, December 9, 2006

Random thoughts........

Easiiest way out of jury duty may be to stop bathing for a few weeks.

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Thursday, December 7, 2006

Keep your eye on the bell.

Just in case you are one of those people who live under a rock, let me fill you in:

Taco Meat + Ecoli = a bunch of sick people. I suppose that if you are gonna' get sick from ecoli, tat Taco bell would be just as good a place as any. You can't blame the resturant though, i'm sure that it stemms from something disgusting like a worker at the slaughterhouse taking a big dump and not washing his hands. Way to go Miguel!

But a little ecoli scare shouldn't worry anybody. I mean, look at all of the people who it hasn't killed. There are billions of us!

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Wednesday, December 6, 2006

I AM the Shocker!!!

Yes, I am the static man

It may be a fluke, but lately I've noticed a huge increase in the static electricity around me. It seems like every time I turn around I'm getting zapped!

I pet The Brat's cat. ZAP!!!

I get out of my car. ZAP!!!

I stand up from my desk at work. ZAP!!!

I fillet a donkey. ZAP!!!

Lick my neighbors windowsill. ZAP!!!

Rub vigorously against an ottoman. ZAP!!!

I just don't get it.

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Monday, December 4, 2006

Disturbing food items

The Brat and I snapped a couple photos of these questionable food products in the frozen meat isle of an unnamed discount store. (Who has thrown me out for taking pictures before. ) I won't disclose the name, but it rhymes with Mall-Fart.

I'm not sure which is worse, croissants with an un-identified "extreme meat" or a roll of old-folks sausage!

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Monday, December 4, 2006

Letters, we get letters........

Bdahnke sent in this letter in regards to the Friday.........er, Tuesday, November 28th post:

As your past proof reader I felt the need to point out to you that November 28th is a Tuesday not a Friday, but the post was hilarious.
Thanks for the daily laughs


Thanks Bdahnke!!! Glad to know that you're still vigilant after all of these years!

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Sunday, December 3, 2006

Getting a bum rap

Her Majesty, the Brat, and I were wrapping presents that we purchased during Friday's "Spend-a-palloza!" It was apparent that my meager wrapping skills were marginal at best.

Me: Don't laugh, I can't help it! I really suck at wrapping.

The Brat: Yeah, I'm just gonna' start calling you K-Fed.

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Saturday, December 2, 2006

Baby Jesus loves shopaholics.

Wendy and I threw caution to the wind yesterday and went Christmas shopping. We had already taken the day off of work and decided that neither rain, snow sleet, nor hail would stop us from spending several hundreds of dollars. We were leery however, because we were supposed to get hit with the "Great Blizzard of 2006!!!" Somehow it managed to miss us even though it tromped all over the surrounding areas. Thousands upon thousands of people are still without power. I guess the Baby Jesus loves us more than the neighboring areas or something.

Friday, December 1, 2006

Bugs are dumb!

Yesterday morning there was a grasshopper on my front steps. Why is that so strange? Because it's almost December and here in Illinois, that means it's damn cold. Actually we are having above average temperatures here lately. The past few days it has reached the upper 60's, amazingly out of the norm.

But a snowstorm is supposed to be coming soon, so the grasshopper is going to be in a world of hurt.

Stupid Grasshopper!

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