Wednesday July 26, 2006

The Carnivore of retail.

Our tiny little town has gotten a recent addition which promises to be both a blessing and a boon to our lives. I am, of course, speaking about Super-Walmart. We always hear about how Wal-Mart is single handedly destroying the small businesses of America and how it is ultimately going to be the downfall of our great nation. I remember hearing on NPR last year that eight cents out of every dollar spent in the US goes to Wal-Mart. But then I also know that this “evil empire” is also the second biggest employer in America, second only to our own US Government. So Wal-Mart takes our money, but then returns some of it to its employers.

I’ve also been told that the entrance of this Super Wal-Mart will devastate our small town businesses. I understand that a lot of small businesses will be impacted by the store’s opening, and that some of these businesses will ultimately have to shut their doors. But then I have to ask; Can I walk into any of these small businesses whenever I want? I mean, If it’s three in the morning and I have to purchase a pack of sausage links, some AAA batteries, the new Dixie Chicks CD, and a futon, could I do that at any of these other, smaller businesses? I say thee nay!

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In an ironic twist, so far the only business which has closed it’s doors since the new Super Wal-Mart has opened, is our old Wal-Mart. So, what have we learned? Wal-Mart is cheap, convenient, and carnivorous.

Wednesday July 26, 2006

Additional Entry of Note.

You know that your company has made it big-time whenever Micro$oft Outlook has the name of your company listed in it's spell check dictionary!

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Tuesday July 25, 2006

What do I appreciate?

Just what is love? This is love........

Getting up early to make my coffee because you knew that I was tired.

Not being mad at me even when I am mad at the entire world.

Staying awake for me when I get home and it's after your usual bed-time

Cooking something for dinner just because you know that I like it.

Not calling the mental hospital whenever I dance around the house, singing for no apparent reason

Buying things for me when you go on a shopping trip.

Waiting on me while I spend time updating this blog.

Monday July 24, 2006

Yes, I am Alive.

I've been exceptionally busy since I returned to work. It's just my luck to return from vacation and then have to work an 85 hour week to keep up. This whole week has basically consisted of this routine:

8am - arrive at work
11pm - arrive at home

Such is the life of a graphic designer. I hope to begin posting regularly since things will be slowing down and I will actually be home a bit. Man! I need a vacation!

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Thursday July 20, 2006

Questions can get you in trouble.

Her Majesty, The Brat and I met up for dinner this evening. I was working late and they drove up to meet with me and then meet up with friends. I of course, would go immediately back to work after dinner because that's what I do nowdays.

After ordering our food, we sat at a booth and Her Majesty immediately got a call on her cell-phone. She said “Hello.” and then stood up and walked outside to take the call. The Brat and I sat waiting for her for a few minutes, before she spoke.

The Brat: “Dad, is Mom an assassin?”

Me: “No honey, your mother is not an assassin.”

Awkward Silence........

Me: “She’s a secret agent.”

The Brat: "Are you a secret agent too?”

Me: “Yes I am.”

The Brat: “Have you ever tried to kill mom because she’s a secret agent too? You know, like in that Mr. and Mrs. Smith movie.”

Me: “No honey, but I've never been ordered too.”

The Brat: “You know, Your not really a secret agent if you told me.”

Me: “I know. Now I have to kill you.”

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Sunday July 16, 2006
Saturday July 15, 2006

Letters, we get letters........

In regards to the Sunday, July 9th post:

I hear butt pirates like to shave...

- Timmaa

You hear butt pirates Tim??!! God Lord!!! Get out of there while you can still walk!!!!

Thursday July 13, 2006

How a bunch of rain nearly killed me

I took my two youngest brothers camping yesterday. It had been a long time coming,, as I had been promising to take them all summer, but never had the chance to do it. I knew that I had to follow through though since the oldest of the two will be turning 18 soon and be off on his own. So this was my final chance to spend some time with both of them. I knew that it wasn't going to be easy! The temperature was in the 90's and the humidity was so high that it felt like we were breathing water. But we went anyway and arrived at the pond around 2:00pm.

Our intentions were to fish through the day and take a break around 7pm. Then we planned on fishing again around dusk, after our bellies were full of roasted hotdogs and soda.

Immediately upon arrival, we set up our tent. Yes, a tent. I'm neither fancy enough nor wealthy enough to own a camper. The pond is surrounded by woods and after searching for some high ground, we pitched the tent underneath four gigantic trees. It was perfect. We chose the areas because the trees were huge and provided both shade and a natural "umbrella" for the tent since there was a chance of thunderstorms later that night.

We spent more time trying to start a fire than anything else. It had been raining here for the past few days and we couldn't find any dry sticks or leaves to build the fire. But eventually it took off and we had a decent fire to roast out hotdogs. After the fire was built, we fished in the sweltering heat and eventually caught a small mess of bass, bluegill and red-ear.

But then the rain came. Not just any rain, mind you, but a hellish torrential downpour that made the ground hiss and sizzle. So we headed for the tent and spent most of the night in there. From around 9pm on, we sat in the "waterproof" tent, watching as the seams dripped and small puddles seeped inside from the tents floor. But we were determined to stay. So the three of us sat inside with our flashlights, talking and joking around. While this wasn't the camping trip that I had planned, it was still a lot of fun.

It was around midnight when we heard a horrendous crash to the east of us and we ran outside to investigate. Our flashlights revealed that a large branch had crashed to the ground not 30 feet away from us. The rotten wood had given way to the weight of the wet branch. We went back into the tent and sat, listening to the hooting owls and the cries of the nearby coyotes. We joked about how their shrill baying would scare someone not accustomed to hearing it.

Although we were having fun. It was apparent that there would be no sleep for any of us that night. The water had began pudding at our feet, and we had to continually move our gear to keep it dry. Hours passed and we kept talking until we were surprised to hear a loud cracking and then the while of a falling tree. It sounded like it was directly above us and we waited for it to crush us, as we were stuck in the tent, unable to do anything. The familiar crash of a limb echoed in the night and we once again ran our to nervously investigate. Another limb, this one much bigger than the first had fallen and struck the ground less then 15 feet away from us, We shuddered as we realized that if it had fallen on us, we would all have had broken bones if not have been killed under it's weight. Even more terrifying is that it had fallen in the spot where we were originally intended on pitching the tent!!!!

Shaken, but determined to stay, we moved our essential gear into the truck and sat in the cab until the storm ended. At about 3am we tried to fish some more, but the lack of sleep was wearing us down. We packed our gear and broke down camp just before daybreak to return home and catch some much needed rest.

Left: My two "little" brothers (both of who are taller than me already) preparing to set some stuff on fire as soon as we arrive at the campsight.

Right: The branch that damn near killed us all. Sorry for the grainy photo, but it was taken in the dark and I had to adjust the photo like crazy in order for the tent to show up.

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Tuesday July 11, 2006

Sunday July 9, 2006

Yes, but is he a butt pirate?

Her Majesty took the Brat and I to watch the new "Pirates of the Caribbean". The effects were simply amazing on this film. The squid-faced Davy Jones character was realistically disgusting. I'd give the flick two big thumbs up!

And I pose this question to you. If you have seen either of the movies, you've no doubt noticed the peculiar mannerisms of Captain Jack Sparrow (played by Johnny Depp). Do you think that the captain is gay, or merely flamboyant? I myself think he's gay, but both Her Majesty and the Brat disagree. My theory is that "not all gay men are that flamboyant, but only gay men are that flaboyant." Opinions????

Regardless, Depp is awesome in the role. I can't even imagine anyone else being able to play that character. The movie ends with a cliff-hanger, and if I've ever saw a movie set itself up for a sequel, it's gotta' be this one. The ending almost reminded me of one of those 1930's serial movies.

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Saturday July 8, 2006

Letters, we get letters........

White Raven sent in this email which addresses both my lack of posting and my apparent all-around laziness:

Egad! I miss the blog already. How am I to survive when you go to China?

*sigh* How's your vaca going? Hope you're having a blast and lying on the couch a lot.

- White Raven

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Thursday July 6, 2006

Mystery Hunters.

I got an email the other day from a lady named Dina, who works for a television show called "Mystery Hunters." The show is aired throughout the UK and Canada, but also airs on the Discovery Channel.

According to Dina, they are producing a show this series on the Chupacabra and ran across my "photos" while researching images of the beast. The exciting news is that they want to use the images of my Chupacabra sculpture for the show.

So after sending the photos via email, I hurried and mailed the release form to their production studio in Montreal. The Chupacabra episode is currently in post production, so hopefully they will get the images and release in time for use.

I'll let you all know when the show airs, if I am notified. For allowing the use of the images, I'm supposed to get a "byline" in the credits and a copy of the show on dvd.

This isn't the first time that my artwork has been on television though. Friends may remember several years ago when a logo that I designed ended up being shown repeatedly on "Survivor." Butch Lockley, the school principal from a nearby town, wore a t-shirt which featured a school logo for the entire season. A logo which just happened to be my first freelance job - ever. So while it wasn't rally anything amazing, it was still cool to see it in one of my favorite shows.

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Tuesday July 4, 2006

Independence Day 06.

Tonight we went to watch the Indianapolis Symphony Orchestra play an outdoor concert in tribute to our military, both past and present. They sounded amazing! The heavy, night air echoed with their music. For the finale, the symphony played to an accompanying fireworks display.

There isn't any way to show you just how many people were there to watch the event in a single photo/ The above shot is a composite of 5 separate photos that I have spliced together. It displays the magnitude of the show fairly well. If you look behind the Brat's head, you can see the red tinted lights of the Symphony's open-faced auditorium.

The Brat caught some amazing shots of the fireworks display! I wish that I had room to show them all, but I'm going to keep it down to the two shots above. The center photo shows a close-up (well......closer-up at least.) of the symphony.

One bit of strangeness that I did note: I got really excited about going to the show because I heard that there was an Apple Store on the grounds. But once we got there, I think nothing more than a devious ploy to get me to go to the symphony. Hmm...... I wonder if Apple Computer would frown on this!

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