Thursday June 29, 2006

Letters, we get letters........

Tim sent in these photos of some curious billboards that he ran across in Indiana. His comments are as follows:

Subject: Food for Blog

Here it is...say about it what you will.

- Tim

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Thursday June 29, 2006

Quite a misleading sign.

Almost every day, I eat lunch in the same area of a community park. Once you are accustomed to a place, you tend not to pay attention to the surroundings. So it was no surprise that I have sat beside this sign hundreds of times before really studying it.

The sign says: Slow Children, yet the image on the sign shows a figure dashing into a sprint. Hmmmmmm........... perhaps either a more fitting caption, or possibly a different illustration is needed.

Something to note: I'm taking a week off from posting since I'm going on a mini vacation. Nowhere fancy, just sitting around home relaxing for a bit.

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Wednesday June 28, 2006 - PM

The Roulette wheel called life.

I saw a bad wreck yesterday as I was leaving work. I won't go into any details about it except to say that I was standing by the young lady who was trapped in the car, reassuring her that she was going to be okay and that help was on the way. I held her hand, as she coughed blood and fought to stay awake. The ambulance arrived after what seemed like a half an hour although it was actually mere minutes. As they cut the door from the car and placed her on the stretcher, I could only think of how this young lady's life had been transformed in a matter of seconds, and how life as we know it could be snuffed out like a candle in a at any time.

Almost all of the horrible incidents in our lives comes down to the random chaos of timing. Had she not have turned left, the accident would have been avoided.

I have had wrecks in the past that were the result of this bad timing. Random accidents where I have struck deer come to mind. I remember thinking how if I had left work on time, I wouldn't have hit it. Or how if I had driven the speed limit I would have been past the area where the deer were. If I had taken the time to call Her Majesty before leaving work, If I had stopped to buy fuel, or if I hadn't stopped to fill my coffee cup from my thermos. The choice of all of these acts entwined to form the precise timing needed to strike the deer.

But hindsight is 20/20 as they say, proving that we have only a limited role in our own destiny, at best.

The young lady in the accident is alive, but in intensive care at the hospital. I hope and pray that she gets better soon so that she can get back into the game of life.

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Wednesday June 28, 2006 - AM

All albino, all the time.

We have albino squirrels in our yard. Yes, I know it's strange, but we really do. There have been several over the past decade, but they typically don't live long. Apparently their genetic defect makes it hard for them to hide from cats and other squirrel eating predators.

I spotted the little fuzzy tailed rat as I was leaving for work. He was about 15 feet away, but I was able to zoom in quite a bit. If you look closely at the photo on the right, you will see both a white and a gray squirrel on the same tree.

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Tuesday June 27, 2006

Lists of things.

5 Things that I never want to do.
1) Eat a raw opossum
2) Fight Mike Tyson
3) Have to take liver medicine
4) Have to sell one of my kidneys to pay for that same liver medicine
5) Matt Damon

My 6 favorite movie lines to quote in casual conversation:
1) "It is not a tumor!" - Arnold Schwarzenegger in Kindergarten Cop
2) "Run Forrest! Run!" - Jenny in Forrest Gump
3) "How art thou Dog?" - Will Ferrell in Bewitched.
4) "Nobody puts baby in the corner." - Patrick Swayze in Dirty dancing
5) "Smoke up Johnny!" - Jud Nelson in The Breakfast Club
6) "Boy, you shure do got a perdy mouth....." Redneck in Deliverance

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Monday June 26, 2006

All I need is a hunch on my back.

I only have four more days until vacation and as usual, I have gotten my annual eye infection. This is the third year in a row that I've developed a Quasimodo eye right before I take off from work. Surely there are some unknown mystical forces at work, because the probability of getting infections is next to none.

So if you are a warlock or witch who is getting back at me, please cut it out. I'm sure that I'm sorry for whatever I did to anger you. (unless you are that old man who drives like an idiot on my commute to work -- then you got what was coming to you!)

Me: "I'm sorry that I got another eye infection this year. I hate having a swollen Quasimodo eye."

Her Majesty: "Awwwww Honey, I LOVE your Quasimodo eye."

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Letters, we get letters........

Her Majesty sent me this email in response to yesterdays post:

"She is so much like you. Where does she come up with the stuff. LOL. You two keep me laughing that is for sure."

- Love ya! Wendy

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Monday June 26, 2006

Sunday June 25, 2006

It just makes sense.

I went walking with Her Majesty and the Brat yesterday. It's a 3 mile trek, and we always make sure to take a bottle of water for each of us since the summer nights are so hot in Illinois. But after about seven blocks into the walk, the brat asked me for a drink of water.

"Where is your bottle?" I asked.

"I left it at home. I forgot to pick it up whenever I put my shoes on.

"I guess so." I said as I handed her the water.

She takes a big drink and hands it back. "Make sure you wipe off the rim before you take a drink, Dad" she advised me.

"Why?" I asked confused.

"Because I'm wearing lipstick."

"You wear lipstick to go on a walk at 10 o'clock at night?"

"I always wear lipstick. And eyeliner."


"Yeah, so even if I drank with my eye, I'd still tell you to wipe off the rim."

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Saturday June 24, 2006

Almost There!

Whew! Just a few more days until vacation! I'm taking 17 days off of work beginning next Friday. I don't take much time off during the year, so this should be a really nice chance to “wind down” from my day-to-day life. We don't have many plans. I'm hoping to stay at home and relax. Maybe go camping, watch movies, visit family, etc.

Don't worry, I should be around enough to post regularly, but it may be posted several days at once, but I imagine you are used to that by now. The vacation posts might be rather boring though, something like the following: “Today I slept, then played X-Men Legends 2 on the Playstation, then slept some more.”

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Thursday June 22, 2006

More pics from Lisa!

We got several more shots in from my friend Lisa Tebbe. I know that I have bragged on about her skill to capture the "essence" or personality of a person in her photos. I think it's safe to say that she has done it again, especially with the Brat. Check out Lisa's website to see more of her work or to schedule an appointment.

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Thursday June 22, 2006

Toys! Toys! Toys!

This has been an awesome week for Derek's electronic toy collection. Not only did I get a brand spanking new iPod, but I also got a new cell phone. This one actually blows away my clunky old phone. Now I can listen to the radio through my phone while I take a photo with it at the same time.

I was dreading the telephone exchange. There's nothing more exciting than spending an evening entering a hundred numbers from one phone to another. It wouldn't take long before an RSI sets in on your thumbs.

Enter the discovery of the magical SIMS card. This mysterious card let me copy all of the numbers from one phone to another, saving my poor thumbs for more exciting things, like typing this blog entry. I'm not sure what SIMS stands for, but I think it may be Surely It'll Make it Simpler or Surprise! It's Magic Stupid.

Whatever the case, I praise ye Chinese scientists who invented the SIMS card. Your toil and spree intellect has made it easy for this stupid American enter his phone numbers.

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Monday June 19, 2006

ipod, you pod, lets all pod together!

The Brat and Her Majesty took me shopping for a father’s day present today. The Brat gets me something nice every year, but this year her gift was amazing! I am the proud new owner of a baby boy. We went to the adoption agency and signed the final paperwork to pick up our son. It'd been a long wait, as he was shipped clear from Nairobi, but he finally arrived. We had to drive clear to Chicago to pick him up since UPS wouldn't deliver him to our P.O. Box.

Okay, you got me! I'm just kidding about the adopted son, but they got me something even better! A new black 30 gigabyte iPod Video! It's awesome!!!!! I've already put several hundred songs on it and a whole butt-load of podcasts that I regularly listen to.

Many of you may remember that I had a Ilo mp3 player before and that I loved it. Well, comparing it to this iPod is like comparing an old ten-speed bicycle to a brand new Harley!

My favorite feature is probably how I can shut the thing off in the middle of a podcast and resume playing it at the exact spot later in the day. It can also play videos and show photos and stuff, but I'm still working on figuring all of that out. Right now I'm more than satisfied with just hearing audio on it.

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Saturday June 17, 2006

Letters, we get letters........

In response to Friday's post:

Dude just drop it, you have no idea how high this thing goes!

- Poe

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Friday June 16, 2006

Rockin' Robin.

Why is it that birds crap on everything in the park except the ground? Do these small winged creatures have a higher intellect that we give them credit for? No matter where I go to sit, it is covered with bird droppings, while the surrounding areas remain poop free! Surely this proves that our little flying friends possess some sort of sense of humor, right? Why else would they dive bomb the picnic tables and benches while leaving everything else untouched?
I often see large groups of birds sitting on the trash barrels, yet they remain unsoiled. So the tables obviously aren't covered in crap just because the birds sit on them. If that were the case, then not only would the trash barrels be covered, but the ground below the trees would be waist deep with bird crap.

No, the birds are laughing at us. Reveling in the way that we sit on feces covered wooden tables. Maybe it's payback for all of the childhood years where I hunted sparrows with my Daisy BB-gun. Who really knows? One thing is for certain though, there is a conspiracy afoot.

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Friday June 16, 2006

Letters, we get letters........

I got several positive emails today about my self-policing of my posts. But then I also got this message........

What the (explicative)? You've gotta be (explicative) kidding me. If you were a chick, I'd kick you right in the (explicative). I only read your post for the (explicative) foul language. (Explicative explicative explicative), you little (explicative)!

- Name withheld because I am a swell guy.

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Friday June 16, 2006

Check our new grills!

Oh, alright! They're not new grills, they're just some chewing gum wrappers.

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Thursday June 15, 2006

A truly stupid lapse in judgement.

Dear Internet,

I am an idiot! When I started this thing back in 2004, the site was always kept to what I believed was a "PG-13" rating. But I've had a lot of really life-changing things going on in the past few months. Some good, some bad, but all of them had set me in the most cynical, foul mouthed mood that I'd been in for years. So lately I've let this site slip down the path of an "R" rating. And since I feel that my content may be driving away my normal readership (or attracting unwanted readership), I will be going back into the Archives to remove and/or reword some entries.

Don't worry though, I don't intend to change any content, merely modify or tone-down the manner of how things are presented. I want this blog to be something that is safe for my daughter to read. So if my colorful, foul language has upset anyone, I apologize and intend on correcting it. I truly hope that I have your support in this matter.... dammit.

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Wednesday June 14, 2006

Interview tips for young designers applying for a position at a conservative company:

The following tips were compiled after speaking with a young man applying for a graphic design position. Each tip actually relates to statements made while reviewing his portfolio. Young designers take heed and remember these!

Tip 1.) Don't tout your extensive experience and then stammer when asked to name some of your past clients.

Tip 2.) Don't talk about your band "Ring of Dead Children" during the interview.

Tip 3.) Make sure that your primary design work isn't about supporting pornography and how you personally support porn.

Tip 4.) When providing a url of sample web-designs, make sure that it's not your weird personal site.

Tip 5.) If you break Tip #4, make sure that the site doesn't state it's support of bigamy, polygamy, pagans and transsexuals.

Tip 6.) The plight of the Ethiopians in the early 1990's should not be worked into the interview. Ever.

Tip 7.) Don't talk about how all of your work is based off of some 1960's Pop Art artist of no real relevance

Tip 8.) Unless your mother is Hillary Clinton, Angelina Jolie, or the Holy Mary, don't go on and on about her.

Tip 9.) If you bring samples of your fine art intaglio prints, please don't set the metal plates on the expensive conference table.

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Tuesday June 13, 2006

Raising The Bar? You've gotta' be kidding me!

We received a letter for Cingular telling us that our phone service was going to be cut off on July 10th. No, we didn't forget to pay our bills, nor did we do anything to piss off the company.......yet. The letter refers to Cingular's decision to end everyone's service in my local and surrounding counties. I had heard of this decision months ago, but disregarded it as some sort of local urban myth.

"How can they break every customer's contract? And more importantly, WHY would they break those contracts?"

So I set my cynicism aside. I was more likely to believe in a local Sasquatch sighting than a company "dumping" the revenue of several hundreds of customers.

But alas, it is true. After mid July, we will all have to search for a new mobile provider. (That's no small feat when you live in a town of 5000 people!) I don't understand why Cingular would sell us the service to begin with if they new that they would be shutting the area off.

I seriously hope someone loses their friggin' job over this. Not that it causes a life threatening situation or anything, but because of the immense annoyance factor. Now that we are losing our service, we have to go through all of the hassle of telling all of our friends and family our new numbers. Yep, you heard right. NEW NUMBERS! Apparently the Local Number Portability law passed by the FCC in November of 2003 doesn't pertain to us. I mean, why listen to the law when you are bailing out of hundreds of contracts anyway.

I seriously hope that they don't want their phones back, because I know at least three of them will be on ebay very, very soon. Way to take a dump on your customers Cingular! You are clearly raising the bar........ for angy customers.

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Monday June 12, 2006

It's my time to shine!

I never realized it, but I discovered some startling news. According to a piece of mail that I received, I'm not the man that I thought that I was. Apparently I'm not a man at all, but actually a teenage girl!

Why do I think this? Because I was sent a form for enrollment into the Miss Teen USA pageant.

So I guess from now on I should focus more on shaving my legs than my face. So upon discovering that I am actually a girl, I will have to make some major lifestyle changes. Most notably, I'll have to stop standing up to pee, and I'll have to somehow develop an unnatural attraction to Ashton Kutcher.

Talk about your case of mistaken identity, SHEESH!

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Sunday June 11, 2006

More fun with SPAM.

SPAM messages often use bizarre statements to demonstrate their points. Sometimes it's obvious that the sentences are written by foreigners who only have a slight grasp of the English language. Here is an example of the benefits to taking Cialis Soft tabs and my response to the claims made in the email.

Cialis Soft Tabs is the new impotence treatment drug that everyone is talking about. It has benefits over Viagra and other ED treatment solutions. Here goes some reasons to choose Cialis Soft Tabs:
1. You can mix alcohol drinks with Cialis Soft Tabs without any undesired effects.
Does anybody else predict a popular new drink called the "Screaming Mimi?"

2.Cialis Soft Tabs does not make you feel dizzy or make vision blurred, so you can easily drive a car or operate heavy machinery.
Thank god those construction workers operating the wrecking ball can now demolish and erect at the same time. Is the union okay with that?

3.Cialis soft tabs works much faster than any known ED treatment solution. Cialis Soft Tabs enters the bloodstream directly instead of going through the stomach, thus you need only 15 minutes till you feel the effect.
It goes directly into the bloodstream and it still takes 15 minutes. Geez, it must take a loooooong time for that blood to reach the old guy's penis.

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Sunday June 11, 2006

A note to my old CCD friends.

I'm sure that most of you have heard by now about Leslie's battle with brain cancer. If this is the first that you have heard of it, I am posting a series of emails sent by Robyn M. telling about the situation.

Subject: Leslie Gipson
Date: Saturday, June 10, 2006 8:36 PM

"I was at the Little Theatre in Sullivan today. After the show we went to Sisters to eat. There was a benefit notice for Lesilie. She has been diagnosed with canceous brain tumor. The benefit is to raise money for her medical bills. It's July 1 at the Shelbyville VFW, There is a $5.00 donation for food and DJ. They have set up a account for her at First Federal Savings and Loan. More information 259-9942 or 273-8752."

Subject: Update on Leslie
Date: Sunday, June 11, 2006 4:13 PM

"Called the number for a contact. Leslie had donated her hair to Locks of Love before she lost is to chemo. She is in the fight of her life. If we can go to this benefit we really need to. She has a 50/50 chance of making it 5 years. The contact person was so happy I called. I told her to be sure and let her know we were praying for her and if we couldn't make the benefit, we'd definately get some money in that account set for her. I was, of course, talking for myself, but if anyone can help, I know you will."

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Saturday June 10, 2006

Fun with SPAM.

Have you ever noticed how little the subject lines in SPAM differ, even when they are selling totally unrelated things? I get around 20 items of SPAM a day, and no I'm not talking about that delicious potted meat Spam either, I mean the junk mail SPAM. But I digress. Most of my junk mail relates to two types of offer; those which will make my investment portfolio bigger, and those which will make my hootie-hoo bigger.

So as a test, here are some subject lines for both types of SPAM. See if you can tell which subject line refers to which offer.

Momentous huge growth!
Answer: Stock

Never seen stuff Rock hard manhood, multiple explosions and several times more semen volume
Answer: okay, that one was easy! Medicine.

Never-seen Boost to astonishing levels.
Answer: Medicine

Inexpensive high quality
Answer: Stock

test dyk
Answer: Medicine

overwhelmingly important information
Answer: Stock

Nothing hiDden Anymore
Answer: Stock

the information is in the letter and more of this stuff inside
Answer: Medicine

test iaw
Answer: Stock

you might be interested in this
Answer: Medicine

look through the message watch more inside
Answer: Stock

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Friday June 9, 2006

Back in Blak.

I won a contest today at work and the prize was this weird new "soda" from Coca Cola called Coke Blak. It's packaged in a dark bottle and is some sort of coffee/soda hybrid drink!!!! Mmmmmm......... should keep me up all night long, right?

Wrong! As soon as this putrid liquid hit my mouth I knew that it was the drink of the devil. I don't know who in their right mind decided that this was a good combination. I like Coke, a lot. And I LOVE coffee (I drink about 11 cups per day of black, unsweetened coffee)! So you'd think that I of all people would be orgasmic over the combination in Coke Blak. But alas, it was not to be. If there was a surefire way to concentrate pure evil into a liquid form, it would be this foul concoction.

Ye be forewarned. Beware the Coke Blak.

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Friday June 9, 2006

Family Photos.

Our friend Lisa Tebbe sent us a preliminary photo of the Brat last week. Lisa always adds a modern and highly stylized look to her subjects. It may have been years since many of you have seen our daughter and Lisa has captured her attitude extremely well.

I'll be sure and post more of the photos after we get them in.

If you like her work and want to see more or inquire about setting up an appointment, click here: The Studio

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Thursday June 8, 2006

And visions of skeletons danced through their heads.

I'm thinking of a new halloween decoration that will essentially be a bunch of my cheap skulls put together to make a massive pile. I'm not sure if I want it to be a big, tall column of skulls, or something shorter, but wider. I'd like to make it something that I can out in the yard in October, but stable enough to stand up to the elements and the vandals which seem to abound in that month.

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Wednesday June 7, 2006


Yep, I am sitting alone at our community park. I am that big creepy guy that all of the parents are keeping a watchful eye on. I don't blame them of course. I mean, I AM a 240lbs. guy sitting alone at a picnic table, smoking cigarettes and typing into a handheld computer! How much weirder could a guy be? Maybe I should wear goggles, galoshes and yell "J-J-J-JEHOVAH!!!" really loud when anyone comes near. Yeah, that'd REALLY be disturbing, wouldn't it?

Yeah.................. lunch pretty much sucks anymore. Maybe I'll just start working through it.

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Tuesday June 6, 2006

A day of Revelations?

I spotted this sign on my way to work this morning! Why would a Christian church promote a John Wayne impersonator on their sign? Are they claiming that The Duke is God? It says worship for The Duke is at 9am and 6pm, right?

Is John Wayne the false prophet that is spoken of in the book of Revelations? It’s a most heinous thought, especially since today is the 6th day of the 6th month of the 6th year. But rest easy my friends! Nothing foul or sinister is at play here. No, the Christians are merely celebrating an important person in God’s scheme of life.

Most people don't know it, but John Wayne is the person who guards the pearly gates of Heaven. It's true! He and his single cancer-free lung have served as the Chief of Security for innocent souls since 1979. He's a vigilant guardian who keeps a watchful eye on all those who try to enter. Dedicated and watchful, The Duke will remain Heaven’s sentry until Clint Eastwood dies and there is a changing of the guard.

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Monday June 5, 2006 - Evening

Just who's kid is this anyway?

The Brat has been grounded since the first day of her summer vacation. I won't go into detail as to why, but suffice to say that she was grounded for the ENTIRE summer. No television, telephones, friends, or music is allowed. Since then, she has learned her lesson. She's a bright kid and understands why she was being punished. She's also working a couple of part time jobs to earn herself some spending cash. Like I said, she's a smart kid. And frugal, much like her mother. Last weekend she purchased a CD because it was on sale, even though she realized that she wouldn't be able to listen to it until she was ungrounded.

Needless to say, she has behaved so well since her grounding, that Her Majesty and I decided to go ahead and unground her today. The ungrounding led to the following conversation:

Me: "Okay Brat! You've behaved so well lately that we're going to unground you."

The Brat: "From everything?"

Me: "Yes, from everything.""

The Brat: "Even my music?"

Me: "Yes, even your music."

The Brat: "So I can do anything?"

Me: "Yes, anything."

The Brat: "even ride an otter?!"

Me: "............."

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Monday June 5, 2006

As seen and noted.

Spotted this painful example of how it must feel to have to poop Lincoln logs.

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Sunday June 4, 2006

On Golden Pond.

I noticed something bizarre today that I have noticed before, but never pondered upon. There are two types of men that use public restrooms. No I'm not talking straight and gay, black and white or anything as obvious as that. This difference shows no overt distinctions whatsoever, that is, until a bladder is being drained.

I don't know if any of you other guys have experienced this, but I have discovered the two types of men. Men are either drainers, or squirters. I myself am a drainer, meaning that when I pee, I release a constant stream of urine until my bladder is empty. My observations have led me to believe that most other men are drainers also. But there are some guys out there who don't release a solid stream, but instead release short, repetitive bursts of pee. I'm not sure why one would do this, all I want to do is get rid of the pee, not engage in some sort of bizarre prostate “pushups”. Perhaps there is a reason that they release the pulsing stream into the urinal. Maybe its a game that I never learned, or perhaps its some sort of tantric method to enhance an adult’s “lghts out” activities.

So am I strange for wondering about this? Am I the only one confused by this? Does everyone else actually shoot burst of piss and I am the freaky one? Hmmmmm........ the world may never know. Check back tomorrow when I tackle yet another bathroom mystery: “If you shake it more than twice, is it really playing with it?”

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Saturday June 3, 2006

Boys will be boys.

(Warning: This link is NSFW if your monitor's resolution is set to 1680x12550 and your manager/spouse/kid/priest is standing exactly seven feet behind you.)

I stumbled across this site from a link on another blog and just HAD to investigate. Be careful when going there because it is definitely not a work-safe website. It just goes to show you that even the super geeky, Trekkie, uber geeks of men can't keep away from porn. Will ASCII Porn be the next wave to lead us Americans into the bowels of hell? Somehow I don't think so.

It's a testament to the perversion of all of us. I mean, what type of guy takes the time to create this stuff, anyway? I can almost visualize some sweaty geek, face glowing from his green screen monitor as he draws his woman in ASCII. Geez.............

On a happy note, I don't feel nearly as geeky (nor as perverse) as I did before I learned of that site! (Personal note: So buck up Eddie B! You're nowhere near as geeky as you thought.)

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Friday June 2, 2006

Stalking JP.

I walk past JPoe's house every night on my evening walk. He lives in a second story apartment and I always look to see if I can see him so that I can yell "Josh!!!! Let down your hair! " to him, but he's never there. So I decided to send him this deliciously awkward email out of the blue, yesterday. But in the traditional J Poe fashion, he turned it around on me and made it even more bizarre....

Me: Dude! I pass by your apartment at about 10 every night. I noticed that your window fan was moved. Is everything okay??

JPoe: Yes everything is fine, there is nothing to worry about, they are treating us very well, they say that we will be given care packages at Christmas, there is no reason to form a rescue party to come save us (but if you do, get Chuck Norris to lead it, he can do ANYTHING), the overlords are coming this way so I must get back to work, remember, be happy in your word, the only way to true happiness is to work,

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Thursday June 1, 2006 - Evening

As quoted by The Brat.

"Nothing smells quite as nice as an old, musty Edgar Allen Poe book."

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Thursday June 1, 2006

Ummmmm, yeah, that's about it.

And on today's agenda, we have a pretty light amount of work, don't you think?!

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Wednesday May 31, 2006

Letters, we get letters........

Okay, okay! I got tons of letters from people I don't even know. (Like a Rhinestone Cowboy!) I also got letters from either people whom I know, or those who _ don't know, but are frequent contributors to the site. Thanks to all for your concern. I will continue to post my thoughts - and regardless if they be good or bad, they will always be honest. Below are some snippets of email that I have received when I announced that I may quit posting a blog.

Are we having a bad day? I hope you don't dump the blog... it's how I get my fix. *thinly veiled threat* Hooooo.... just hang on there big dog. and SPILL! What's going on?
- White Raven

If you quit the die!!! And while I'm at it, I may just hunt down that worthless putz, Aaron Zane and slap his bitch ass around as well. What do you think about that?? Huh??

Unstably yours
- Schaljo

Bad Day? Yes I read it every couple days. It helps me to feel like I am still in touch. I always enjoy reading it and it always make me laugh. Some times it even makes me feel like I am still at work because I proof read your spelling errors!

- BDahnke

What is up with your weblog......what happened?????? What is wrong?

-Lisa T

Please don't stop writing your blog. Reading it is the highlight of my days. It's like reading the great American novel, only a day at a time. It is the only thing that makes my life worth living. I don't know if I can continue without it! I just made that one up. Never mind.

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