Tuesday April 25, 2006

Vile Things.

Dear Internet,
Today was full of vile feelings and embarrassing events. Those of you who have talked to me recently know that I have some sort of sinus problem right now. I'm not sure what caused it, but I did spend a lot of time outdoors this weekend. So because of that, I'm going to blame my sinus infection on Aaron Zane. What does Aaron Zane have to do with nature, you ask? Why nothing, of course, but I haven't blamed anything on him for a long, long time, and the bastard doesn't even read my blog. So lets officially decree that Aaron somehow caused my sinus infection.

The doctor gave me some type of super-high potency antibiotics for it. It's called Zmax. Zmax comes in a small bottle and it is some sort of banana-cherry flavored liquid chalk which you must consume all at once. The good news is that you only need to take it once. The bad news is that it made me feel as if a troupe of Russian dancing bears were jumping on my stomach. It was one of the worst stomach aches that I've had in decades, and I refuse to take that stuff ever again. It was so painful that I couldn't sleep until about 4am this morning. It wouldn't be such a big deal if I didn't have to leave for work at 7am. So I think that this medicine should only be given to those in our community who are living on the welfare system. And even then, it should only be prescribed to those who refuse to get a job.

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Monday April 24, 2006

The ultimate irony!

Why does it take me so long to get back and forth to work? Because of things like this: a tractor hogging both lanes as it enters a road construction zone. It's the metaphoric equivalent to getting poison ivy on your herpes outbreak! Take note of my top cruising speed of 17 miles per hour!!!

Sunday April 23, 2006

Buzz buzz buzz.

I took this lil' snapshot of a bumblebee chowing down on the honeysuckle at Her Majesty's grandmother's house. The beauty of nature always amazes me in the Spring. I must have watched this little bee for a half an hour as it happily buzzed from one flower to the next. Then I killed it with a flyswatter! Damned stinging son-of-a-bitches!!!! Just kidding....

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Friday April 21, 2006

Thank you.

Thanks to all of you for your birthday wishes. I especially wish to show my gratitude to all of you who offered to buy me new underwear. And while these gestures were both kind and thoughtful, they were totally unnecessary. Let me assure you that I still have plenty of underwear which can aptly holster my equipment. A special thanks goes out to White Raven for sending me the link to the enormous page of thong underwear. Nothing looks better on a guy's monitor at work than an entire page of banana- hammocks when he checks his email over lunch.

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Thursday April 20, 2006

Tighty whities? I say thee, nay.

I've prattled on and on about my weight loss over the past few months and I'm sure that you are all getting sick of reading about it. I'm trying not to focus on it because I have seen so many people obsess over their weight for the past few months. As a matter of fact, I even made a point to stop weighing myself on the scale. I've known for some time that I need to go out and buy some new clothes. Hell, I even had to take a leather punch to some of my belts to add holes, but today was the last straw. I will buy new clothes soon, no matter how damn poor I am. So you could easily say that I am accustomed to poor fitting closes right now. But never had I expected to be faced with chronic "flop."

I went to work today as I always do, business casual with a pair of Dockers and my trusty leather shoes. But as the day wore on, I realized that something was different. Very different. Uncomfortably different. Let me preface the following by explaining to the female readers, the construction of male undergarments. The male underwear, briefs to be specific, contain a small opening in the front which consists of two small overlapping pieces of material. It is designed to give the male a point of access, if you will, to his uh, member. This system works fine until a pair of underwear no longer fits properly. You see, I discovered that loose underwear allows the "access door" to remain open due to the lack of tension in the material. So my day consisted of uncomfortable positioning in the "happy region" that I couldn't fix without looking like a pervert. Adjustments are necessary sometimes. They are a part of nature, just like death, tornados, and Harry Connick Jr. Sadly, nature has a way of making us uncomfortable at times.

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Wednesday April 19, 2006

Nothing else really matters

Today is my 36th birthday. Sioux and Jon bought me lunch, but Deb made me wear a sombrero. It is hot outside today and I don't know why my car smells of vinegar.

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Tuesday April 18, 2006

Blowing Smoke

My friend Lisa Tebbe took this photo at her home studio. I thought it was so friggin' awesome that I practically begged her to send a low res version that I could post. She has an amazingly artistic eye and her creativity is miles beyond most other photographers. She is truly an artist! The photo is of Lisa's friend Kim Deters, whom I have yet to meet, even though we share more than a few common friends.

I was really impressed with the shot until I learned that Lisa merely shot the photo while Kim actually blew the smoke out in the shape of a skull! Now THAT'S impressive!

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Monday April 17, 2006

All aboard the 565!

After lunch on Easter Sunday, the Brat and I decided to take a stroll down the railroad tracks to burn off some of the meal. Surprisingly, we found some really cool backgrounds for photographs, like the pile of spikes and the abandoned railroad car. Makes for some good old fashioned Rock-and-Roll shots, huh?

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Saturday April 15, 2006

How Easter eggs are really made.

This shocking photo, smuggled out of a Korean sweat-shop shows a bullwhip wielding Easter Bunny forcing small children to decorate his eggs. While rumors of this revelation have been circulating since the early 1970's, this photo provides the proof needed for the authorities to take action. Early this morning, the FBI seized the Easter Bunny at his Texas ranch estate. Word on the street is that a special session of congress is being called to review this disturbing case.

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Friday April 14, 2006

What a Job!

I pass by this sign everyday on my way to work. You know its a classy job when the company goes ahead and pays a little more to write the sign on white cardboard instead of brown. I wonder what it pays?

Too bad those pesky dandelions obscure the telephone number...

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Wednesday April 12, 2006

Not as white trash as I appear.

I had an extremely embarrassing moment this morning while I was at the gas station. I was at the pump, quickly lining the pockets of some Saudi prince. The Bonneville was chugging away at the pump, like a Frat boy beer bonging on pledge week. Across for me on the next pump was a lady in a white dress and her child. She eyed me suspiciously before leaving the preteenage boy alone in the car while she went in to pay. I must look trustworthy in my business casuals because she went ahead and went into the building. She had performed the quick judgement that parents often do when decisions involve their children. She probably thought to herself "thirty something an, wedding ring, four door family car, leather shoes and khakis. He must be sure."

Let me preface the following information by reminding you that the Bonneville has nearly 250,000 miles on it, so the regular check of fluids is a must. I popped the hood and checked the oil. Sure enough, it was low so I got a quart from the trunk and prepared to add it to the engine.

At this time, it was as if the fates were once again playing a cruel joke on me, laughing from the heavens above. For some reason, the plastic cap on the oil can wouldn't come off. It had somehow managed to cling to the little plastic ring on the outside of the neck. So I left it. I knew that the Fates frown upon me and I knew that by pulling the lid free, I would inadvertently sling oil all over myself. So I decided to follow the cautious path and leave the cap dangling from the ring. Unfortunately, that damned dangling cap somehow got in the way of the neck of the can, causing a small amount of oil to spill on the engine before I could aim the oil properly. No big deal, or so I thought.

It just so happens that at that exact moment, the lady in the white dress entered the scene. The same nice lady who had judged me "okay and safe" to leave near her unattended son. The instant she walked past me, the spilled oil belched forth a huge cloud of black smoke which rolled across the gas station lot and right into her. She turned to look at me as if saying "Hmph, and I thought that you were okay." and I returned with a blank stupefied look. All I could think of was "My car usually doesn't smoke like this. I'm not white trash, really."

The lady in white got into her car, leaving me and my khakis standing amidst the eruption of smoke and burning oil.

And the fates Laughed once again.

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Thursday April 13, 2006

Goodnight Inkernet (sorry Dawn)!

Her Majesty can ret easy now and she won't have to get into a big arguement with me regarding Dawn Miceli and Drew Domkus from the Dawn and Drew Show staying at our house. If you remember, several weeks ago I emailed them about staying over during the Funfest for Air-Cooled VWs that we host where I work. I found out that Drew was a VW bus enthusiast and one of our customers, so it was only natural for me to invite the over, right? yeah, Her Majesty doesn't see it my way either.

Regardless, today I got an email from Drew saying that they already have plans for that weekend and wouldn't be able to come down anyway. Oh well, it was nice of him to respond and let me know since I imagine they get hundreds if not thousands of emails each day.

If you get a chance to listen to their show, you can hear it here. And contrary to popular belief, you don't need an iPod to listen to podcasts. You just need a computer with iTunes or Windows Media Player or a portable mp3 player. But be advised, the Dawn and Drew Show is not safe for people at work, those with children, or anyone who wants to go to heaven when they die. But it's awesome!

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Wednesday April 12, 2006

Life lessons.

I don't know if I've mentioned this or not, but I have been spending a lot of time building a page about the guys in my old Marine Corps unit. It's been very time consuming and has been eating up all of the time usually spent writing for this blog. So bear with me while I get those pages built. I'm still going to update here, but it may be less frequent than usual. Once I get the pages posted, I will link to it here if you'd like to check it out.

It's so nice out today that I want to leave work early and go fishing. But I can't because things are so friggin’ hectic in my life right now. Whenever I get really stressed, I always try to remember some words of advice that my Grandmother once told me. She said “Derek, never have sex with a duck.” I've always found her advice to be sound and every time I've had a chance to have sex with a duck, her kind words always steer me clear. Thank you Grandma.

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Tuesday April 11, 2006

Pollen in the wind.

Spring has officially started at the Greenwood household. Yeah, I know that the calendar folks say that Spring started on the 20th of March. That's all fine and dandy for some, but in my home we judge the coming of Spring by the first day of lawn maintenance. I had to fire up the lawn mower for the first time this year. I was hoping to go another week but as luck would have it, both of my neighbors felt that this was the perfect day to mow. I came home from work and my yard suddenly had the appearance of a jungle. Oh well, what can you do once the neighbors get the jump on you right?

You can get your yard declared as a Prairie land sanctuary, that's how! Yes you too can declare your land as a sanctuary and never mow again! Sigh.... if only my yard could be rich grassland like the one in the photo.

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Sunday April 9, 2006

Country Roads Take Me Home.

I drove my daughter to a birthday party held at the skating rink of a neighboring town. I drive through this town every day on my commute to work and Her Majesty actually works there, but I never really see much of it. It's a tiny town of 1500 people and is the standard mid-western small farming community. Did I mention that I grew up in this town?

So instead of driving home, I took a three hour trip down memory lane. I grew up out in the country . The woods were my playground, the creek my swimming pool and my favorite toys were my rifle and fishing pole. I drove slowly down the roads, giving the once familiar wave to the people as I passed by. Out in the country, everybody waves. It's like a courteous way to say "Hello neighbor." even if the people are strangers.

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Wednesday April 5, 2006

Apocalypse now?!

I'm not sure who came up with this originally, but it's way cool!!!

Today at two minutes and three seconds after 1:00 in the morning, the time and date will be 01:02:03 04/05/06.

That won't ever happen again.............

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Tuesday April 4, 2006

Baby Talk.

A guy at work announced that his wife was pregnant as he carried around the sonogram printout. It seems like there are little babies all around me this week. Perhaps that is what led to this strange email banter:

Me: You know what I just thought of? Remember when you were worried about going into labor and I told you that it would be okay because “even stupid people do it.” I don’t know what made me think of that...... But it's still funny.

Sioux: I remember when you would say stuff like, "You better hope that baby doesn't have fingernails 'cause it will scratch you on the way out!"

That's what friends are for.

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Tuesday April 4, 2006

A command of the English language.

A brief exchange while rushing towards the kitchen during lunch hour:

Me: “Ha! I beat you! I’m faster than you.”

Sioux: “Maybe, but you’re stupid.”

Me: “Well, you’re stupid too!”

Sioux: “But you’re stupider!”.

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Monday April 3, 2006 - Evening

The Faces of Lexi!

So what is all of the fuss about? Why drive to St. Louis and pick up Her Majesty's sister and her husband? Aside from visiting them, we got to meet the newest addition to the family!

Monday April 3, 2006

St. Louis, here we come!

Her Majesty and I made a trip to St. Louis to pick up her sister, her husband (the sister's not my wife's - we're not Mormons!), and their new little girl. It was a long trip to the airport. A trip filled with unsure directions, a bit of tension and strings of foul language. But we got there!

I shouldn't complain after all, because Her Majesty's sister and crew flew all the way from the magical land of Idaho. (For those of you non-geographers, Idaho is located right between the Emerald City of Oz and Bifrost the rainbow bridge of Asgard.)

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Saturday April 1, 2006

March search results are in!

Yep, it's time once again to see the freakish searches that directed people to my site. Proving once again that google is the devil and yahoo is it's little demonly cohort .

Searches that brought people to my website in February.

03-01-06 - From google: the meaning behind acdcs back in blac
03-02-06 - From google.co.uk: do your own distortion
03-02-06 - From google.co.uk: werewolf questionnaire
03-03-06 - From google.co.uk: silly drunk animals
03-03-06 - From google.com.au: symptoms include diarrhea
03-04-06 - From google: aaron and lisa
03-04-06 - From google: personal face print bags
03-04-06 - From google: bonneville viking mascot
03-04-06 - From google: picture FoamCore cutout
03-05-06 - From search.yahoo: specimen jar
03-06-06 - From google: allergic to pumpernickel
03-07-06 - From google: significance of seven belt loops on Marine corps uniform
03-07-06 - From google: boxes with flames
03-07-06 - From google: want to scare your neighbors children
03-07-06 - From google: Leprechan homework trap
03-08-06 - From yahoo: halloween costume ben kenobi
03-08-06 - From google: why are walmart chickens so big
03-08-06 - From google: michelle leigh weather
03-09-06 - From google: james eugene ewing picture
03-09-06 - From google: parkinson disease miracle instant cures
03-09-06 - From google: dean cain custom superman costume
03-09-06 - From google: alien baby you tube
03-09-06 - From google: how rapela works fishing
03-09-06 - From google: do not crush bend or submerge
03-09-06 - From yahoo: making a hole in a glass bottle
03-09-06 - From google: majesty deodorant
03-10-06: - From google: head of a corpse photo
03-10-06: - From google: midget riding dogs
03-10-06: - From google.co.uk: weird diagrams
03-10-06: - From google: Make Your Own Head Day
03-13-06 - From google: karen in coat
03-13-06 - From google: how to take portait shots
03-13-06 - From google: interplanetary alignment
03-13-06 - From google: CHAIN LETTERS BIBLICAL
03-13-06 - From google: personal ninja teams
03-13-06 - From google: what kinds of accidents happens to children who are 11-14
03-14-06 - From google: I hate heather armstrong website
03-15-06 - From google: "Instructions on how to make"
03-15-06 - From google: broken gm console lid latch
03-15-06 - From google: mutant hairs
03-15-06 - From google: SPAM sculpting competition rules
03-15-06 - From google: "Dr. Hymen"
03-15-06 - From google: nausea and dizziness
03-19-06 - From google: printable steps to draw real flames
03-20-06 - From google: step by step making propeller model
03-20-06 - From google: puss in boots licking himself
03-20-06 - From google: Aaron Moody graphic designer
03-20-06 - From google.uk: portraits three quarter back view
03-21-06 - From google: The Sioux ate
03-22-06 - From google: Mom Spanked 1976
03-22-06 - From google: people saw Jesus drywall
03-23-06 - From google: how to close pores
03-23-06 - From google: non comedogenic
03-23-06 - From google: sasquatch photos
03-24-06 - From google: joke that will offend everyone
03-24-06 - From google.fr: questionnaire and favorite beverage
03-24-06 - From google: lisa and aaron got married
03-24-06 - From google: worst pet names for your spouse
03-24-06 - From google: Traveling Through thr Dark
03-27-06 - From Google: Choke Yourself radiation
03-27-06 - From Google: steve austin sasquatch photo
03-28-06 - From google: orangepeel texture
03-28-06 - From google: how do you pronounce jodhpur
03-29-06 - From google: step by step drawing of flames
03-29-06 - From google: the personal journey of a graphic design student
03-29-06 - From MSN search: how do you get a hole in a glass jar?
03-30-06 - From google: carrot up anus
03-30-06 - From google: glass head decor
03-30-06 - From google: lisa broadway video
03-30-06 - From google: how much did Jarhead make
03-30-06 - From google: My prince albert
03-30-06 - From google: Steps on how to do a face transplant
03-30-06 - From google: why do cucumbers make you burp?
03-31-06 - From searchmsn: hoe to create your own webpage
03-31-06 - From searchmsn: get some head.com

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